

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Interesting matchup coming up....What is the general feeling on this one? Will Valencia continue his "domination" of the field so far? Dake will not be beaten by pace, and it won't be a size factor in this one either. My feelings: Dake, comfortably. 2-0.
I've always believed Dake has "freakish" strength just by the way he could slow Taylor down. This match will come down to the same thing...can Valencia handle Dake's strength? If I had to guess I'd go Dake. Valencia has to wrestle his style. Can't be a 2-1 or 1-0 match....that's Dake's game all the way.
I go with Dake based on his chest wrap. He made Bouroughs go to something other than his double and valencia will have to do that also. I think he sends Valencia for 4 every time he shoots a double.
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Smart money is definitely on Dake. Can Zahid finish quick and clean? If so, I think he'll have a chance, but it's a pretty big if. Definitely hoping it goes 3, just to see 3.
Dake has wrestled A LOT better comp...I think Dake will beat him and by 4 or 5 points....LISTEN 1 match at a time....
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The more I get to watch Valencia the more I like him, however in this match-up I think Dake will be too much for Valencia. Dake has power, experience & is wrestling very well right now. I will be rooting for Valencia to see if he has the ability to take it to Dake but my prediction is that Dake will win in 2. In 2 more years it may be a different story just not yet.
Hope the fans watching live can appreciate Dake’s skill and celebrate this moment for him if he should win. Easy I think for PSU fans to view him through Taylor’s eyes but Kyle has had a struggle on the international stage so making this World team is a huge deal to him.
Dake and DT will breeze
I agree. Valencia can be beastly, but is just that good.
David, I am looking forward to watching him just rip apart whatever stands in his way of obtaining that which is his. In the past whether wrestling Dake, Burroughs or Cox as he got close enough to touch it his demeanor has more than once changed from non stop aggression to protective aggression
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Zahid's typical tactics against high level defenders (Marky, Ringer) is to just keep attacking and use his superior quickness to mitigate counter points: Eventually scoring clean after many attempts. Zahid IS quicker than Kyle. However, his (in)ability to avoid Dake counters will decide the outcome, cause a Dake counter in Freestyle is usually good for four or five, not two.

I will cheer for both guys. They're the present and future of a great team USA.
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Zahid's typical tactics against high level defenders (Marky, Ringer) is to just keep attacking and use his superior quickness to mitigate counter points: Eventually scoring clean after many attempts. Zahid IS quicker than Kyle. However, his (in)ability to avoid Dake counters will decide the outcome, cause a Dake counter in Freestyle is usually good for four or five, not two.

I will cheer for both guys. They're the present and future of a great team USA.

He's also bigger than other high level defenders. He's not bigger than Dake. Dake, easily.
I've grown into a Dake fan over the years and Zahid seems like a great kid so I don't care who wins, but I think Dake will do what Dake does and win two close ones.
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I'm not betting against Kyle Dake. He's too good. If Dake can mitigate David Taylor's offense then he can do the same to Valencia. In a few years, maybe Valencia can beat him, but not right now. I would be shocked if he did.
Dake until somebody at this weight at least makes him look vulnerable.
Dake until somebody at this weight at least makes him look vulnerable.
Seemed like Dieringer did just that at the Open to me. Transitive property is not a good predictor, but Zahid handled 'ringer. I would not be surprised if I was wrong, but I have a feeling Zahid isn't done surprising people this freestyle season.
2-1 Dake. Zahid steals the first one then Kyle make's the necessary adjustments to handle him in the next two.

1st Match: 3-2 Zahid
2nd Match: 5-3 Dake
3rd Match: 4-1 Dake

Love the new format too.. Def adds to the excitement and touches a bigger audience IMO.. I would like to see the viewership numbers from Flo on which gets the bigger amount of hits, WTT or Final X.
Most have picked Dake, and I'll agree...though everyone that shows up or watches on-line are the real winners. I'll be rooting hard for DT too, but the Dake / Valencia match-up has more intrigue to me.

My opinion...Valencia will hold his own, but Dake will win.
The Kyle Dake of today bears little resemblance to the Kyle Dake folkstyle of yesteryear. This Dake, is a flying circus of excitement and adventure.
I got out of the betting against Kyle Dake business. I'll take Dake 2-0 with Zahid giving a great account of himself. Really like Zahid, and Dake is orders of magnitude more palatable in freestyle.
Seemed like Dieringer did just that at the Open to me. Transitive property is not a good predictor, but Zahid handled 'ringer. I would not be surprised if I was wrong, but I have a feeling Zahid isn't done surprising people this freestyle season.

While Dieringer has definitely improved in FS, I'm going to partially chalk up his recent results vs Dake to familiarity. I believe they had wrestled at least 3 times prior to that meeting.
Let's see, the guy who scores beaucoup points from neutral by shooting all the time is going to roll over Dake, right? Valencia is good at that game, but not as good as DT was, and we all know how that ended. I don't think this will be particularly competitive (although Dake will win each match by only a few points). A more interesting style matchup would be Dake versus Hall (but Dake would probably win that too).

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