Dr scott Lynch files lawsuit against PSU, Barbour, and Franklin

Lower Dauphin Class of 1974, PSU 1978. Wasn't Carol Acres at the top of Waltonville Hill?

Yes, Carol Acres is at the top of Waltonville Hill. The decision on whether or not there would be a snow day for Hershey was made based on whether the school bus could make it up Waltonville Hill. Although we lived much closer to Lower Dauphin high school, we went to Hershey because we were in Derry Township.
Yes, Carol Acres is at the top of Waltonville Hill. The decision on whether or not there would be a snow day for Hershey was made based on whether the school bus could make it up Waltonville Hill. Although we lived much closer to Lower Dauphin high school, we went to Hershey because we were in Derry Township.
I ran Cross Country at LD and unfortunately knew Waltonville Hill all too well
There is an email attached where the Doctor references a conversation around specific incidents of Franklin's actions, and his superior, Kevin Black, will be deposed to testify to the substance of that conversation.

An attached email to/from a third party is proof of nothing. It'll show the doctor's perception but not Franklin's intent, or anyone else's.
I found his putting together of his Magna Carta of student-athlete medical issues, in the way that he did it, to be rather.......... dumb (for lack of a more precise term).

That said, I do have no way of knowing if he did so out of genuine and righteous concern - or at 3 AM after a 20 hour shift :) , which is never a good idea.
I found it rather off-putting..... but I don’t see it being particularly relevant to the issues at hand (though it does - IMO - risk making Lynch look rather prima-donna ish)

The issue vav the lawsuit itself...... from the “one side” that was presented..... would appear to me to be that - if the filing is accurate - Babs put pressure on the PSHealth guy to replace Lynch, because of the issues Lynch had raised, rather than/prior to attempting to get to the heart of the issues - and investigate / arbitrate / mitigate / document those issues and her handling of them. That’s a big ass-f*** sandwich for PSU if she did.
IF that be the case - and we have yet to see the “other side” - I think Babs cost Penn State even more $$$$$$...... and, possibly, some measurable reputational damage for PSU FB.

Maybe, time will tell.
Or maybe not, since I would guess we will probably never know much more than we do right now..... I surely don’t expect this thing to “go to court”.

Or that Barbour wanted Lynch replaced because she (and everyone else) didn't want to hear it anymore. Look. Franklin can be a voluble guy and I can see him being in Lynch's face more than Lynch would like him there. If Franklin did nothing to overrule him, all of that time is nothing more than overhead, it comes with the territory. Lynch isn't in a position to change it (but apparently he thinks he is), so if he couldn't deal with it, he should have stepped aside. But something tells me that someone like him just can't do that.
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So far Brenneman, Cabinda, Palmer and Simmons' mom have spoken up in defense of Franklin. This is a guy who sat out starters in huge games for disciplinary reasons. I find it hard to believe he'd want injured kids playing before they are healed properly.

Maybe because I think folks ought to actually READ IT for themselves. Consider it, think about it, and have some intelligent basis for discussing it.

That would be a nice start..... as opposed to the utterly and adamantly uninformed knee-jerk idiocy that typically dominates an issue like this.
Most folks - judging by contemporary evidence - seem to prefer that option.... but I don't.

No one should rely solely on what I THINK about it..... or what any media outlet says about it. Not when the ability to easily become self-informed is staring one in the face.
You can read all you want, but you are only get one side. The other side ain't talking. So regardless, it is he said, and he hasn't said. Have to wait for it to play out. Any intelligent or otherwise discussion is just speculation.

Considering several former players (one from Vandy) and one Mom have said it is BS and they are closer to the program than anyone on this board, they do have weight on this subject.
I find it entirely plausible that both.....

(1) Dr. Lynch believes Franklin overstepped his bounds and waded into his (Lynch's) territory to his (Lynch's) dismay. And Lynch was then replaced because the administration was tired of the drama and wanted to go in a different direction.


