FC: Judge gives NCAA permission to file new response in Paterno lawsuit(updated w/ new NCAA filing)

And I can't imagine going through life being uninformed and lacking critical thinking skills. Maybe you or some of the afflicted who live here can tell me what it feels like.

One thing's for sure, nobody is as impressed with your critical thinking skills as you are of your own skills (e.g., "self impressed"). Your level of arrogance and hubris is on par with the famous tale, "The Emperor Has No Clothes". Just because you're impressed with yourself doesn't make it so Champ.
One thing's for sure, nobody is as impressed with your critical thinking skills as you are of your own skills (e.g., "self impressed"). Your level of arrogance and hubris is on par with the famous tale, "The Emperor Has No Clothes". Just because you're impressed with yourself doesn't make it so Champ.

funny thing is that I have talked to people who have met him in "real life", not as much a know it all and tough guy in person. heard he was easily beaten down.
If JVP believed the matter was reported to DPW, why would he go to the police? Based on email evidence that we have seen, when Curley met with JVP the plan was to report it to DPW. We have not seen any evidence that JVP knew the plan later changed or was involved the change. Fina even confirmed that they found no evidence that JVP was involved in a cover up.

I think it's fair to say that Fina didn't do as an exhaustive investigation that Freeh did with respect to the interviewing of 300+ people in and around the university. He certainly didn't have the time or resources. If he had, he might have come to a different conclusion than what he did. Fina's statement is a product of what may be just a subset of evidence that Freeh had uncovered. We will never know if JVP would have subsequently been charged with crimes resulting from 6+ more months of evidence gathering since he was already dead when the Freeh report was issued.

From the Freeh report:

"Taking into account THE AVAILABLE WITNESS STATEMENTS and evidence, the Special Investigative Council finds that it is more reasonable to conclude that, in order to avoid the consequences of bad publicity, the most powerful leaders of the university - Spanier, Shultz, Paterno, and Curley - repeatedly concealed critical facts ...............

It's time for the JVP supporters to stop basing their case on the impeachment of two e-mails.
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I think it's fair to say that Fina didn't do as an exhaustive investigation that Freeh did with respect to the interviewing of 300+ people in and around the university. He certainly didn't have the time or resources. If he had, he might have come to a different conclusion than what he did. Fina's statement is a product of what may be just a subset of evidence that Freeh had uncovered. We will never know if JVP would have subsequently been charged with crimes resulting from 6+ more months of evidence gathering since he was already dead when the Freeh report was issued.

From the Freeh report:

"Taking into account THE AVAILABLE WITNESS STATEMENTS and evidence, the Special Investigative Council finds that it is more reasonable to conclude that, in order to avoid the consequences of bad publicity, the most powerful leaders of the university - Spanier, Shultz, Paterno, and Curley - repeatedly concealed critical facts ...............
Care to provide the source data that supports those conclusions?
I think it's fair to say that Fina didn't do as an exhaustive investigation that Freeh did with respect to the interviewing of 300+ people in and around the university. He certainly didn't have the time or resources. If he had, he might have come to a different conclusion than what he did. Fina's statement is a product of what may be just a subset of evidence that Freeh had uncovered. We will never know if JVP would have subsequently been charged with crimes resulting from 6+ more months of evidence gathering since he was already dead when the Freeh report was issued.

From the Freeh report:

"Taking into account THE AVAILABLE WITNESS STATEMENTS and evidence, the Special Investigative Council finds that it is more reasonable to conclude that, in order to avoid the consequences of bad publicity, the most powerful leaders of the university - Spanier, Shultz, Paterno, and Curley - repeatedly concealed critical facts ...............

It's time for the JVP supporters to stop basing their case on the impeachment of two e-mails.

Is there any more absolute sign of desperation.....than trying to buttress your hopes on the possibility that Louis Freeh does legitimate work?

