Ciarrocca new OC at PSU

It is all on Franklin at his point.

He has to do these things -

1. Win the majority of games against UM, MSU and tOSU.
2. Win the B1G East
3. Win the B1G
4. Get into the playoff.

He set "elite" as the standard, now he must produce.

He has no more excuses. He has the salary, he has the coaching staff he wants, he has his recruits to coach up, there is no longer any carryover from the sanctions.

He has to answer to you?

He "has to do these things" or what?
He already has won the east and the Big10.
Its quite possible that he will never win the majority of games vs OSU...pray tell, who does?
He'll make the playoffs, especially if they expand. Regardless, he'll be here for as long as HE wants to be here.

The only coach in the BIG that has a winning record against OSU (more than 3 games) since Bo retired is Gary Moeller.
Statue of Liberty? Then tackle eligible? Blocked punt?
He has to answer to you?


No, Dumb Ass. You are eristic.

That’s my opinion.

His employers must have criteria to judge his performance. He should be answering to them.

The standards I outline are appropriate for a coach of his rank, if he is earning his pay.
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Don't you mean finest 30 minutes as I don't think the offense did much in the 2nd half
Penn State ran 54 plays in the Michigan game, averaged 5.2 yards per play, scored 4 TD's, had a special teams TD called back, converted a third down in the final minute to seal the win when a punt would have given UM a chance to tie, and completed big plays downfield throughout the game to Hamler, Dotson and Friermuth. In the second half the defense could not get off the field so PSU did not have the ball much. But when Michigan made it a one score game PSU promptly socred a TD and when UM again made it a one score game PSU was able to run out the clock.
Penn State ran 54 plays in the Michigan game, averaged 5.2 yards per play, scored 4 TD's, had a special teams TD called back, converted a third down in the final minute to seal the win when a punt would have given UM a chance to tie, and completed big plays downfield throughout the game to Hamler, Dotson and Friermuth. In the second half the defense could not get off the field so PSU did not have the ball much. But when Michigan made it a one score game PSU promptly socred a TD and when UM again made it a one score game PSU was able to run out the clock.
But Rahne should have done better. We expect too little:eek:
The last two seasons we might have (maybe) won two more games if our QB's had been healthy but Trace and Sean did a lot of running and got banged up. It doesn't look like Tanner Morgan runs as much as our QB's and if Ciarrocca can create an offense where the QB stays healthy it could make a difference.
Considering what Ciarocca accomplished at MN with, on paper, significantly less talent than PSU, this seems like a very smart hire. Of course, I am not entirely certain that our overall roster at WR is anywhere close to the aggregate of the recruiting rankings of our individual players. But with a crop of new WR’s coming in and a guy with what appears to be a clear idea in mind about an offensive system, it isn’t too hard to be optimistic about our passing game for 2020.

i think all our skill players - QB, RB, WR and TE have an overall rank far above the same at Minny. However, if you look at the players current NFL potential, they might actually be graded higher overall right now. Minny does get a lot out their talent based on rankings but their players might be better than the rankings suggest. all our WRs were 4/5* players.
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That is an opinion based on reality. Reality and what gets proclaimed here are in different orbits.:oops: I did post a few weeks back that we lost Moorhead, Gattis and Huff....yet made no attempt (at least to my knowledge) to find a spot for Brady. To me that was telling.
Good point
No, Dumb Ass. You are eristic.

That’s my opinion.

His employers must have criteria to judge his performance. He should be answering to them.

The standards I outline are appropriate for a coach of his rank, if he is earning his pay.

Clemson. Alabama. Oklahoma. Ohio State. That's the top tier. That's what we are trying to break into. It ain't f*cking easy. Especially when they are spending 35-50% more than we are. We were no where close to that tier when Franklin started, amazing what he has done so far. People bitching about top 10 recruiting classes when we averaged a ranking in the low 20s for over 12-13 years.

