Since we’re comparing notes… my family has a mix of vaxed vs unvaxed. We have 7 we know to be unvaxed, none in high risk job positions. We’ve had 4 positives, 2 twice (total of 6). 2 mild symptoms, 3 moderate symptoms, 1 hospitalization, 2 heart attacks within 2 months of having Covid. The hospitalized case continues to have long-haul Covid symptoms for 2+ mos.
Among the 25 vaxed (5 nurses, 1 dr.), there has been 4 Covid positives, 3 mild (1 nurse), 1 moderate (infected at a high risk event, along with 5 others of our party).
Go ask any doctor or nurse who work directly with Covid patients if they think masks work. It’s not the mask that’s ineffective, it’s the wearer.
Among the 25 vaxed (5 nurses, 1 dr.), there has been 4 Covid positives, 3 mild (1 nurse), 1 moderate (infected at a high risk event, along with 5 others of our party).
Go ask any doctor or nurse who work directly with Covid patients if they think masks work. It’s not the mask that’s ineffective, it’s the wearer.