FC: Baldwin defends PSU's actions in MM case

The idea that MM had to be "protected" by being banished from Beaver Stadiium - not to mention from ALL of PSU's athletic facilities.....
Is absolutely one of the most ludicrous things I've ever heard
IMO one of the many mistakes made by the BOT was firing Paterno. When they fired Paterno and said he didn't do enough, a lot of people started saying well if he didn't do enough neither did MM. So why is he still coaching? Whether that's fair or not for MM it's the situation the BOT created when they fired Paterno. I'd be willing to bet that most of the threats made against MM was after they fired Paterno. Imo the best thing to do would've been to put those guys on administrative leave, find out the facts and go from there. Instead Corbett and Surma were to busy chomping at the bit to fire Paterno. Collateral damage be damned.
Ya' think?

Was Rodney so concerned with MM's safety and welfare that he provided him with a security detail 24/7?

Did MM's attorneys see any of these e-mails or records of these threatening phone calls? Did they subpoena them? Funny thing about this administration- they tend to lose documents that present them in not the most favorable light.
Does CB have a PSU pension? I sadly suspect so. If so, how much is she being sent each month?
Penn State's departing in-house general counsel and former trustee Cynthia Baldwin collected a $294,249 lump-sum payment from the State Employees' Retirement System before going on the university payroll in early 2010, according to pension system records.

In addition, she began collecting $113,521 in yearly pension benefits in January 2008 accrued over her 29.1 years of state service. Those pension payments stopped when she took her paid position with the university, the records show. During her time with the university, she added to her pension credits
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Was Rodney so concerned with MM's safety and welfare that he provided him with a security detail 24/7?

Did MM's attorneys see any of these e-mails or records of these threatening phone calls? Did they subpoena them? Funny thing about this administration- they tend to lose documents that present them in not the most favorable light.
Beaver Stadium would have the the safest place for Mike at the time.
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1) when is the last time you saw someone, shot at, in a football game? How would you get a rifle into a game in 2011?
2) who would know when and how MM was taken to the stadium?
3) Did they ban MM from Campus too? My God the humanity!

C'mon....I'd bet that there is a threat to Urban Myer and/or Nick Saban on just about any given weekend.

You're the one that suggested putting him the box.... Now you are acting like we did it.... "Oh the humanity!" alright. Your posts are normally rational and interesting. Unless the original post was a faint swipe at sarcasm..... Putting Big Red on administrative leave and giving him an opportunity to stay away from the public on his own accord was the only thing PSU may have gotten right in this whole mess. Putting him in the booth would have been meaningless.
Whatever happened to the reports that McQueary had a gambling addiction and was betting on college football games while he was coaching for PSU? If that is actually true, that would have to have been a significant factor in McQueary not being able to land coaching jobs after PSU.

That, and the fact that his experience/qualifications were kind of lightweight (which is understandable given he was a young coach). I mean, geez, O'Brien brought in Stan Hixon who had coached Pro Bowl receivers at major programs and in the NFL. Hard to argue that McQueary was comparably qualified.
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MM's lawyer's may have some good arguments here, but the big one is a loser. MM had no "right to work" after a change in the coaching staff. That's standard anywhere. Where the argument carries weight is that PSU treated MM differently than the rest of the coaches who were also let go. That was stupid. Any competent HR department would have been screaming this. And I'm not talking about placing him on leave. That may end up being a reasonable argument/defensible on PSU's side (we'll see what the court says on that). It's the other stuff they did like taking away the company car, etc. Dumb, dumb, dumb. Treat everyone the same and there's no argument or trial.