(2) Franklin never intended to play any kid before he was medically cleared, never intended to put any kid in jeopardy, and very much believes in doing things right.

.....can be accurate.

In fact, I'd bet on it.

Declarative comments about who's lying and whatnot are almost certainly ill-informed, and nobody here has any real idea what really happened behind closed doors. We'll all have to wait.

It just seems to me that Lynch's view of doctor-coach boundaries, coupled with Franklin's history of being fairly conservative on the injury front, suggests that this boils down to varying interpretations of what "pressured" means -- and ultimately, why Lynch was actually let go. I'd be stunned if Lynch just made this up. I'd also be stunned if Franklin actually pressured Lynch to put kids in a dangerous situation.

But, we shall see.

My personal prediction? Lynch has somewhat valid grounds on the dismissal issue, and gets some kind of settlement, but nothing ever comes out suggesting that Franklin pulled a Tim Beckman. In the end, Lynch gets paid and Franklin preserves his status.......though it certainly gives a bit of ammo to those who want to take shots (rightly or wrongly) at the administration writ large.
I find it entirely plausible that both.....

(1) Dr. Lynch believes Franklin overstepped his bounds and waded into his (Lynch's) territory to his (Lynch's) dismay. And Lynch was then replaced because the administration was tired of the drama and wanted to go in a different direction.


(2) Franklin never intended to play any kid before he was medically cleared, never intended to put any kid in jeopardy, and very much believes in doing things right.

.....can be accurate.

In fact, I'd bet on it.

Declarative comments about who's lying and whatnot are almost certainly ill-informed, and nobody here has any real idea what really happened behind closed doors. We'll all have to wait.

It just seems to me that Lynch's view of doctor-coach boundaries, coupled with Franklin's history of being fairly conservative on the injury front, suggests that this boils down to varying interpretations of what "pressured" means -- and ultimately, why Lynch was actually let go. I'd be stunned if Lynch just made this up. I'd also be stunned if Franklin actually pressured Lynch to put kids in a dangerous situation.

But, we shall see.

My personal prediction? Lynch has somewhat valid grounds on the dismissal issue, and gets some kind of settlement, but nothing ever comes out suggesting that Franklin pulled a Tim Beckman. In the end, Lynch gets paid and Franklin preserves his status.......though it certainly gives a bit of ammo to those who want to take shots (rightly or wrongly) at the administration writ large.

What worries me more is that there is a settlement and it take the form of PSU implementing the recommendations Lynch made to Boland. If that happens, PSU football is fvcked forever.
So far Brenneman, Cabinda, Palmer and Simmons' mom have spoken up in defense of Franklin. This is a guy who sat out starters in huge games for disciplinary reasons. I find it hard to believe he'd want injured kids playing before they are healed properly.
add gaia to that list.
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Only an idiot would make concrete conclusions at this point :)

As for Charmel Green?
She should have never been involved in those discussions w Black....
and if Babs directed her to have a single conversation w Black in the matter, Babs is exactly as stupid as she constantly shows herself to be. :)

But every village needs an idiot...... and Penn State ICA’s village needs an Idiot Queen AND an Idiot Princess.

You should post less, you're an embarrassment.
A recap for those who haven’t read stormingnorm’s suggested sections of the lawsuit-

Lynch claims (paraphrasing)- repeated interference by Franklin with medical management and return to play decisions as well as creating a climate that obstructed full compliance with standards and rules to safeguard medical management of student athletes. He claims the stated need for a State College rather than Hershey based doc was just an excuse to get rid of him.

Lynch says he registered his complaints with Sandy Barbour, Mr Boland (PSU athletic integrity office), Charmelle Green (AAD in charge of sports medicine), and Dr. Black (his boss at Hershey Med Center).

They inserted a section of his personal recommendations for future medical policies for athletic departments.

- He wants a physician appointed totally independent of the athletic department that does all hiring/ firing of trainers, medical staff and other docs as well as investigating complaints of medical interference by coaches.

- The athletic dept would have no say in the hiring or firing of any sports medicine staff.