Has a chance for 3rd 11 win season in 4 years. Last time Pitt did it once was 1981. Sit down and STFU.
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Not that anyone cares, but I love the hire. Brady would have been nice, but he's unproven as a play caller and I'm suspicious of guys whose star rises on the back of a Heisman winning QB (noting I think Brady is at least partly responsible for his success). The thing I like best about KC is that his players are disciplined and he got 110% out of them. Anyone who can do more with less with that kind of success is a great hire in my book. He also seems to know when to take what is given as opposed to 'forcing' his offense. Will be fun to hear how the offseason goes with our new OC.
I don't know Rahne personally, but I've dealt with fanboys like you my entire life. Enjoy your "statistics" and *** awarded by recruiting services that are directed by coaching failures and financial gain. PSU defeated Iowa (a team that beat Minny) as well as Michigan. Minny lost to Wisky and would have gotten torched had they played Ohio State. Despite a less than stellar day, PSU would likely have beaten Minny on their turf had it not been for a bullshit OPI call. Rahne just turned the ball over too much, right?
Last I play to win the game. More points than the other guy gets that done...if you like style, go to the ice capades, you'll love the choreography.
I'm so glad to hear "we" have moved on. If that's the case, why was it so difficult for so many to welcome the new shiny object without taking a shot at a guy who loyally coached here for 6 years? I know why.10-2.......a new OC and next year we'll be better for it......what are the odds?
Your last paragraph is very powerful, especially the part about "taking a shot at a guy who loyally......". The idea that for me to be up someone else has to be down seems to be in our veins and organs these days as a society, so of course it would be on a football board. That now I can feel good and powerful because I have someone to blame. On a day when we should be celebrating and clicking our heels about the new OC and our taking another hopeful step to fight for a CFP opportunity, here we are tearing a guy down who gave everything to this program. If anything he should be getting our thanks and hope for continued success as he did what was his to do.
Georgia. Alabama. Oklahoma. Ohio State. That's the top tier. That's what we are trying to break into. It ain't f*cking easy. Especially when they are spending 35-50% more than we are. We were no where close to that tier when Franklin started, amazing what he has done so far. People bitching about top 10 recruiting classes when we averaged a ranking in the low 20s for over 12-13 years.

Has a chance for 3rd 11 win season in 4 years. Last time Pitt did it once was 1981. Sit down and STFU.

Georgia. Alabama. Oklahoma. Ohio State. That's the top tier. That's what we are trying to break into. It ain't f*cking easy. Especially when they are spending 35-50% more than we are. We were no where close to that tier when Franklin started, amazing what he has done so far. People bitching about top 10 recruiting classes when we averaged a ranking in the low 20s for over 12-13 years.

Has a chance for 3rd 11 win season in 4 years. Last time Pitt did it was 1981. Sit down and STFU.

No. Who made you the judge of what can be posted on here?

I posted nothing about top 10 classes.

I don’t give a damn about the number of wins fattened by beating nobodies in meaningless bowl games.

Who gives a fig about Pitt? You are just a moron who sees enemies around every corner.

What does matter is who you beat, titles won, and head to head records against your primary competition. You disagree? I don’t give a damn fan boy.

How in the world did that post set you off in the first place? Good Lord!?!?
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Not that anyone cares, but I love the hire. Brady would have been nice, but he's unproven as a play caller and I'm suspicious of guys whose star rises on the back of a Heisman winning QB (noting I think Brady is at least partly responsible for his success). The thing I like best about KC is that his players are disciplined and he got 110% out of them. Anyone who can do more with less with that kind of success is a great hire in my book. He also seems to know when to take what is given as opposed to 'forcing' his offense. Will be fun to hear how the offseason goes with our new OC.

I was hoping for Brady because of the possible recruiting bump. Was hoping that Brady helped our chances with Caleb Williams. I had papered over the fact that Brady had no experience being a QB coach, which is a role the OC had to fill here. We'll see how it goes. With the experience we return on offense, a veteran play caller is probably the best move for 2020.

Ciarrocca is well know to develop QBs, and Minnesota has a verbal from a 4 star 2021 QB. Will be interesting to see if KC changes around our QB board for '21. Maybe that kid follows KC here.
No, Dumb Ass. You are eristic.

That’s my opinion.

His employers must have criteria to judge his performance. He should be answering to them.

