Cynthia Baldwin D Board Hearing in Pittsburgh

Some highlights from today as I understand them.

Sam Napoli opens with his statement and gets right to it.

DeMonaco (Baldwin's lawyer) went on talking about himself.

Napoli stated that Baldwin did not adequately or efficently disclose the facts and her COI of representing PSU and CSS.

DeMonaco kept citing the Freeh report.

DeMonaco said CSS pointed the finger at Baldwin, Superior Court broke the law with their ruling, Kane was bad. Everyone is at fault except for Baldwin.

A professor was the expert witness. He explained Upjohn, and at no time did Baldwin make that clear to CSS and she had ample opportunities to do so.

They tried defending Baldwin with the fraud CSS placed on her, that CSS lied. The professor then explained that Baldwin got into the Grand Jury room - and she shouldn't have.

Beemer is slow to answer and looks dense after the professor's testimony.

Fina went on about Sandusky and is about as boring as Beemer. He said McQueary saw anal rape.

Fina is a shitty witness.

It is laughable that the worst possible outcome for Baldwin is disbarment. She's retired (or about to retire) anyway. BFD.

Unless some new information comes out of these proceedings (reinforcing that Freeh didn't find the Schutlz file is good, but we already knew that), this is pretty much a waste of time.
It is laughable that the worst possible outcome for Baldwin is disbarment. She's retired (or about to retire) anyway. BFD.

Unless some new information comes out of these proceedings (reinforcing that Freeh didn't find the Schutlz file is good, but we already knew that), this is pretty much a waste of time.

A complete waste of time and money.
Some highlights from today as I understand them.

Sam Napoli opens with his statement and gets right to it.

DeMonaco (Baldwin's lawyer) went on talking about himself.

Napoli stated that Baldwin did not adequately or efficently disclose the facts and her COI of representing PSU and CSS.

DeMonaco kept citing the Freeh report.

DeMonaco said CSS pointed the finger at Baldwin, Superior Court broke the law with their ruling, Kane was bad. Everyone is at fault except for Baldwin.

A professor was the expert witness. He explained Upjohn, and at no time did Baldwin make that clear to CSS and she had ample opportunities to do so.

They tried defending Baldwin with the fraud CSS placed on her, that CSS lied. The professor then explained that Baldwin got into the Grand Jury room - and she shouldn't have.

Beemer is slow to answer and looks dense after the professor's testimony.

Fina went on about Sandusky and is about as boring as Beemer. He said McQueary saw anal rape.

Fina is a shitty witness.
Fina is a shitty witness because he is a shitty human being.
Fina took the stand next. He is good. On direct examination he apent an inordinate amount of time discussing Sandusky. Talked about Freeh. Acknowledged he worked closely with Freeh group and even shared information about the direction of the investigation with Freeh group. This was startling testimony to me if only that he admitted to this inappropriate conduct. Freeh and his group are not officers of the law and had no legal authority to receive that information.

Fina also discusses how he found the Schultz file. Wasn’t Freeh but Fina!
Wow. Here's Ken Frazier's introduction of Freeh:
“The entire Board of Trustees is intent on taking all steps necessary to ensure that our institution never again has to ask whether it did the right thing, or whether or not it could have done more. We are committed to leaving no stone unturned to get to the bottom of what happened, who knew what when, and what changes we must make to ensure this doesn’t happen again. Therefore, we are pleased that Judge Freeh has agreed to lead a thorough and independent investigative review of this matter,” concluded Frazier.
And here's Freeh's statement at the same press conference:
“I welcome the unequivocal support the special committee and the entire board have offered for full access and cooperation. They have directed me to carry out this investigation with complete independence, and take it wherever it may lead. I will proceed with all deliberate speed, but there are no limits on the duration of the investigation. We will work expeditiously as well as thoroughly.”

(Full article is here:

And then there's this:
Court documents show that the NCAA collaborated with supposedly independent investigators hired by Penn State to examine the school's management of the Jerry Sandusky sex abuse scandal.
(Full article:

So when will it be the "right time" for Mr. Freeh to fulfill his end of the contract by returning to State College to explain these inconsistencies?
DeMonaco kept citing the Freeh report.
I continue to be amazed at the amount of credibility some people seem to attribute to such a relatively meaningless report. Why is everyone seemingly so afraid or unwilling to call the Freeh report what it really is?