-He wants coaches to be forbidden from entering training rooms and forbidden to discuss (‘positively or negatively’) injuries with players.

-Coaches should have ‘minimal contact’ with physicians (maybe a prearranged once a week or once a month meeting). A trainer would otherwise be used as a messenger between doc and coach.

-He recommends that no coach should ever call a physician to discuss medical issues. A doc may call a coach if they wish.

His recommendations give some more insight into his thinking about the situation. No specific cases were made known.

It would really help to hear the specific cases of the complaint as that’s really the crux of the matter and would put everything into better perspective.

Sounds like this guy is simply looking to have full control and doesn’t like being part of a coaches staff. Coaches should be involved with injured players. Obviously not clearing them when not ready but should be made aware of their progress not only for professional reason but on a personal note. If I had an injured player I would like to know how he is doing.
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Yeah, "SPOUTING OFF". When she uses terms like "absurd" and "BS", she is telling us that every situation has been handled correctly, just like her son's. But she doesn't really know that to be factual, does she?
Still waiting to hear of the ones that weren’t handled correctly.
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Well for one thing, if you read it you would know that it wasn't a matter of "his contract wasn't renewed" (as some have suggested), but rather that he was flat out replaced with at least a few more years remaining on the original agreement. The excuse put forth by PSU was that it was vastly better to have a doctor from State College versus Hershey, in spite of the fact that they had put the arrangement in place just 5 years earlier. Secondly, since when is every single piece of information contained in any initial court filing, either civil or criminal? There is an email attached where the Doctor references a conversation around specific incidents of Franklin's actions, and his superior, Kevin Black, will be deposed to testify to the substance of that conversation. It's entirely possible that there is additional corroborating evidence which would be uncovered during discovery and/or trial, so being 100% dismissive, largely because Shane Simmons' mom is spouting off about having had a different experience in their case, is really silly. When these types of things pop up on this boards I always say "What would these same PSU fans be saying if the matter involved Ohio State or Michigan?", because the acolytes never disappoint!
Current, Former Players Defend James Franklin Amid Lawsuit
Mikey Mandarino
5 hours ago

Shannon Soboslay

Several players who currently or used to play under the direction of Penn State football head coach James Franklin have come to his defense amid Dr. Scott Lynch’s lawsuit against Franklin and the university.

Jen Simmons — the mother of Penn State defensive end Shane Simmons — called Lynch’s allegations “absolute and total BS!!!” on Twitter. Shane made just four appearances for Penn State last year as he battled an undisclosed injury suffered during training camp.

“As a parent of a son with an injury, [Franklin] and the entire staff have been nothing but supportive of our players and have their best interest at heart,” Simmons’ mother said. “None of this is true.”

Additionally, two of Franklin’s former players backed their former head coach. Jason Cabinda was a Penn State linebacker from 2014-2017, and he also said Lynch’s allegations were “complete and total BS.”

Cabinda’s mother, Natalie, also chimed in on Twitter, saying that Franklin “treats [his players] like his sons.”

Austyn Carta Samuels was Vanderbilt’s starting quarterback during the 2013 season — Franklin’s last at the helm of the Commodores’ football program. According to a story he shared on Twitter, Samuels tore his ACL and was cleared to play three weeks later, but Franklin held him out because he didn’t want him to rush back into action.

Dr. Scott Lynch was Penn State’s Director of Athletic Medicine from 2014-2019, and he claimed that Franklin tried to “interfere with the plaintiff’s autonomous authority to determine medical management and return-to-play decisions.” He also alleges that Penn State’s head coach “created a culture and climate which, at a minimum, obstructed full compliance with the aforementioned standards and rules implemented to safeguard the medical management of student-athletes.”

You can read Penn State Health’s full statement in response to the matter below:

“In February 2019, Penn State Health administrators decided to change leadership for athletic medicine and the delivery of care for Intercollegiate Athletics. This transition was completed with the best interests of student-athletes in mind, given the increasing complexity and growing demands of sports medicine, as well as health care in general. While we reject Dr. Lynch’s claims and will vigorously defend our program and its representatives, we remain grateful to him for his five years as director of athletic medicine for Intercollegiate Athletics and for his continued association with Penn State Health.”

