CK talk/results/etc

Berger goes down 7-3. Oklahoma kid was up 5-3 with :20 to go on a restart. Rather than waiting for Berger to take the shot, he immediately shoots, they scramble, and he gets a TD with :01 on the clock.

Nevermind, scratch all that. Fake news.
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Berger goes down 7-3. Oklahoma kid was up 5-3 with :20 to go on a restart. Rather than waiting for Berger to take the shot, he immediately shoots, they scramble, and he gets a TD with :01 on the clock.

you sure? it was 5-3, then berger shot at 20 secs and got it w 2secs left to go OT. In OT Berger got the single to crackdown W.
you sure? it was 5-3, then berger shot at 20 secs and got it w 2secs left to go OT. In OT Berger got the single to crackdown W.
Holy crap. Well, that's embarrassing. I should've been watching the little red and green guys, instead of the live match. Thinking it was over, I switched away.
Was anyone able to catch the 125 R16 match between KSU and UNC?

Bardezbain (KSU) led 12-7 going into the 3rd. Macri (UNC) then scores 8 points (3 TD's, 1 reversal) in the 3rd, but it wasn't enough. Bardezbain ends up winning 18-15.

Schram will see Bardezbain in the quarters and hopefully Lizak in the semis.
you sure? it was 5-3, then berger shot at 20 secs and got it w 2secs left to go OT. In OT Berger got the single to crackdown W.
OK kid was hit with stalling in the 2nd or 3rd. Pretty bogus call. I have seen quite a few calls that were quite questionable... and then the dreaded stall calls based on score vs actually stalling. Meaning they should call it in the 1st like they do in the 3rd period.
Did anyone see AJ vs Coon? The Flo brackets say Coon won by fall in 3:00 but that might not tell the whole story.
ASU 47.5 pts 6 in quarter finals 3 consolation bracket
Michigan 46.5 pts 6 in quarter finals 3 in consolation bracket
OSU 4th with 39 pts . All 7 in the quarter finals.
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I remember being really impressed with Venz when he wrestled Hall in an all-star match. Gophers missed a good one.
Lizak with a bit too much faith in his top game. Down a point going into third but also needing to erase riding time, instead of letting Lamont up after getting riding time under a minute, he could've let Lamont up and taken him down and rode out to tie, but looked for the tilt all third instead, and couldn't turn Lamont.
DeSanto Jack Mueller on 7, 1-0 Mueller up 1-0 in third.

Mueller awarded 2 danger points off a scramble. But then DeSanto looked like he should've been awarded 2 of his own and ref didn't even bother counting. Late dangerous move by DeSanto makes final 4-0.
Mueller's two points were legit, but then DeSanto looked like he earned his own two off the same scramble, but ref just stared at it.
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Mueller's two points were legit, but then DeSanto looked like he earned his own two off the same scramble, but ref just stared at it.
I didn't watch the match so maybe I'm getting this wrong, but from your and another post it seems that Mueller was awarded a "danger" TD and then after that exposed his own back in the same scramble. If this is the case, DeSanto does not have a case for 2. One the danger TD is awarded the danger situation is no longer applicable.
Heilmann was down by a bunch to KeShawn Hayes but just nearly pinned him, now up 8-7 in third, but Hayes has 1:41 in riding time. Heilmann wins 10-8.
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I didn't watch the match so maybe I'm getting this wrong, but from your and another post it seems that Mueller was awarded a "danger" TD and then after that exposed his own back in the same scramble. If this is the case, DeSanto does not have a case for 2. One the danger TD is awarded the danger situation is no longer applicable.
Okay, well I trust your take on the rule, and that would explain it. So at what point can a new danger situation occur?
Berger about to be upset by Rahmani of PITT.
Nevermind, Berger with a big takedown. 13 seconds left. Tied.
SV: Berger gets the 2 to win. Probably should've been awarded the TD far earlier in that sequence.
Oh no, freaky injury to Logan Massa, he's writhing around Looked like his leg, not sure though. Evan Wick knew something was wrong right away.

He's up, maybe a charlie horse he needed to walk off. Wick up 2-1.

3-3 in second, Wick riding Massa hard, riding time 1:23 Wick when Massa escapes, to go up 4-3. Wick starts down, he can be up a point if he escapes in :23. Wick can't escape in time but does eventually escape, up 5-4 with a minute left.

Massa gets to a leg and nearly converts, but Wick wriggles out, Massa totally gassed, Wick goes behind for an easy 2, wins 7-4.
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Okay, well I trust your take on the rule, and that would explain it. So at what point can a new danger situation occur?

I believe it applies only when in neutral position. As Dice said -- once you have the TD awarded, it is straight-ol' mat wrestling rules from there.
Kudos to everyone who took him in LMS, Taylor Venz is a wrecking crew.
Thank you but it was a wild guess based on what I heard coming out of the work out room. It will probably end tomorrow when he faces Martin. Martin has too much experience and is too fast for him. But so far Venz has had a good start to the season. All 10 victories have been bonus points. 1 Major, 2 tech falls and 7 falls.
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