I think it's fair to say that Fina didn't do as an exhaustive investigation that Freeh did with respect to the interviewing of 300+ people in and around the university. He certainly didn't have the time or resources. If he had, he might have come to a different conclusion than what he did. Fina's statement is a product of what may be just a subset of evidence that Freeh had uncovered. We will never know if JVP would have subsequently been charged with crimes resulting from 6+ more months of evidence gathering since he was already dead when the Freeh report was issued.

From the Freeh report:

"Taking into account THE AVAILABLE WITNESS STATEMENTS and evidence, the Special Investigative Council finds that it is more reasonable to conclude that, in order to avoid the consequences of bad publicity, the most powerful leaders of the university - Spanier, Shultz, Paterno, and Curley - repeatedly concealed critical facts ...............

It's time for the JVP supporters to stop basing their case on the impeachment of two e-mails.

Right. And it's time for the BoT supporters to stop basing their case on Louis Freeh's "available witnesses" who remain anonymous and who were necessarily far removed and may or may not have actually witnessed anything regarding the actual events of this case. You really are a dumb phuck Jim.
I think it's fair to say that Fina didn't do as an exhaustive investigation that Freeh did with respect to the interviewing of 300+ people in and around the university. He certainly didn't have the time or resources. If he had, he might have come to a different conclusion than what he did. Fina's statement is a product of what may be just a subset of evidence that Freeh had uncovered. We will never know if JVP would have subsequently been charged with crimes resulting from 6+ more months of evidence gathering since he was already dead when the Freeh report was issued.

From the Freeh report:

"Taking into account THE AVAILABLE WITNESS STATEMENTS and evidence, the Special Investigative Council finds that it is more reasonable to conclude that, in order to avoid the consequences of bad publicity, the most powerful leaders of the university - Spanier, Shultz, Paterno, and Curley - repeatedly concealed critical facts ...............

It's time for the JVP supporters to stop basing their case on the impeachment of two e-mails.
If Freeh was limited to who he could speak with and had no subpoena power, then how could his investigation be more exhaustive than Fina? We still don't know who Freeh spoke to. Hell, he could have spoken to 300+ people who had no knowledge of anything Sandusky related. So what relevance does their comments carry? Freeh also was not required to include any exculpatory information in his report.

And what crimes would JVP be charged with? This is beyond silly.
Screw "the book."

"The Book" at places like Penn State University and Big Corporation X is written in a way that looks to protect the University/Corporation. "The Book" doesn't give a damn about what is morally right, it only cares about protecting the University/Corporation. "The Book" values preservation of the entity above anything and everything else.

God has a "book" too ---- and damn it, even if I put my job at risk, I'm following that book over the other one. Joe should have too. If he had, he may have been fired ... but there would be no debates anywhere in the college football world as regards Paterno's legacy. He would be considered a "hero" by all.

Bull. That 'book' was written by experts and merely adopted by everyone else. Seriously, people like you get future kids hurt.
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Right. And it's time for the BoT supporters to stop basing their case on Louis Freeh's "available witnesses" who remain anonymous and who were necessarily far removed and may or may not have actually witnessed anything regarding the actual events of this case. You really are a dumb phuck Jim.

Basing your reality on the legitimacy of Louis Freeh:


Keep your hands steady NittWitt and CR!!!
Because I believe a critical lesson to take from Joe's life is this:

No matter what, no matter how hard it is, no matter how much risk you put yourself at, DO THE RIGHT THING.

You don't appreciate the irony of what you typed. So, take your own advice, admit you were wrong, and fix your behavior.
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Actually, what you don't seem able to imagine is being wrong. Your arrogance (and perhaps lack of objectivity regarding BOT members that you know personally) have hampered you in this discussion.

For the very reason that I know them is why I can be objective. It's those of you who have never met them who can't be objective and therefore find it sporting to engage in character assassination and humiliation with no basis for your actions.
For the very reason that I know them is why I can be objective. It's those of you who have never met them who can't be objective and therefore find it sporting to engage in character assassination and humiliation with no basis for your actions.
Hey you know....the offer is still out there. You told me before how much I would admire you if I only got to know you.


