Wow talk about airing someone's dirty laundry guess it's good I'm not on there anymore that's horrible wtf. Lmfao. That's actually pretty embarrassing. Glad I grew out of that stage anyhow thanks for reminding me. Keeps me humble and reminds me there's a lot more important in life than making a point and getting the last wordSince you asked, maybe one of these?
“Whatever bud play your ten year old games. I'm betting everything I have a higher iq than you”
“I made my point I'll be respectful now. It's not about the last word for me it's about making the point that if I come in peace why am I being attacked. It's not gentlemen like anyhow I said my part I'll be respectful”
“Lol it is. I think Iowa ran out of corn they are real jumpy on this board today”
“No genius your an idiot”
“WOW. All ready to jump on the poor guy for saying something positive about an Iowa wrestler. Join the club it happened on four other threads tonight. Iowa run out of corn or something”
“Now I'm crazy. So let's see. I'm boring, crazy, dumb, moronic, stupid and trolling. And just imagine I came on here to talk wrestling and normally I show respect to everyone. Then one person attacks me for no reason then I respond and it gets crazy. Welcome to hr right. I'm not the problem here...”
“Your smarter than that you know exactly what this is. Same shit as after nationals. Iowa fans slamming everyone that doesn't say something they like. What a bunch of whiners. I stick up for gt and they get mad.”
“To rule you up. Obviously they care they respond. Your an idiot what makes you think anybody cares what you think. Crawl back in your hole. That's the response from the supposedly most knowledgeable fans of wrestling. Your All a joke lol. Lmfao”
“He will probably back it with the delusional cesspool we both are on right now. He had nothing to back it up with none of them do.”
“Those mat monkeys really aren't that smart”
“So free with the insults. I bet your one of those little dueshebag that talks tough all the time but cant back it up. Yep that's you you don't need to answer. Dumb ass”
“What an idiotic statement”
“Check every post I severed pjt on here I always respond never come on here to bash I stick up for those being bombarded with ignorance. I come in peace to talk wrestling of course I'm going to respond to some pedo bullshit by some loudmouth every time. Not to mention the guys that call you...”
“Biggest pussy in the room is always the loudest and man you are loud. Keep talking that's all you do”
“He can't stupidity only goes so far.”
“And you couldn't stomp anything little man”
“What gives you freaking pokes said worse when he was at Penn state Iowa equals hypocrisy you freaking morons. See how I spelled that lol”
“Lol the delusions never end”
“Man you guys keep running with this delusional stuff huh. Face it you aren't beating Penn state in a dual or in a tournament lmfao.”
“Lmfao. Denial is right up there with insecurity plenty of both of which you have lol”
“To late your already there Mr blow pa”
“Almost to half the board keep going duechebags”
“Nope never will I'm not a troll educate yourself before speaking it makes you look smarter .still district four and always will be .Maybe you will someday figure out what a troll really is .”
“Typical forum bull shit everyone acts tough and acts like they can actually control someone's behavior. In reality your just a chump who wants to be the loudest because he's the weakest”
“And you keep talking little man .no matter what you say you keep looking more and more like a little man with little man problems .All talk lmfao .So predictable.”
“Figures you would be a trump supporter. Both living in a fantasy land and incapable of telling the truth lmfao .your the biggest douchebag of any wrestling board .co ngratsyou win LOSER”
“Lol. Inner circle jerk”