Keep shoving that Clemente narrative in everyone's face though. It's been so successful.
Well, when you willingly accept blame, it kind of becomes your job to refute it.
Keep shoving that Clemente narrative in everyone's face though. It's been so successful.
I gave you credit for "more than the minimum".No, they haven't. Calling the victims liars and doubting their stories are not debunking. The only one that is debunked is the one where the victim said that coach Sarra walked in on the event, even though Sarra was not at PSU at that time.
I'll let you know as soon as someone in PSU leadership tries it.How's that brilliant strategy working, btw?
That's right. Its a trial ballon. But, it is a tacit approval of Joe's actions. It starts the discussion back up, which to me is good. I don't care what the damage may be to PSU....what is right is right. Never reward miscreant behavior because it will become pervasive. If the BOT ruins the school, so be it.
After arranging a mid-field prayer for AF and AM during UNL week, the University proudly proclaimed they would become the LEADER in the prevention of CSA. Not the leader in metallurgy research, or the leader in childhood cancer research. The leader in CSA prevention. Why? How many other schools had retired employees charged w/ acts of pedophilia? ALL OF THEM?I'll let you know as soon as someone in PSU leadership tries it.
Good Talk
Correct. Thanks A9.well if its a trial balloon, it doesn't seem to be making serious JVP supporters happy or the national media and general public so.....
The accusations from the 70s was kept quiet, and certain OGBOT members knew about them, no?If there was anything bad out there about Joe, we'd have heard it by now. In bold print, capital letters, with neon. There's no way the scoundrels would have kept it hidden.
As far as ESPiN goes, they are the guys that covered up a video about child abuse at Syracuse. End of story.
There wasn't a video and the Syracuse accusers admitted they were lying. Bad example.
Negative against Joe? I highly doubt it. This thing never passed the sniff test as far as accusations flung at Joe. He's human and we can all make mistakes, but no way am I buying that Joe harbored and/or covered up for a serial child rapist. You'd have to be talking about a different guy because that wasn't in Joe's DNA. The decisions that the man made throughout his entire career would tell you that he wouldn't do such a thing. Hell, when I was in school, he benched Pete Harris, Franco's brother and an All-American who led the nation in interceptions the prior year, for bad grades and improper conduct. So you're going to tell me that this man protected Sandusky? Bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit!This is not an easy decision for the BOT. What if they honor Joe and something negative comes out of the trails? That would be pretty bad. On the other hand you can't save his 50th anniversary for later.
I think PSU should recognize the 50th anniversary of Success With Honor by focusing more on Joe's accomplishments than on Joe himself. They can save the big Joe recognition for later.
This. They should be out in front. Instead, the media is once again creating the narrative.Now is the time for the university leadership to stand up and explain to the world why this is happening. Explain that now that they've looked at everything and taken their time, there's no link between Joe and the crimes. Explain that what they did 5 years ago seemed like a good idea at the time, but now they realize their errors. Explain that when looking more deeply into the evidence, they wish they had done more.
No, they haven't. Calling the victims liars and doubting their stories are not debunking. The only one that is debunked is the one where the victim said that coach Sarra walked in on the event, even though Sarra was not at PSU at that time.
Totally disagree. He starts by saying "there are strong opinions on both sides what culpability Joe has". What? He's implying Paterno was culpable, just doesn't know how culpable. He wasn't culpable at all!
Totally diasgree. He starts by saying "there are strong opinions on both sides what culpability Joe has". What? He's implying Paterno was culpable, just doesn't know how culpable. He wasn't culpable at all!
What "other people"? Neither Joe nor "other people" addressed the two 70's allegations. And if a conversation was between Paterno and the kid, who could corroborate that story?So Joe and many other people are liars? But the people who waited 40 years to come forward and only once money was available aren't to be questioned? Despite their stories not making sense and not one person corroborating their stories?
What about the people who went to the camps in that timeframe and disproved aspects of their stories? What about the fact that PSU likely didn't have conference call technology in 1971?
Not sure how any rational person can believe the 70s accusations.
So Joe and many other people are liars? But the people who waited 40 years to come forward and only once money was available aren't to be questioned? Despite their stories not making sense and not one person corroborating their stories?
What about the people who went to the camps in that timeframe and disproved aspects of their stories? What about the fact that PSU likely didn't have conference call technology in 1971?
Not sure how any rational person can believe the 70s accusations.
