Dr scott Lynch files lawsuit against PSU, Barbour, and Franklin

Agree. No coach is going to give up control of his roster to the team Dr.

Am I missing something or is only at Penn State that we have to deal with all the BS that pops up daily. wtf is going on up there.

Something is surely rotten in Denmark. I contend there's some other entity behind this. Is there a relationship between Fester and this Dr? Anyone know?
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There is a 9 page thread about this already. This isn’t breaking news here. Sorry.


One day after Penn State head football coach James Franklin was named in a lawsuit by a former University physician claiming he was pressured to rush injured players back onto the field, Giantsrunning back Saquon Barkley shared a much different experience.

As a freshman, Barkley suffered an ankle injury in Week 4 of the 2015 season and now credits Franklin for keeping him from making a shortsighted decision at the time.

“I personally wanted to get back on the field as fast as I could,” Barkley told NJ Advance Media Tuesday at the NFL100 kickoff event. “And play as fast as I could. James Franklin was awesome for me. I tried to force it and he just wouldn’t allow me force it. I sat out the next two weeks and was able to come out and be healthy the rest of the season.”

Despite sitting out against Army and Indiana the two weeks following his injury, Barkley went on to rush for 1,076 yards in 11 games as a freshman. Three years later, Barkley was the No. 2 overall pick in the NFL Draft.

“Coach Franklin’s been nothing but a role model and mentor to me,” Barkley said. “I feel like he’s part of my family.”
Franklin's going to come out of this just fine, if he keeps getting guys like Saquon beating the drum of truth. I appreciate Mrs. Simmons' efforts, but she can't move the needle like Saquon can.

Keep it going, boys. Next up, Miles Sanders. And let's hear from Chris Godwin. These guys, by speaking up, can effectively shout down ESPN.
A recap for those who haven’t read stormingnorm’s suggested sections of the lawsuit-

Lynch claims (paraphrasing)- repeated interference by Franklin with medical management and return to play decisions as well as creating a climate that obstructed full compliance with standards and rules to safeguard medical management of student athletes. He claims the stated need for a State College rather than Hershey based doc was just an excuse to get rid of him.

Lynch says he registered his complaints with Sandy Barbour, Mr Boland (PSU athletic integrity office), Charmelle Green (AAD in charge of sports medicine), and Dr. Black (his boss at Hershey Med Center).

They inserted a section of his personal recommendations for future medical policies for athletic departments.

- He wants a physician appointed totally independent of the athletic department that does all hiring/ firing of trainers, medical staff and other docs as well as investigating complaints of medical interference by coaches.

- The athletic dept would have no say in the hiring or firing of any sports medicine staff.

-He wants coaches to be forbidden from entering training rooms and forbidden to discuss (‘positively or negatively’) injuries with players.

-Coaches should have ‘minimal contact’ with physicians (maybe a prearranged once a week or once a month meeting). A trainer would otherwise be used as a messenger between doc and coach.

-He recommends that no coach should ever call a physician to discuss medical issues. A doc may call a coach if they wish.

His recommendations give some more insight into his thinking about the situation. No specific cases were made known.

It would really help to hear the specific cases of the complaint as that’s really the crux of the matter and would put everything into better perspective.

Good god, those "recommendations" are alarming. More than anything it seems as if Dr. Lynch is one of those doctors that do not like to be questioned at all by anyone. Unfortunately, I've had plenty of opportunities to interact with doctors and it is not unusual for them to react negatively to their opinion (aka "diagnosis") being questioned let alone proved wrong. God-complex comes to mind.
Good god, those "recommendations" are alarming. More than anything it seems as if Dr. Lynch is one of those doctors that do not like to be questioned at all by anyone. Unfortunately, I've had plenty of opportunities to interact with doctors and it is not unusual for them to react negatively to their opinion (aka "diagnosis") being questioned let alone proved wrong. God-complex comes to mind.

Yep, that doc is completely unrealistic. No way the doc should have the say over all trainers. etc., plus "don't contact me, I'll contact you" mentality. Sounds like he has a bigger ego than HCs.
Lynch had to realize this was coming - that he listed no names in his lawsuit to corroborate his allegations but that anecdotes from current and past players could (and in this case would) flood the media with their stories. Lynch is losing public opinion already on this badly. Barkley's account of his experience is a dagger. He should drop this silly $hit now while he can still save face.
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Lynch had to realize this was coming - that he listed no names in his lawsuit to corroborate his allegations but that anecdotes from current and past players could (and in this case would) flood the media with their stories. Lynch is losing public opinion already on this badly. Barkley's account of his experience is a dagger. He should drop this silly $hit now while he can still save face.
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God-complex comes to mind.

