Did anyone hear our #3 on defense


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2003
Yell at a WVU receiver "No, Niga#" after he broke up a pass on the WVU sideline. I know kids talk trash but I thought this was disgraceful conduct. And quite frankly I think Penn State players act like punks way more than they should.
Anyway, happy about the win but the culture of college football is starting to remind me of the Canes of the 80s.
Yell at a WVU receiver "No, Niga#" after he broke up a pass on the WVU sideline. I know kids talk trash but I thought this was disgraceful conduct. And quite frankly I think Penn State players act like punks way more than they should.
Anyway, happy about the win but the culture of college football is starting to remind me of the Canes of the 80s.
You left out the first word he said in that exchange but that stuff has always been said. He and the WR involved were joking around and laughing together every time they showed them. Not ideal and mics on the field can be problematic but that's just kids today
Yell at a WVU receiver "No, Niga#" after he broke up a pass on the WVU sideline. I know kids talk trash but I thought this was disgraceful conduct. And quite frankly I think Penn State players act like punks way more than they should.
Anyway, happy about the win but the culture of college football is starting to remind me of the Canes of the 80s.

I think you are better off not knowing what is said on any game, pro or college. You would constantly be ashamed. This is barely even trash talk to younger kids today. When they start talking about mothers or sisters then it gets real
You left out the first word he said in that exchange but that stuff has always been said. He and the WR involved were joking around and laughing together every time they showed them. Not ideal and mics on the field can be problematic but that's just kids today

Yup, it is kids today and has actually been kids for a long time. 15 years ago one of my sons was captain of his high school basketball team in a suburban Baltimore league, and racial trash talk on the court was kids using the hood variant of the n-word all the time and on occasion directing racial slurs at my son, the white kid.

Joe didn't let any of that stuff get into his head. It's just a fact of life in that environment. If you're not intimidated and can play the game, you get respect regardless of skin color. I doubt our coaches will try policing the language on the field. That said, yeah, the constant showboating and finger-pointing are a bit much.
I'm mostly pretty conservative about these things, hate the trash talk, didn't like how our team treated utah in the rose bowl. That said, i didn't have a problem with this, just that we heard it.
Yell at a WVU receiver "No, Niga#" after he broke up a pass on the WVU sideline. I know kids talk trash but I thought this was disgraceful conduct. And quite frankly I think Penn State players act like punks way more than they should.
Anyway, happy about the win but the culture of college football is starting to remind me of the Canes of the 80s.
Sorry, but it’s really not a big deal at all nor should it be addressed by Franklin. It’s not the kid’s fault a mic picked up normal game talk. You would not have liked what was said on the field 30 years ago either.
This type of stuff happens in Pop Warner games, and has for as long as football has been played.

Holy crap. Stop trying to be offended by current day life.
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Sorry, but it’s really not a big deal at all nor should it be addressed by Franklin. It’s not the kid’s fault a mic picked up normal game talk. You would not have liked what was said on the field 30 years ago either.
I guess I wouldn't. I think you can talk trash without using words that are allegedly so hurtful. I don't think we should be so accepting of thug banter, and that's all it is, but that's just my humble opinion.
I mean are we supposed to be making these kids better in any way or not?
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That should never be tolerated in Pop Warner games.

LOL. It happens everywhere. On the playground, in the backyard, in games. Kids just try to keep it hidden from the folks who would get them in trouble. Unfortunately for this kid, he said it around a boom mic (or whatever that is).

My kid is a frosh football player ... just had a scrimmage against a "city" team in which we whooped up on them. Inevitably, trash talking commenced ... the other team, getting their butts handed to them, start to get chippy. Then the insults start flying, then the insults fly back ... eventually, in this instance, there was one loud exchange that the coaches had to address on both sides.

When I asked my son about it, he said "it was nothing ... it happens all the time, and was happening all game ... I just play."