Keep shoving that Clemente narrative in everyone's face though. It's been so successful.
JS' innocence or guilt has no bearing on the fact that this strategy has been an abject failure.The general public will not understand that Paterno didn't know that Sandusky was a pedophile if they don't understand how these guys operate.
Of course, those of you who believe that Sandusky wasn't a pedophile are not going to like that. Tough. It's the truth.
JS' innocence or guilt has no bearing on the fact that this strategy has been an abject failure.
Don't forget LJ....Ohio State fans say that Joe knew but that Schiano and Bradley didn't know. The media seems to agree.
Apparently everybody in this sorry affair gets the benefit of the doubt except for Joe & C/S/S.
What "other people"? Neither Joe nor "other people" addressed the two 70's allegations. And if a conversation was between Paterno and the kid, who could corroborate that story?
I'm not saying those allegations are true but they certainly have not been disproved.
If you watched the clip you know Davis doesn't believe any of that will happen, and that it should if they're going to do it.Now is the time for the university leadership to stand up and explain to the world why this is happening. Explain that now that they've looked at everything and taken their time, there's no link between Joe and the crimes. Explain that what they did 5 years ago seemed like a good idea at the time, but now they realize their errors. Explain that when looking more deeply into the evidence, they wish they had done more.
The dozens of other people that also had to know if Joe knew.
Joe did address the 70s allegations, when he said he didn't know prior to 2001.
You act like the allegations are gospel, there is way more out there casting doubt on them than there is supporting them. If the kid actually did talk to Joe Paterno, some other coach or adult had to take him there, or he got away from everybody and someone would remember him being lost.
The dozens of other people that also had to know if Joe knew.
Joe did address the 70s allegations, when he said he didn't know prior to 2001.
You act like the allegations are gospel, there is way more out there casting doubt on them than there is supporting them. If the kid actually did talk to Joe Paterno, some other coach or adult had to take him there, or he got away from everybody and someone would remember him being lost.
The University hasn't defended JVP.Well a strategy that the university refuses to adopt certainly doesn't have any chance of success.
Almost 10K posts - nearly all of them troll posts. Think if you'd have spent that time on some other worthy endeavor, like collecting aluminum cans or selling your plasma...You are just making guesses on how it could have happened. No one knows how it could have happened or if it even happened. I'm not saying that it did or did not happen, but no one really knows except for the victim since Paterno is gone. And yes, that is very frustrating because we will never know without a doubt if it is true or false.
Goes back to what I have been saying for quite awhile now... we will never know the truth. It's always going to be a gray area.
You are just making guesses on how it could have happened. No one knows how it could have happened or if it even happened. I'm not saying that it did or did not happen, but no one really knows except for the victim since Paterno is gone. And yes, that is very frustrating because we will never know without a doubt if it is true or false.
Goes back to what I have been saying for quite awhile now... we will never know the truth. It's always going to be a gray area.
You are just making guesses on how it could have happened. No one knows how it could have happened or if it even happened. I'm not saying that it did or did not happen, but no one really knows except for the victim since Paterno is gone. And yes, that is very frustrating because we will never know without a doubt if it is true or false.
Goes back to what I have been saying for quite awhile now... we will never know the truth. It's always going to be a gray area.
Logically, it had to happen one of those ways, take your pick.
Joe said he didn't know about anything prior to 2001, that is enough proof the 70s victims are lying.
Joe did indicate in his GJ testimony that he may have heard about the 1998 incident, but he was not sure. Of course, as many here like to point out, he was old and may have just forgotten some things. So an incident happening 35-40 years ago may have slipped his mind.In fact, he did say that he didn't remember about another incident, not that he absolutely was never told of one.
I wouldn't think so, but Paterno indicated that may have been the case with the 1998 incident... a full 20+ years closer to his testimony.It's not something you forget.
Logically, it had to happen one of those ways, take your pick.
Joe said he didn't know about anything prior to 2001, that is enough proof the 70s victims are lying.
I'm not saying those allegations are true but they certainly have not been disproved.
No, what he wrote is correct. He didn't get into whether Joe was actually culpable or not. He just said there are strong feelings on both sides. Meaning, one side is fully convinced he's culpable (100%), the other side is fully convinced he's not culpable (0%).Totally diasgree. He starts by saying "there are strong opinions on both sides what culpability Joe has". What? He's implying Paterno was culpable, just doesn't know how culpable. He wasn't culpable at all!