The standards I outline are appropriate for a coach of his rank, if he is earning his pay.
And what employers would get rid of him for what he’s accomplished? None.
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Your last paragraph is very powerful, especially the part about "taking a shot at a guy who loyally......". The idea that for me to be up someone else has to be down seems to be in our veins and organs these days as a society, so of course it would be on a football board. That now I can feel good and powerful because I have someone to blame. On a day when we should be celebrating and clicking our heels about the new OC and our taking another hopeful step to fight for a CFP opportunity, here we are tearing a guy down who gave everything to this program. If anything he should be getting our thanks and hope for continued success as he did what was his to do.
Joe's been gone for what almost 8 years? I see people moaning about the "dark years" blah blah blah...the guy won 409 games! Gave his testicles to this university and built Beaver Stadium. It just never ends...but.....but... I will predict that the vast majority of the hails and hosannas being sung will turn to hateful criticisms shortly after kickoff next fall.
I think the new OC is an excellent choice. I also think it says a great deal about those that have to kidney punch a guy who worked here for 6 years and was part of a staff that took us from the bottom of the barrel to top ten finishes.
I was hoping for Brady because of the possible recruiting bump. Was hoping that Brady helped our chances with Caleb Williams. I had papered over the fact that Brady had no experience being a QB coach, which is a role the OC had to fill here. We'll see how it goes. With the experience we return on offense, a veteran play caller is probably the best move for 2020.

Ciarrocca is well know to develop QBs, and Minnesota has a verbal from a 4 star 2021 QB. Will be interesting to see if KC changes around our QB board for '21. Maybe that kid follows KC here.

Totally agree and believe it's too risky to make a (hopefully) long term hire based on the whims of a future recruit, especially since my paid subscription to other recruiting websites says Brady doesn't make or break said recruit's decision about LSU. ;)
Here’s some samples: “Worst case imaginable”, “We’re doomed”, “What is Franklin doing”, “ We’ll never be elite”, “Great a one year wonder”, “Kiss the 2021 class goodbye”, “ Can’t even beat Iowa and Wisky”.
At least we won’t be hearing from the usual suspects that he doesn’t look like a Penn State Coach because uh, his ears are too big, or something....
Penn State ran 54 plays in the Michigan game, averaged 5.2 yards per play, scored 4 TD's, had a special teams TD called back, converted a third down in the final minute to seal the win when a punt would have given UM a chance to tie, and completed big plays downfield throughout the game to Hamler, Dotson and Friermuth. In the second half the defense could not get off the field so PSU did not have the ball much. But when Michigan made it a one score game PSU promptly socred a TD and when UM again made it a one score game PSU was able to run out the clock.

PSU defense could not get off the field, but PSU offense could not stay on the field.
What has Brady done as an OC? Do you now support on the job training?

Why didn't you post a pro brady thread when he was here?
I didn't know anything about Brady then. But everyone knows something about him now. And he may not have the OC title, but he is calling some plays per Orgeron. It seems to have gone OK.
Well having Burrow play QB sure helped Brady.
They had Burrow last year, and I don't think anyone was predicting a Heisman-type year for him. Brady was brought in because the passing game was so inept against top-tier opponents.
No. Who made you the judge of what can be posted on here?

I posted nothing about top 10 classes.

I don’t give a damn about the number of wins fattened by beating nobodies in meaningless bowl games.

Who gives a fig about Pitt? You are just a moron who sees enemies around every corner.

What does matter is who you beat, titles won, and head to head records against your primary competition. You disagree? I don’t give a damn fan boy.

How in the world did that post set you off in the first place? Good Lord!?!?
It is easy to criticize without offering alternatives. Therefore, out of intellectual integrity, please name the realistic replacement if Franklin doesn’t meet the standard.

This same request was offered as a non-confrontational topic of discussion over a month ago with no reply.
Gattis isn't getting rave reviews in Michigan. Brady is getting credit for everything at LSU.....time will tell if he is good in a different scenario.
I don't know who's reviewing Gattis, but I thought Michigan's offense and Patterson looked pretty good from about the second half of our game on. They put up 27 against Ohio State. You can't blame Gattis for the Don Brown defense.
Once again this board never fails to disappoint. People bitching about the fact that in the future people will be bitching about something that may or may not happen. You stay classy san diego.
- Less than 300 yards of offense
- SIX three-and-outs, plus two four-and-outs (in 13 possessions... leading to the fewest plays run, and lowest time of possession for ANY team facing Michigan in 2019)

If you are correct, and that WAS actually Rahne's FINEST hour, that may be the most damning statement vav Rahne that has ever been written.

But, but, but......Don Brown.
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I don't know who's reviewing Gattis, but I thought Michigan's offense and Patterson looked pretty good from about the second half of our game on. They put up 27 against Ohio State. You can't blame Gattis for the Don Brown defense.
You missed 14 vs Wisky and 10 vs Iowa...21 in regulation vs Army