Penn State Health
On Tuesday, the head coach himself came out and reiterated Penn State Health’s statement on the matter, and he added that his players’ well-being is always his top priority.
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The only player I've seen play, that I questioned his health was Trace McSorley. My guess is he himself overruled the Doctor.
This is Dr Lynch's Jerry Maguire moment ... his biggest concern is that once any coach reads this Lynch will never get another position with a sports team. Coaches are not going to give some outsider that kind of power.

Jerry Maguire got canned too.


They inserted a section of his personal recommendations for future medical policies for athletic departments.

- He wants a physician appointed totally independent of the athletic department that does all hiring/ firing of trainers, medical staff and other docs as well as investigating complaints of medical interference by coaches.

- The athletic dept would have no say in the hiring or firing of any sports medicine staff.

-He wants coaches to be forbidden from entering training rooms and forbidden to discuss (‘positively or negatively’) injuries with players.

-Coaches should have ‘minimal contact’ with physicians (maybe a prearranged once a week or once a month meeting). A trainer would otherwise be used as a messenger between doc and coach.

-He recommends that no coach should ever call a physician to discuss medical issues. A doc may call a coach if they wish.

His recommendations give some more insight into his thinking about the situation. No specific cases were made known.

It would really help to hear the specific cases of the complaint as that’s really the crux of the matter and would put everything into better perspective.
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What worries me more is that there is a settlement and it take the form of PSU implementing the recommendations Lynch made to Boland. If that happens, PSU football is fvcked forever.

If PSU does that CJF should walk away .... there will be plenty that want him and will pay big $$$ to get him.
That would make Fester, Ira, and the rest of the BOT POS happy.

The bot's plan is unfolding brilliantly. Blame the classy, ethical legend, fire him, and agree to harsh sanctions that will kill the program. When the program doesn't fold like a cheap suit during O'Brien's tenure (due to those meddling kids), hire an up-and-comer and pay him in the realm of the big boys to give the illusion that we are, in fact, committed to football. Then create a scandal with a former doctor, FIRE. FRANKLIN. :eek: , and finally put the much-needed death knell in the program. Brilliant.

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Penn State Health is involved. To many BOT egos on that board to let this suit go far
The bot's plan is unfolding brilliantly. Blame the classy, ethical legend, fire him, and agree to harsh sanctions that will kill the program. When the program doesn't fold like a cheap suit during O'Brien's tenure (due to those meddling kids), hire an up-and-comer and pay him in the realm of the big boys to give the illusion that we are, in fact, committed to football. Then create a scandal with a former doctor, FIRE. FRANKLIN. :eek: , and finally put the much-needed death knell in the program. Brilliant.


The suit has to get standing before there's even any settlement talk, doesn't it?
Isn't the suit $50,000? My goodness Penn State was handing that out for anyone that could spell Sandusky. This for sure looks like a sour grape money grab. But 50K is worth it to give him and make him sign a no talking act and be done with it. We don't need this on College Game Day.
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He is seeking more than $50,000 in damages from the university in his suit. He claims Penn State officials violated his rights as a whistleblower.

I can't imagine they would call 5 million more than 50,000, even though it is.
That would be the beginning. And no coach worth a nickel would take the PSU job.

Agree. No coach is going to give up control of his roster to the team Dr.

Am I missing something or is only at Penn State that we have to deal with all the BS that pops up daily. wtf is going on up there.
Agree. No coach is going to give up control of his roster to the team Dr.

Am I missing something or is only at Penn State that we have to deal with all the BS that pops up daily. wtf is going on up there.

Most team docs understand that indulging prima donna HCs goes with the territory. This one apparently doesn't. He's lucky that he dealt with Franklin. Someone like Saban or Meyer would have had his head on a pike.