And here’s where the disconnect comes in for me: Did Mike describe what he saw in detail to Shultz and Curley (we know he didn’t with Joe per Mike’s own testimony), or did he just share that with the Grand Jury?
IIRC during Spanier's trial Curley testified that Mike did not describe sexual assault, while McQueary testified that he did. So it's he said she said, without corroboration. Yet to this day all legal decisions and juries seem to believe McQueary for whatever reason.

They have directed me to carry out this investigation with complete independence, and take it wherever it may lead.
Apparently in Freeh's mind independence equals frequent communication with the NCAA and with Fina. Also "wherever it may lead" apparently also completely excludes The Second Mile. How Freeh has turned a series of bungled "independent" investigations into a lucrative career for himself is absolutely mind-boggling to me.
Apparently in Freeh's mind independence equals frequent communication with the NCAA and with Fina. Also "wherever it may lead" apparently also completely excludes The Second Mile.
The NCAA's mission statement:

Core Purpose: Our purpose is to govern competition in a fair, safe, equitable and sportsmanlike manner, and to integrate intercollegiate athletics into higher education so that the educational experience of the student-athlete is paramount.Mar 6, 2007.

Any investigation run/monitored/overseen by the NCAA is only ever going to "lead" to one very specific place.
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Most of the serious charges against CSS were tossed because of Baldwin's conflicts & misbehavior, not on their own demerits.

If she hadn't done what she did, CSS would have had to stand trial for perjury, and would have been in quite a bit more jeopardy for conspiracy.
I continue to be amazed at the amount of credibility some people seem to attribute to such a relatively meaningless report. Why is everyone seemingly so afraid or unwilling to call the Freeh report what it really is?

IIRC during Spanier's trial Curley testified that Mike did not describe sexual assault, while McQueary testified that he did. So it's he said she said, without corroboration. Yet to this day all legal decisions and juries seem to believe McQueary for whatever reason.

Apparently in Freeh's mind independence equals frequent communication with the NCAA and with Fina. Also "wherever it may lead" apparently also completely excludes The Second Mile. How Freeh has turned a series of bungled "independent" investigations into a lucrative career for himself is absolutely mind-boggling to me.

Do you remember what his father and Dranov testified to? I recall Dranov saying he asked Mike each time if he saw a sexual assault taking place - or something to that effect - and each time Mike said no. But then we’re supposed to believe that while he didn’t tell his father or Dranov an assault took place he did say that to Curley and Shultz? I call BS on that. Makes no sense.
IIRC during Spanier's trial Curley testified that Mike did not describe sexual assault, while McQueary testified that he did. So it's he said she said, without corroboration. Yet to this day all legal decisions and juries seem to believe McQueary for whatever reason.
No one ever cross-examined MM. And Spanier never took the stand in his defense.
No one ever cross-examined MM. And Spanier never took the stand in his defense.
FWIW, MMcQ was under oath and subject to Cross-Examination in open court, in a sh^tload of venues.

Spanier, Curley, Schultz, Baldwin, Freeh, Fina, Lubert, Frazier, Corbett, and a veritable cornucopia of other participants in the decade-long cluster-f^ck……… have not been.
Not sure how to directly link it, but Scott Paterno is actively calling Baldwin a liar on twitter.
If Scott ever wanted his concerns to mean anything, perhaps he should have advised the Plaintiffs in his namesake's suit, to file suit against the PSU Board and Administration - rather than low-hanging fruit of Emmert and the NCAA - back when it was time to make a case.

Not my monkey, not my circus...…
But if you choose to NOT attach her, when the situation dictated that was the route to the "Truth", not a whole lot of weight to be given to bitching about her conduct on Twitter.

FWIW, MMcQ was under oath and subject to Cross-Examination in open court, in a sh^tload of venues.

