Everything you say is fine with the exception of "second account of abuse." When was the first account? I thought no charges were brought? Would this not indicate no abuse took place? The "Lasch incident" allegedly witnessed by McQueary, is also in dispute. Dad advised MM to wait and speak to JVP......not call LE of CYS. Don't you think that is odd for a confirmed witness to child sexual abuse. Dr. Dranov is on record stating that nothing he heard the night of the incident indicated to him that LE needed to be notified.
Without getting into the JS trial, or what he may or may not be guilty of......
Short of Alan Myers the "little boy in the shower" known "only to God," never stepped forward to accept his 3 million.
The culpability of PSU and its administrators is a Commonwealth creation. The reaction of Curley and Schultz, mirrors that of Dranov and Senior, Raykovitz and Heim.
Curley and Schultz were screwed when Kelly poster boarded them with JS and there can only be 2 reasons....Fina was pissed at Baldwin's foot dragging and or she was already following the script when she told them not to review notes and they were not a target when she incredibly sat in on their GJ testimony (and later claimed she did not represent them, even though both stated she did).
There are judges in The Commonwealth that are so beholding to corruption that like the presiding judge the other day....they are clearly scripted. I would ask how and why if that is not the case would that asshole bring up JVP? Yet, no mention of the failures of TSM and Jack Raykovitz?