One time, at our youth baseball complex, when the boys were younger, some other boys had stopped by during a game to watch. They then formed their own "pickup game" on another field ... I walked by that game to use the facilities, and in a 30-second span I heard about 10 insults using all sorts of curse words and mentions of women family members. These kids were probably 12 years old, give or take. No one was upset. It's just the way they communicate and interact.
LOL. It happens everywhere. On the playground, in the backyard, in games. Kids just try to keep it hidden from the folks who would get them in trouble. Unfortunately for this kid, he said it around a boom mic (or whatever that is).

My kid is a frosh football player ... just had a scrimmage against a "city" team in which we whooped up on them. Inevitably, trash talking commenced ... the other team, getting their butts handed to them, start to get chippy. Then the insults start flying, then the insults fly back ... eventually, in this instance, there was one loud exchange that the coaches had to address on both sides.

When I asked my son about it, he said "it was nothing ... it happens all the time, and was happening all game ... I just play."

One time, at our youth baseball complex, when the boys were younger, some other boys had stopped by during a game to watch. They then formed their own "pickup game" on another field ... I walked by that game to use the facilities, and in a 30-second span I heard about 10 insults using all sorts of curse words and mentions of women family members. These kids were probably 12 years old, give or take. No one was upset. It's just the way they communicate and interact.
Then a lot of folks are doing an absolutely lousy job of raising kids and shame on them. We obviously have no standards anymore if this is the way things have evolved.
I come from a coal mining town and we had things rough. This town was full of tough, hard nosed kids with some diversity and the kind of garbage you're talking about being spewed was never uttered and wouldn't be tolerated by parents or the guys playing.
Then a lot of folks are doing an absolutely lousy job of raising kids and shame on them. We obviously have no standards anymore if this is the way things have evolved.
I come from a coal mining town and we had things rough. This town was full of tough, hard nosed kids with some diversity and the kind of garbage you're talking about being spewed was never uttered and wouldn't be tolerated by parents or the guys playing.

LOL. Sure. Sure. It's been going on forever. Everywhere.
I never laughed so hard during a football game. These are adults. I’d rather hear that than see all the show boating.
Grace and sportsmanship have been moribund in sports for decades. John McEnroe's big mouth, bat flipping, s__t talking, idiotic displays in pro football games, fans disgracing themselves, their city, and their teams, owners bigger than the game, player bragging. Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?
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Grace and sportsmanship have been moribund in sports for decades. John McEnroe's big mouth, bat flipping, s__t talking, idiotic displays in pro football games, fans disgracing themselves, their city, and their teams, owners bigger than the game, player bragging. Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?

Joe was too busy being abusive to his 2nd wife - a much younger and troubled girl - to be out there smack-talking other players. Needed to conserve his energy. But at least he never said any bad words when playing a kid's game. #RoleModels
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I guess I wouldn't. I think you can talk trash without using words that are allegedly so hurtful. I don't think we should be so accepting of thug banter, and that's all it is, but that's just my humble opinion.
I mean are we supposed to be making these kids better in any way or not?
He said it to a white guy, which makes it more funny than hurtful.
Because Mike Reid and Steve Smear and Dennis Onkotz were altar boys out there 😂. For Christ sake this is part of football, if you want Boy Scouts and altar boys stick to pee wee leagues and powder puff 😂
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He said it to a white guy, which makes it more funny than hurtful.
This is my main issue with it. A black guy can't call a white guy the N word if it can't be reciprocated. Anyhow, who in the hell would want to call anyone that, for crying out loud?!?
Sorry, but it’s really not a big deal at all nor should it be addressed by Franklin. It’s not the kid’s fault a mic picked up normal game talk. You would not have liked what was said on the field 30 years ago either.

My thought is it shouldn't be "normal game talk." I'm all in with "mother f'er."
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Because Mike Reid and Steve Smear and Dennis Onkotz were altar boys out there 😂. For Christ sake this is part of football, if you want Boy Scouts and altar boys stick to pee wee leagues and powder puff 😂
“F@ck no N!gg…!”