Spanier, Curley, Schultz, Baldwin, Freeh, Fina, Lubert, Frazier, Corbett, and a veritable cornucopia of other participants in the decade-long cluster-f^ck……… have not been.
Subject to....but no one ever pointed out his inconsistencies or really questioned him did they?
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If Scott ever wanted his concerns to mean anything, perhaps he should have advised the Plaintiffs in his namesake's suit, to file suit against the PSU Board and Administration - rather than low-hanging fruit of Emmert and the NCAA - back when it was time to make a case.

Not my monkey, not my circus...…
But if you choose to NOT attach her, when the situation dictated that was the route to the "Truth", not a whole lot of weight to be given to bitching about her conduct on Twitter.

I agree. Scott has long been a "shadow pauncher". :)
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Do you remember what his father and Dranov testified to? I recall Dranov saying he asked Mike each time if he saw a sexual assault taking place - or something to that effect - and each time Mike said no. But then we’re supposed to believe that while he didn’t tell his father or Dranov an assault took place he did say that to Curley and Shultz? I call BS on that. Makes no sense.
Dranov also testified that MM didn't tell him anything that was bad enough to call to police or child welfare.

It makes ZERO sense that MM told C, S, & Joe but didn't tell dad (or Mom) or Dranov.
Some good news. Both Fina & Baldwin were sworn in under OATH at this hearing.

That means Freeh lied about finding the "secret emails", Freeh still clings to that lie today and Fina never corrected Freeh. In fact, Fina actively conspired with Freeh to conceal that knowledge, allowing the general public to believe a "conspiracy" happened and jam up the court system at great taxpayer expense with a bullshit case.

Edit to add: Fina testified the OAG had the Schultz file March 2012. This date does not make sense. What is he trying to pull here, that Freeh "found it" and turned it over? We have known this not be true for YEARS now. Testimony proves that.

While fashionable, I am not feeling sorry for Miss Daisy and her probz.

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Some good news. Both Fina & Baldwin were sworn in under OATH at this hearing.

That means Freeh lied about finding the "secret emails", Freeh still clings to that lie today and Fina never corrected Freeh. In fact, Fina actively conspired with Freeh to conceal that knowledge, allowing the general public to believe a "conspiracy" happened and jam up the court system at great taxpayer expense with a bullshit case.

While fashionable, I am not feeling sorry for Miss Daisy and her probz.

Is that Redd Foxx in the back of that elevator? Death hasn’t been kind to him.
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etc etc etc etc

(Who am I missing? :) )


Maybe a bit too "absolute"..... but certainly a net positive... eh?
etc etc etc etc

(Who am I missing? :) )


Maybe a bit too "absolute"..... but certainly a net positive... eh?

How could you forget Donnie....




,,,,Donnie Remy.
That means Freeh lied about finding the "secret emails", Freeh still clings to that lie today and Fina never corrected Freeh. In fact, Fina actively conspired with Freeh to conceal that knowledge, allowing the general public to believe a "conspiracy" happened and jam up the court system at great taxpayer expense with a bullshit case.

Why is it so important to some people to continue to claim that Freeh did not discover the emails independently? Whenever I see this I suspect that there's some sinister agenda. I don't know what that is, but it diminishes their credibility. It it just simply a hatred of Freeh? It's odd.
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Why is it so important to some people to continue to claim that Freeh did not discover the emails independently? Whenever I see this I suspect that there's some sinister agenda. I don't know what that is, but it diminishes their credibility. It it just simply a hatred of Freeh? It's odd.

Why do you think it's sinister, do you not think it's true?

Have the ignorant masses stopped relying on the Freeh report to condemn PSU/Paterno?
Why is it so important to some people to continue to claim that Freeh did not discover the emails independently? Whenever I see this I suspect that there's some sinister agenda. I don't know what that is, but it diminishes their credibility. It it just simply a hatred of Freeh? It's odd.

Multiple reasons:

1) If this is true, then that means that Freeh lied, which is not really what you want in your independent investigator. It puts the whole report in question and diminishes *his* credibility.

2) It also begs the question "Why did he lie?" Why was it important to him to put forward a narrative that PSU (specifically C/S/S) were not cooperating with subpoenas when that wasn't the case?
Everybody back off on attacking Baldwin immediately, didn’t you hear that she’s a victim here? The BOT is shaking the money tree soon to help her through this ordeal.