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If Freeh was limited to who he could speak with and had no subpoena power, then how could his investigation be more exhaustive than Fina? We still don't know who Freeh spoke to. Hell, he could have spoken to 300+ people who had no knowledge of anything Sandusky related. So what relevance does their comments carry? Freeh also was not required to include any exculpatory information in his report.

And what crimes would JVP be charged with? This is beyond silly.

I've always wondered about the 300+ (thought it was 400+ but oh well) witnesses that Freeh allegedly spoke with. Imagine investigating a traffic accident in New York City and as part of the investigation you interview 10,000 people in Los Angeles about the accident. Then, in reporting on the findings of your investigation, you say your investigation was extremely thorough because you interviewed 10,000 people, never mentioning the fact that they were 3,000 miles away when the accident happened. Who were the witnesses Freeh interviewed? Why is that such a closely guarded secret?
For the very reason that I know them is why I can be objective. It's those of you who have never met them who can't be objective and therefore find it sporting to engage in character assassination and humiliation with no basis for your actions.

Wow. Just wow. Royboy makes a valid point and in attempting to refute it you actually conclusively prove it. What an arrogant delusional asshole you are Jim.
For the very reason that I know them is why I can be objective. It's those of you who have never met them who can't be objective and therefore find it sporting to engage in character assassination and humiliation with no basis for your actions.

Yep, knowing someone always improves your objectivity when looking at their actions. That's why juries are always made up of people who know the defendant, or know the cops who arrested him, or know the judge, etc. Because they're so much more objective than someone who doesn't know any of the participants...
And I can't imagine going through life being uninformed and lacking critical thinking skills. Maybe you or some of the afflicted who live here can tell me what it feels like.
Just WOW.... Jim Carnes slinking down to the commoners levels and delivering insults... never thought I would see the day a man of his pedigree would sink to insulting commoners usually its just "off with their heads..."
For the very reason that I know them is why I can be objective. It's those of you who have never met them who can't be objective and therefore find it sporting to engage in character assassination and humiliation with no basis for your actions.

I know several very well, which includes personal situations with my family and theirs. I have no issue assassinating their character when it come to the grave mistakes surrounding PSU. I believe from personal conversations that they meant well but will be quite embarrassed when all the facts surface and their behavior is revealed.
"cooperative and helpful witness" does not mean the same thing as "hero" ---- Bushwood is the one who used the word "hero."

In fact the dictionary definition of "hero" is "a person of distinguished courage and/or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities."

I'd argue that IF JoePa had gone to the police in February 2002, after it became apparent that his superiors did not, that would have been courageous and brave. Risking his job to do the correct thing. Definitely worthy of the "hero" tag.
Joe didn't have to risk his job to do the right thing. It was in his nature. And it is not apparent in the least that his superiors did not.
Yep, Curley met with JoePa on 26-February-2001, where the "plan" was revealed to Paterno.

Of course, one day later on 27-February-2001, Curley had decided to change the "plan."

Now, even if Paterno had no factor in Curley changing the "plan" ----- wouldn't you be curious (if you were Joe) why that Sandusky dude is still hanging around Penn State football so much as the calendar turns into March 2001 ... and April 2001 ... and May 2001 ... and June 2001 ... and July 2001, et cetera.

At some point, don't you at least ASK Curley: "hey, remember when you told me you were reporting Sandusky to the Department of Welfare? You DID do that right? It just seems strange, he's hanging around here just as much as always and it seems like business as normal. Again, you DID do that, right Tim?"
Again, the only change in the plan proposed by Curley was to include Sandusky among those being informed. No one was excluded. Curley was uncomfortable going behind Sandusky's back. Period.
Hey you know....the offer is still out there. You told me before how much I would admire you if I only got to know you.

He sure knows how to "enliven" a dying thread.
For the very reason that I know them is why I can be objective. It's those of you who have never met them who can't be objective and therefore find it sporting to engage in character assassination and humiliation with no basis for your actions.
CR, you were fiendishly laughing out loud when you wrote that. Admit it. Masterful trolling.
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I know several very well, which includes personal situations with my family and theirs. I have no issue assassinating their character when it come to the grave mistakes surrounding PSU. I believe from personal conversations that they meant well but will be quite embarrassed when all the facts surface and their behavior is revealed.