What do you call the guy who finishes last in his class at med school? Doctor....

Even the best doctor will get it wrong some of the time. Sounds to me like this doctor needs to be saved from himself at this point. Though I'll reserve full judgement until the rest of the story unfolds -- if it ever unfolds.
The difficulty with that scenario is that, as far as any of us know, we have no idea what it would take to persuade Lynch to settle. At this moment, even Lynch may not have precise clarity wrt "what it would take".
How much is he asking for then? I thought I read it was 50,000.
please,can someone just call this 50 grand an entrance fee!
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No one is ever going to know "all the details" (and the vast majority of folks don't care, obviously.... since the vast majority of folks won't even bother to read the information that IS put in front of them :) ).

Couple things:

This one, I DO KNOW. Without question:

1) If this was a Physician, who used to be a PSU wrestler, who was employed as the team physician at Michigan, and was filing this exact same suit against Jimmah Harbaugh and the UMich ICA, the commentary on this board would be 180 degrees different.

These next four items, from reading what has been made available and from listening to those folks who do have some worthwhile perspectives, and from observing some of the participants over the years, I think I would place a very high probability on:

2) It is highly unlikely that CJF inappropriately pushed kids to play or practice - when their participation presented a high risk of further aggravating injuries (and NO ONE, not even in the court filing, has even suggested that he ever did that).

3) The genesis of the kerfluffle betwixt CJF and Lynch was likely far less nefarious than most of the "fan boy" speculation would have one believe.
The kerfluffle was, in all likelihood, catalyzed by the run-of-the-mill shit that almost always precipitates kerfluffles like this.
Namely: Misunderstandings / Egos / Stoopid / breakdowns in communication / and genuine differences of opinion on debatable issues.

ie: The type of stuff that "managers" manage every day..... Managers overseeing large operations, and those overseeing small groups, and everything in between.

4) This kerfluffle woulda' coulda' been properly managed - and never, ever led to anything that would generate the interest that it has. Management talent equal to what one would expect from the governor of the night shift at the local WalMart woulda' coulda' handled a situation of this type...… and folks like that likely do handle situations of this type on a regular basis.

5) PSU ICA is a $100 Million operation.... that is managed by folks who's capabilities lie somewhere south of the typical WalMart night manager - - - - and thus, through their incompetence, the kerfluffle was morphed into this situation we are seeing now: Lawsuit / Extensive Publicity / and a high likelihood of significant amounts of cash thrown into a bonfire.
(Actually this one is pretty much a sure thing :) )

ie: Par for the course for PSU circa 2019.

I actually agree with you on 1-3 but then as usual you go off the rails and back to your old self 4-5 and i.e.
Who cares about ICA's $100 million. What about the $2 billion from Penn State Health that's also a defendant?
If this were um and hairball, of course our reaction would be 180 degrees different. um has a history of looking the other way in the face of real scandals, and everyone knows hairball is a scumbag.

Our 5 star tight end that was desperately needed....

So this doctor is recommending during his exit interview that while these kids are hurt, and in the darkest points in their careers, they should have no contact whatsoever with their coach?

It's kind of bizarre that this lawsuit is happening while Andrew Luck and Gronk are retiring because of being in dark places while always rehabbing. I'm no shrink, but it seems to me cutting them off from contact with the team is the last thing they would need.
I'm not sure if I understand the compensation / effort on pg. 47 (Exhibit 1) of the filing, but is his total compensation $654 k? In the effort allocation, states his time as 49% to the ICA. Does this reflect that 49% of total comp is for the ICA medicine show?

Probably close to that number. He has a fixed base of $523,162. The rest is a budgeted performance bonus (what kind of fvcking nimrod budgets $xxx,784??? I mean, where are the fvcking pennies?). He probably came in close to that number, but it could have been more or less.

Yes, that document does indicate that 49% of his time is to be devoted to ICA-Athletic Medicine. Compensation should follow that formula to a greater or lesser degree (depending on what activities are bonusable). However, he remains under contract to Milton Hershey, so that 49% of his time would simply be re-allocated to other activities and his compensation level.
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1) If this was a Physician, who used to be a PSU wrestler, who was employed as the team physician at Michigan, and was filing this exact same suit against Jimmah Harbaugh and the UMich ICA, the commentary on this board would be 180 degrees different.
And the commentary on espn and talk radio would be different too (if anything was even said in the first place).
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It’s reassuring to hear these former players (as well as the former qb at Vanderbilt) speak of their experiences.

If we get through Friday afternoon without any new bombs on Pennlive or in the Inquirer then I’ll feel better.
Impressive to see the moms jumping in with their view.

Can we make Mrs Simmons and others lifetime team parents .... ? Assign them to a valued recruit .... LOL