CK talk/results/etc

Okay, well I trust your take on the rule, and that would explain it. So at what point can a new danger situation occur?
The next time they are in neutral. Once the danger 2 is called, the wrestler awarded the 2 is the offensive wrestler. The danger 2 is a TD. After the call, the rule is no longer in play until you get in another neutral situation.

  • When in the neutral position, the referee will verbally announce a danger signal to wrestlers who expose their shoulders to the mat at any angle less than 90 degrees. The verbal announcement will be followed by an audible three-count. If the referee reaches the third count and the wrestler is still in the danger zone, the opposing wrestler is awarded a takedown.
Once that TD occurs the wrestlers are no longer neutral.
1) Taylor Lamont looks like a he's gonna be a spoiler at the Nationals this year.
2) The semi's and finals at 174 are just great entertainment
3) Evan Wick was giving Logan Massa a run for his money before he got hurt. I think he will be another surprise in March.
4) my high school girlfriend has a son on the Cornell squad. hes great I'm
pulling for him and I feel pretty weird about the whole thing.
The next time they are in neutral. Once the danger 2 is called, the wrestler awarded the 2 is the offensive wrestler. The danger 2 is a TD. After the call, the rule is no longer in play until you get in another neutral situation.

  • When in the neutral position, the referee will verbally announce a danger signal to wrestlers who expose their shoulders to the mat at any angle less than 90 degrees. The verbal announcement will be followed by an audible three-count. If the referee reaches the third count and the wrestler is still in the danger zone, the opposing wrestler is awarded a takedown.
Once that TD occurs the wrestlers are no longer neutral.

That is correct. My only question was I thought Mueller was the one with the exposure and frankly this is where my confusion needs to get sorted out. Both guys were exposed when the count started and Mueller was lower on the mat or under is a better term.

There definitly was a Danger TD situation, I just applied it to the other guy. Never fear, I’ll get used to it. lol
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What a great day of wrestling.

It really was.

Had to miss the action live, but even going through the brackets watching all of the upsets and crazy scores was a blast. Grateful for the Flo Arena in that regard.
Reading through this thread, it seems like the premature the Berger upset notice is swiftly becoming a board meme. I'm glad I could contribute.
PSA for any of you that are having trouble with Flo.

FloArena works on an old Samsung Galaxy S5 with 3G service, while hanging off the side of a tree, suspended 25 feet off the ground, deep in the Pennsylvania woods.

In a somewhat similar situation, I got a shot off, while on a conference call when I lived in Tennessee. Put the call on mute, sat the phone down and took the shot. (We won't talk about the outcome.) But, I have now added to my bucket list. I want to be watching wrestling, when a buck comes walking by.

If you want to borrow my phone and treestand, let me know.
Sounds like a browser issue. You should have "Recent Results," a symbol with 9 squares, which flips back and forth between brackets and current matches, and "Upcoming Bouts" across the bottom of your screen.

Thanks Paw, it turned out to be a "cookies" issue. Cleared them and all was good. Apparently some of my cookies must of had raisins in them.
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This really drives me crazy.
A. Valencia looks miserable every time he's on the mat, win or lose. Flo had a clip of him and Zahid drilling yesterday and it looked like Anthony was wearing like 3 layers of clothes. I wonder if he's sucking a bunch of weight
Is FloArena not working 100% for anyone else? The individual match boxes seem to be accurate but the Upcoming Bouts aren't updating
Is FloArena not working 100% for anyone else? The individual match boxes seem to be accurate but the Upcoming Bouts aren't updating
I'm guessing those are the last of that round of consis and the tournament hasn't loaded the semi's.
Yianni Meredith scramble in the first was amazing. Yianni up 2-0 in second. Meredith able to ride so far in second but Yianni challenging a full nelson.
Yianni can't get out in second, Meredith out in third, we're effectively tied with riding time point.
Yianni with a TD off a scramble, but it's being challenged. Thing is, Yianni eventually definitely got a TD, so unsure how rule will play out here. Oh wow, Yianni got kinda robbed. TD erased, 2-1.

SV, Yianni in on leg, gets it.
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The review in the Yanni match, that went against him was big. Back to their feet, basically tied.
Yanni / Meredith to SV.

...30-some seconds later...Yanni with the winning takedown.
Yianni's days as an underdog are mostly behind him now. Will he get a crack at Heil anywhere before March?