How about I turn it around and you give me solid info based on how many lives a covid vaccine will save. And that must be peer reviewed, work for the newest variant, work for the newest shots, etc. This has been such a moving target, and even though I keep hearing "Science" yet the science keeps changing, as science does. They seem to draw a line in the sand, yet this is rarely a line in the sand issue. The first line in the sand was the shot stops spread, that line is long past gone!
once you give me this info I will give my recommendation if it should be mandated.
Oh, and not necessarily you (though you were definitely edging there), many were being very snippy with people that are against the shot. Yet many seem to really enjoy Cael's insight in at least wrestling, but also life issues. If the rumors are correct that he is against vax mandates, would you be as snippy with him?