I hold it (and other things) against her whenever it suits my “needs”That f*cking @PeetzPoolBoy's master's quote is gold for all time!
Anthony, when will the general public get to see or learn about what has been uncovered in the review of the Freeh materials? Why is the court still holding back? Why is the BOT Majority not willing to allow it to see the light of day?
We alums and fans and friends of PSU just continue to have to put up with the ridiculous stuff said about us, about JVP, about PSU by the media and by the public. Enough is enough. If we have something to counter all that, we deserve to learn of it and have our PSU leadership scream it loud and clear from the top of Mt. Nittany. At that point, the public and media can choose to continue to ignore it, but at least we get our swings at bat.
I have no doubt you agree and are doing what you can. Some updates on all this would be appreciated. Too many of us have put our faith in what you and the others are finding.
And if there's nothing, so be it. But closure is needed.
Thanks for reading if you're still with me at this point!
I sincerely appreciate your efforts, but barring “earthshaking testimony” during the doubtful retrial of Jerry (which we all know is being vigorously contested by “the powers”), the well-sown “message” from your list of abbeters is so engrained in the public forum, that it can’t be effectively altered.I do agree with you.
This story is far from over...
Ken Frazier
John Surma
Ira Lubert
Tom Corbett
Ron Tomalis
Karen Peetz
Keith Masser
Frank Fina
Louis Freeh
Greg Paw
Barbara Mathers
Kathleen McChesney
Omar McNeil
Mark Emmert
Donald Remy
Jim Delaney
Cynthia Baldwin
Any others I cannot recall at this time. No, this story is far from over.
I do agree with you.
This story is far from over...
Ken Frazier
John Surma
Ira Lubert
Tom Corbett
Ron Tomalis
Karen Peetz
Keith Masser
Frank Fina
Louis Freeh
Greg Paw
Barbara Mathers
Kathleen McChesney
Omar McNeil
Mark Emmert
Donald Remy
Jim Delaney
Cynthia Baldwin
Any others I cannot recall at this time. No, this story is far from over.
Where the **** is Dambly? You know, the bot's best example of exemplary morals that was trotted out to lecture everyone on how Paterno had failed morally.
His was but a bit player, following rather than leading.
I hope you write a book when you're done.
I do agree with you.
This story is far from over...
Ken Frazier
John Surma
Ira Lubert
Tom Corbett
Ron Tomalis
Karen Peetz
Keith Masser
Frank Fina
Louis Freeh
Greg Paw
Barbara Mathers
Kathleen McChesney
Omar McNeil
Mark Emmert
Donald Remy
Jim Delaney
Cynthia Baldwin
Any others I cannot recall at this time. No, this story is far from over.
So, do we have to wait for nearly everyone on that list to fess up on their death beds. I got news.... It will never happen
Won’t happen. To do so would be career suicide and it isn’t a topic worth losing one’s career over.So when does the mainstream media pick up on the prosecutorial misconduct that is so blatant in this case? Why doesn’t any real reporter (the unfake fake news kind) jump on this?
So when does the mainstream media pick up on the prosecutorial misconduct that is so blatant in this case?
Saw that pic of Jonelle Assbach in that article and thought it looked very familar. Then it hit me. The resemblance is uncanny.
Ah, chocolate world!! Looks like Jonelle's familiar with the place.
This is one view. A little too narrow for my taste but I get it.Won’t happen. To do so would be career suicide and it isn’t a topic worth losing one’s career over.
It’s passionate to us, but not many others.
This is the big picture view that takes a much broader perspective on the media's involvement in this "Shiz Volcano".When and if it becomes lucrative to do so.
One can only hope that this information gets more attention by the Main Stream Media, especially in front of the upcoming HBO Happy Valley docudrama...So when does the mainstream media pick up on the prosecutorial misconduct that is so blatant in this case? Why doesn’t any real reporter (the unfake fake news kind) jump on this?
A slightly related question: On the possibility that the folks from ESPN's Gameday will be visiting us the weekend of October 21, are you aware of any plans to address their scandal emphasis?I do agree with you.
This story is far from over...
Ken Frazier
John Surma
Ira Lubert
Tom Corbett
Ron Tomalis
Karen Peetz
Keith Masser
Frank Fina
Louis Freeh
Greg Paw
Barbara Mathers
Kathleen McChesney
Omar McNeil
Mark Emmert
Donald Remy
Jim Delaney
Cynthia Baldwin
Any others I cannot recall at this time. No, this story is far from over.
For you lawyers on board, what does it take to create a case for prosecutorial misconduct? Who would file the case? There's so much here that damaged Penn State and it's employees that this cannot go without prosecution. We have and continue to pay the price yet those who created this mess go free. Easy to see why people call Pennsylvania and their judges a legal whorehouse.
A slightly related question: On the possibility that the folks from ESPN's Gameday will be visiting us the weekend of October 21, are you aware of any plans to address their scandal emphasis?
One tactic would be to ignore them. No crowd around their area. No screaming fans. That would look good on TV.
This thread prompted me to wonder what happened to Barry Fenchak. I have to think he would be posting in this thread if he had not been exiled by the mods, and I have a vague recollection that he was in fact exiled or given a time out. But guys come back all the time with different handles, so I remain surprised that he has not posted of late.
He’s aroundThis thread prompted me to wonder what happened to Barry Fenchak. I have to think he would be posting in this thread if he had not been exiled by the mods, and I have a vague recollection that he was in fact exiled or given a time out. But guys come back all the time with different handles, so I remain surprised that he has not posted of late.
This thread prompted me to wonder what happened to Barry Fenchak. I have to think he would be posting in this thread if he had not been exiled by the mods, and I have a vague recollection that he was in fact exiled or given a time out. But guys come back all the time with different handles, so I remain surprised that he has not posted of late.
Dude: Your gif game is strong. But your avatar photo is even stronger. PROPS.
I see him on FB, his birthday was yesterday.This thread prompted me to wonder what happened to Barry Fenchak. I have to think he would be posting in this thread if he had not been exiled by the mods, and I have a vague recollection that he was in fact exiled or given a time out. But guys come back all the time with different handles, so I remain surprised that he has not posted of late.
So was my wife's. Not sure what to make of that, if anything.I see him on FB, his birthday was yesterday.
So was my wife's. Not sure what to make of that, if anything.
Good question. I will ask her. Was at dinner with her last night, celebrating her birthday, and the waitress served both our bread and our salad with tongs (two different sets). Guess who I was thinking of at that moment.Does your wife share in his OUTRAGE.?
None of this matters now. Public opinion is against Penn State and Paterno so anything that comes out now that shows that McQueary or anyone else lied or jumped the gun is irrelevant in the court of the media or public opinion.
Sadly, you are correct. Those supposedly "in the know" waited far too long to take action. While not as culpable as our OGBOT, they share in the blame.None of this matters now. Public opinion is against Penn State and Paterno so anything that comes out now that shows that McQueary or anyone else lied or jumped the gun is irrelevant in the court of the media or public opinion.
At least the cows from Hershey told the truth about how their product is made. The cow from York County, not so much.I don't know about that but there are a lot of puppets in those two photos.
Regardless of the public perception endgame, I'd still love to see all of those listed squirm in some public forum about how they royally screwed the pooch. I want their dirty laundry aired.None of this matters now. Public opinion is against Penn State and Paterno so anything that comes out now that shows that McQueary or anyone else lied or jumped the gun is irrelevant in the court of the media or public opinion.