You guys are so weak and pathetic. Reid and co would have never dreamed of saying something like that out of respect for their teammates Franco Harris, Lydell Mitchell, Charlie Pittman and Mike Cooper. Similarly, opposing players would never dare to either, out of fear of being pulverized by Reid and the guys.

Same for my era. If anyone said something like that in front of Bruce Clark he would have dismantled him.

And no Pop Warner kid with a father would ever say that either.

People have lost their jobs, careers, reputations and more for saying less. A kid lost his college scholarship and was blackballed for singing a rap song, for God’s sake.

And you pathetic, little weasels and Fox Sports broadcasting and the whole Fake News media complex either don’t bat an eye or twist yourselves into the sad, stupid, hypocritical pretzels that you are to justify it.

That’s the real truth of this. It’s sick and it’s wrong. End of story.
Get the quote right, it was, "F@ck no N!gg..!"

That is something Franklin should 100% address.
Shou;d it be big "a' or nig 'er'? Correct pronunciation is very important especially if it will be geard on national tv. We don't want our players looking uneducated.
I would agree with you, but that has not been the case in decades.

Maybe during game time, but Marcus Stokes lost his scholarship to UF simply for singing the words of a rap song on Tik Toc or whatever it was.
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Grace and sportsmanship have been moribund in sports for decades. John McEnroe's big mouth, bat flipping, s__t talking, idiotic displays in pro football games, fans disgracing themselves, their city, and their teams, owners bigger than the game, player bragging. Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?
You definitely don’t want to dig into the life of Joe D. Talk about a jerk hiding behind a facade. I’d take all those displays over his real behavior any day
Joe was too busy being abusive to his 2nd wife - a much younger and troubled girl - to be out there smack-talking other players. Needed to conserve his energy. But at least he never said any bad words when playing a kid's game. #RoleModels
You beat me to it. DiMaggio was an abusive, money grubbing dirtball - but at least he was nice to the home plate ump
Because Mike Reid and Steve Smear and Dennis Onkotz were altar boys out there 😂. For Christ sake this is part of football, if you want Boy Scouts and altar boys stick to pee wee leagues and powder puff 😂
Here’s another “shocker” for some around here who believe that football was played and coached by choir boys. Right from a players mouth to me years ago - Joe would allow occasionally allow fights in practice and let the players sort it out.
Then a lot of folks are doing an absolutely lousy job of raising kids and shame on them. We obviously have no standards anymore if this is the way things have evolved.
I come from a coal mining town and we had things rough. This town was full of tough, hard nosed kids with some diversity and the kind of garbage you're talking about being spewed was never uttered and wouldn't be tolerated by parents or the guys playing.

Yeah, I get your point and totally agree in principle. We raised our six kids to believe in and conform their behavior to the civilized standards that you rightly praise.

But in the immortal words of Sgt. Barnes from Platoon: There's the way it oughta be...and there's the way it is.

Even back in the old days, language on the athletic field, especially in contact sports like football and basketball, was pretty rough.

That remains the case. It's just that there's now a modernized racial angle to a lot of the trash talk.

Still, given that our culture has descended into the toilet with all the accompanying destructive effects, trash talk among college-level athletes is honestly not on my top-10 list of concerns.

I'll say this though: finger-pointing, showboating, taunting, and strutting were once not the Penn State Way. However, times have changed...and not for the better.
You beat me to it. DiMaggio was an abusive, money grubbing dirtball - but at least he was nice to the home plate ump

OK, but I don't think the reference is to DiMaggio personally but rather to a time...a ideal even.

Perhaps that time never existed...the myth fanciful...and the ideal unreachable.

But there's something to be said for holding onto the memories, hopes, and dreams anyway.

I mean, look around at the new grubby reality with all the ugliness and unhappiness. Is that really preferable?
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