David Taylor signs with Titan Mercury

So is this essentially an extra sponsorship for DT? He'll still train with the NLWC, but will also train with Titan Mercury?
its about keeping the guys that are there now and in the future with cash to pursue their dreams.

If Merica wants to win gold and team golds at that got to put the money into the guys and multiple guys/facilities at that.

Good move all involved.
"Swooping up" maybe an exaggeration.

This sounds like a win-win for USA Wrestling.

Question: does this free up any NLWC cash, to maybe bring more guys on board?
I'm happy for DT. But I have to admit I don't understand what the Titan Mercury Club is all about. They have a ton of talent wearing their singlets - Dake, Metcalf, Ramos, J'Den Cox, Spencer Lee, Aaron Pico, Kyle Snyder, James Green, Dan Dennis, Joe Colon, Logan Stieber, Chris Perry - but none of them actually train there, do they?
Looks to me like Titan has the money and sign these guys up and then if any win big they will get a kick back for sponsoring them just guessing
I love that TM invests in our sport and helps out many, many athletes. The old dude who coaches/wears flatbills, flashy shoes, and sunglasses is a little much though lol.
Are you sure that is Cox? The guy next to Zain doesn't look much bigger than Zain.
Boy Taylor looks huge.
Are you sure that is Cox? The guy next to Zain doesn't look much bigger than Zain.
If that is Cox, then the Taylor vs. Cox apparent size difference must be an illusion. If so, it might be caused by several different effects:
(1) Taylor is closer to the camera than is Cox, just as the fish is often closer to and seems bigger than the fisherman in photos. This effect is especially pronounced if the camera is close to the nearest subject, which is especially possible with a wide-angle lens.
(2) Cox's arms are positioned up and toward his back, which means we judge his width as just his torso, with lats not visible and arm thickness not added to his width.
(3) In contrast, Taylor's left arm is positioned down and toward his front, almost in a bodybuilder's "lat spray" position, which makes his left lat look big, and which means we judge his width as his torso, plus his left lat, plus his arm thickness. And Taylor's shirt seems to be hanging off his body, which prevents a gap between his body and his left arm, which makes him seem wide.
(4) Taylor has a wide stance, whereas Cox has a narrow stance, feet wise. This causes Taylor to look both wider and, due to (1), taller.
(5) Cox is wearing the slimming color black.
(6) Taylor's legs and arm are the non-slimming ~white color.
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I'm pretty certain it's Cox. See this other pic -- note that the height difference is not so great (maybe a camera illusion above?), but Taylor's body looks a lot thicker in the Santa Monica pic.

I have seen Jake Varner close up - he was standing right next to me at LV. He is one big dude!
I love that TM invests in our sport and helps out many, many athletes. The old dude who coaches/wears flatbills, flashy shoes, and sunglasses is a little much though lol.

Wayne Eric Boyd. Here he is break dancing at last month's Beat the Streets.

I'm pretty certain it's Cox. See this other pic -- note that the height difference is not so great (maybe a camera illusion above?), but Taylor's body looks a lot thicker in the Santa Monica pic.

Regardless of if we are dealing with an illusion in comparing Cox and Taylor, the thing that stood out to me was Taylor's bicep. I've never seen his bicep look that big.
On FRL yesterday Chael Sonnen, talking about drugs, told story where he assured DT not that long ago that with the exception of Dake, DT has yet to lose a FS match to anyone who wasn't taking PEDs. I presume he didn't mean to imply anything about Burroughs, his point was that DT shouldn't get discouraged. He also had some interesting comments about the mechanics of evading positive tests.
On FRL yesterday Chael Sonnen, talking about drugs, told story where he assured DT not that long ago that with the exception of Dake, DT has yet to lose a FS match to anyone who wasn't taking PEDs. I presume he didn't mean to imply anything about Burroughs, his point was that DT shouldn't get discouraged. He also had some interesting comments about the mechanics of evading positive tests.
Any mention of The Original Whizzinator? Been a long time...
Any mention of The Original Whizzinator? Been a long time...
Mostly about the timing and how relatively easy it is to stop and start. For athletes not being (truly) randomly tested, he said "it's more an IQ test than a drug test." CP specifically brought up rumors of Boltukaev (the 97kg who beat both Varner and Snyder and recently tech'd Gadisov) and Sonnen didn't hesitate to say he's juicing.
Mostly about the timing and how relatively easy it is to stop and start. For athletes not being (truly) randomly tested, he said "it's more an IQ test than a drug test." CP specifically brought up rumors of Boltukaev (the 97kg who beat both Varner and Snyder and recently tech'd Gadisov) and Sonnen didn't hesitate to say he's juicing.
I've seen a USA guy or 2 with what looks like "HGH gut". Just sayin'

We don't go the state-sponsored route, but plenty of skeletons in our Olympic sport closet when it comes to doping