Let me see if I understand you. If someone has good character but makes a mistake in judgement, it's OK to assassinate their character? You might want to think about what you just said.
For the very reason that I know them is why I can be objective. It's those of you who have never met them who can't be objective and therefore find it sporting to engage in character assassination and humiliation with no basis for your actions.

So ONLY those who personally know the BOT members, or key BOT members, can make objective judgments about their actions, specifically about their conduct in the Sandusky scandal?

Is this some guiding principal you have of judging the actions of someone in a position of responsibility? If we don't personally know our congressman/governor/President, we cannot hope to judge their actions objectively?

You recall that Joel Meyers, for example, ran for re-election to the BOT, and was soundly defeated. Was that action somehow illegitimate because most of those voters didn't know him personally? He campaigned pretty hard, and asked for support based on what he had done, but was voted out.

Why not apply your great powers of logic and reasoning to some of your own statements?
For the very reason that I know them is why I can be objective. It's those of you who have never met them who can't be objective and therefore find it sporting to engage in character assassination and humiliation with no basis for your actions.

This guy.....CON MAN - CROOK - LIAR - EX-CON - DOPER etc etc etc.....Is the type of "high character" individual that CR admires.

Is there any more that needs to be said regarding CR's ethical core?

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Just WOW.... Jim Carnes slinking down to the commoners levels and delivering insults... never thought I would see the day a man of his pedigree would sink to insulting commoners usually its just "off with their heads..."

trust me, people of importance read his posts and file them away. and yet, despite the knowledge that his idiotic, arrogant ramblings are actually doing harm to his masters, his ego does not permit him to stop. he's just that big of a senseless dbag.
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sooo is this good or bad?? I don't get how the NCAA defends the freeh report

What choice do they have? They put all their eggs in Freeh's basket by not doing their own investigation. The former chairman of the NCAA, Ed Ray, has admitted he never even read the Freeh Report before sanctioning PSU.


They can't come out and say the Freeh Report is the load of garbage everybody knows it is because if they did this lawsuit would be over. They have no choice but to stand behind a report that is considered laughable at best these days. They bet on everybody involved in this just putting their heads in the sand, accepting the sanctions, and the Paterno's just trying to make it all go away as fast as possible. They thought way to highly of themselves and that nobody would dare challenge them, which meant they could do whatever they wanted. They bet wrong, and now they have to explain themselves.

The NCAA and Mark Emmert remind me of every hairbrained scheme by total losers in every television show and movie I've ever seen. You know the guys. The ones that say, "we can't lose. It's fool proof!" right before the make a terrible decision without ever thinking it through.
Let me see if I understand you. If someone has good character but makes a mistake in judgement, it's OK to assassinate their character? You might want to think about what you just said.

You're trying to say Frazier, Masser, Eckel, Peetz, Surma and some others have "good character"?

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Why Barry wants to meet you defies logic.


He dun' told me agin' and agin' howz much better'a person I'd become jus from meetin' him.

Ain't you knowd? He dun make the whole durn World a better place - jus' by showin' up.

A feller would be a fool to turn down an invite ta' meet a feller whats jus one step down from the Lord hisownself.


Well....ta' be honest, there is one other reason. I do want to see - in person - just what a "walking pile of stillborn rat afterbirth" looks like.

He dun' told me agin' and agin' howz much better'a person I'd become jus from meetin' him.

Ain't you knowd? He dun make the whole durn World a better place - jus' by showin' up.

A feller would be a fool to turn down an invite ta' meet a feller whats jus one step down from the Lord hisownself.


Well....ta' be honest, there is one other reason. I do want to see - in person - just what a "walking pile of stillborn rat afterbirth" looks like.

Go to some of the games, and check around to see if you can find his tailgate. He's always inviting rutgersal. Couldn't be too hard to do.
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The source data is located in a law office in Philly and is protected by attorney client privilege and confidentiality agreements signed by the interviewees.

And you are privy to this how? If it's so confidential, how do you know about it?