Eakin Suspended

How unfortunate for you. I know plenty who are way more grounded than me and most of my buddies.


Eakin will probably be encouraged to quit for the good of the court (or party). In actuality, he's going to be sacrificed as the latest bright shiny object used to distract from wider corruption and malfeasance. What about the other judges and prosecutors? What about the state police, leadership and rank and file? There are a lot more people sleeping uneasy tonight, hoping this doesn't reach them. This is kids for cash redux, on possibly a larger scale. The court tried to protect Conahan and Ciavarella at first, then when it became obvious, they were cut loose and sacrificed. Eakin is now the bright shiny object thrown out to distract from the reality that virtually the entire judiciary in the state is rotten to the core. The top jurists in the state are hoping this buys them enough time, not to clean it up, but for them to get out while the gettings good and with their nest eggs and pensions/power/reputations intact.
PC strikes again. It deprived or state of a good judge because he was a regular guy with a regular sense of humor.
Kane played on our PC obsession. I get jokes and send jokes all the time. Sometimes what makes them hilarious is the very fact they're politically incorrect.
We are losing our nation's sense of humor thanks to a vindictive and corrupt bitch. Doesn't surprise me she's a Hillary suck-up.
PC strikes again. It deprived or state of a good judge because he was a regular guy with a regular sense of humor.
Kane played on our PC obsession. I get jokes and send jokes all the time. Sometimes what makes them hilarious is the very fact they're politically incorrect.
We are losing our nation's sense of humor thanks to a vindictive and corrupt bitch. Doesn't surprise me she's a Hillary suck-up.

If there was a way for me to get you mental help, I would do it for a Christmas gift.
PC strikes again. It deprived or state of a good judge because he was a regular guy with a regular sense of humor.
Kane played on our PC obsession. I get jokes and send jokes all the time. Sometimes what makes them hilarious is the very fact they're politically incorrect.
We are losing our nation's sense of humor thanks to a vindictive and corrupt bitch. Doesn't surprise me she's a Hillary suck-up.

I honestly believe it is possible for a guy to be a good or even great judge while having done everything I am aware of with emails that Eakin has allegedly done. I believe it it is far less likely that the public would have any faith that he is a good or great judge having done those things. And let's face it, public trust is kind of a big deal for a judge don't ya think?

I don't have any information or opinion as to whether Eakin had been a good or bad judge up to porngate.. I am personally most concerned about any steps he allegedly was involved in to influence, cover up or quash a proper investigation into his role in porngate.
I honestly believe it is possible for a guy to be a good or even great judge while having done everything I am aware of with emails that Eakin has allegedly done. I believe it it is far less likely that the public would have any faith that he is a good or great judge having done those things. And let's face it, public trust is kind of a big deal for a judge don't ya think?

I don't have any information or opinion as to whether Eakin had been a good or bad judge up to porngate.. I am personally most concerned about any steps he allegedly was involved in to influence, cover up or quash a proper investigation into his role in porngate.
Eakin has a documented history of very questionable judgments. It's been discussed here already. I can try to find a link later.
Justice Eakin dissented from this decision, joining the opinion of Chief Justice Castille, who argued that the Phillies and other defendants in cases like this one should be able to show that the 11-year-old had the capacity to consent.

just. f**king. sick.

And just think, their buddy Fina has been transferred to Phila civil cases.

You cannot make this stuff up.
And just think, their buddy Fina has been transferred to Phila civil cases.

You cannot make this stuff up.

I really don't know how sick or obtuse someone has to be to read JUST THIS DECISION and claim those emails were innocent and had no effect on Eakin's mind . . .

people convicted Sandusky of being a pedophile just because he paused in his response to a Bob Costas question. but a judge issues a decision claiming an 11 yr old girl can consent to sex. just sayin . . .
PC strikes again. It deprived or state of a good judge because he was a regular guy with a regular sense of humor.
Kane played on our PC obsession. I get jokes and send jokes all the time. Sometimes what makes them hilarious is the very fact they're politically incorrect.
We are losing our nation's sense of humor thanks to a vindictive and corrupt bitch. Doesn't surprise me she's a Hillary suck-up.

Corrupt public officials love enablers like you.
A little background:

Calson was hired by Fisher.
Cranga was hired by Corbett.

If Cranga's name rings a bell, it's because he was involved in the Sandusky investigation.

Don't know if any of it is pertinent. The whole thing is just bizarre. Pennsylvania is a beautiful state, but I am certainly glad I don't live there. The courts are out of control.
Cranga was also among those in the porngate email chains.
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PC strikes again. It deprived or state of a good judge because he was a regular guy with a regular sense of humor.
Kane played on our PC obsession. I get jokes and send jokes all the time. Sometimes what makes them hilarious is the very fact they're politically incorrect.
We are losing our nation's sense of humor thanks to a vindictive and corrupt bitch. Doesn't surprise me she's a Hillary suck-up.
Wow,.....just wow.

I'll chip in too TTM
Justice Eakin dissented from this decision, joining the opinion of Chief Justice Castille, who argued that the Phillies and other defendants in cases like this one should be able to show that the 11-year-old had the capacity to consent.

just. f**king. sick.

The picture of a corrupt PA criminal justice system and judiciary that protects the elite -- some of whom have predilections for sex with children -- is coming into focus.

As I said a while ago, Corbett never intended to prosecute the Sandusky case because of the risks involved.
How about ole "Dick" Sheetz. What a fine, upstanding family man running a family-oriented business. Should he be pissed as an innocent bystander who was merely on the mailing lists or was he a contributor to these chains? I bet he is just livid with these di@kheads who he probably contributed beaucoup dollars to over the years for getting him "outed" like this. :cool: