Whenever the HC gathers his team he's putting their stamp on the team. So if Joe saying the Lord's Prayer that's Joe saying in effect this is what you should believe to be a included PSU football player. Jewish kids don't like this. Why be exclusive????Okay, on this point that I underlined I'm in agreement with you too. That shouldn't happen. But that's not the same as JoePa saying, "Hey, let's gather round and thank the good Lord for our blessings and to ask his mercies before a game." Even if you don't believe in "the good Lord," you'd be hard pressed to find anyone disagreeing with the sentiment. That's the unifying aspect I mentioned earlier. Done this way, it's not forcing religion down anyone's throats and I think the only ones offended would be those who just somehow are offended by most anything.
That's the problem w the new format. They never die!!!! LolI'm praying...that this thread ends.
Jim well said. Someone wants to pray at their Locker whenever I've got no problem w that. It's the HC group lead thing that bothers meSure. How do you know they're not already doing that? Praying is not something that is always readily apparent. How many times does a guy sitting on the bench pray that his teammate make his crucial free throw? You see football players on the sidelines holding hands, some kneeling, while the guy lines up for the winning field goal. Are they praying? Probably more than a few. That's the thing about praying, you can do it anytime you want, anywhere you want. I can't vouch for Jewish or Moslem customs, but Christians don't have to get on their knees to pray. At any rate, Matthew 6.5 seems to say, don't pray in a way that people will know you're praying. "And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men."
Really? Maybe the Muslims are doing that, but in terms of Christianity, the secular agenda is being shoved down our throats, to use your term, seemingly at every turn.
Well, then you can't be a Christian or probably a Jew or a Muslim either and play football. In those faiths, practicing that faith is 24/7. Good luck fielding an agnostic / atheist team because you've just ruled out a few billion people for playing football, unless they all go to Notre Dame.
If I was playing soccer for a team in a predominantly Muslim country I would expect it and have no problem with it.the problem with team prayers led by the coach's is that sure they can not be a part of it but then that player is ostracized and not considered a team player and why should any player have to go through that so they can listen to the Christian coach...I assure you that all of you who love the team prayers wouldn't think it was great if the head coach was leading the team prayer to Allah
If I was playing soccer for a team in a predominantly Muslim country I would expect it and have no problem with it.
Yeah and the coach would probably sitting down smoking cigarettes on the sideline!!!If I was playing soccer for a team in a predominantly Muslim country I would expect it and have no problem with it.
well that is setting the bar pretty low.
One of my favorite pre game scenes is when our guys run down to the North End Zone and bend down and say a prayer before the game. I loved it when I was a kid and to this day still makes me proud to see 80-90% of team do this.
That's utter nonsense.Sorry
Whenever the HC gathers his team he's putting their stamp on the team. So if Joe saying the Lord's Prayer that's Joe saying in effect this is what you should believe to be a included PSU football player. Jewish kids don't like this. Why be exclusive????
Then you're bothered by trivialities.Jim well said. Someone wants to pray at their Locker whenever I've got no problem w that. It's the HC group lead thing that bothers me
Then you're bothered by trivialities.
The answer is obvious. Because those coaches don't think it's a waste of time. But in the overall scheme of things, it shouldn't bother anyone that much. Unless you're one of those poor rascals that breaks out in a cold sweat just because the name of God is invoked in a public setting. Absurd! What's there to be afraid of? Answer? NOTHING! I've not ever heard of a single instance before where a team was upset by a brief team prayer. You're just being argumentative for the sake of being argumentative.If it's trivial then there's no reason for the coach to be wasting his time on it or encouraging his players to waste their time on it.
There is no room for sanity in this debate!It's really not that hard to figure out. If a HC chooses to do this, he must do so with the understanding not everyone may participate. If enough players are against this and speak up in a mature way then the HC should look to having his team take care of their religious needs or beliefs privately. If people can respect each others beliefs/rights, there isn't much of an issue either way you look at it.
Yeah, in principle, I agree with this. This is such a non issue, or should be anyway.It's really not that hard to figure out. If a HC chooses to do this, he must do so with the understanding not everyone may participate. If enough players are against this and speak up in a mature way then the HC should look to having his team take care of their religious needs or beliefs privately. If people can respect each others beliefs/rights, there isn't much of an issue either way you look at it.
Meaning that here and now you loathe people of faith and revere people who think as you do. I'll try to be as diplomatic as possible, Mike, you can be real obnoxious.It's quite simple, really. World peace begins with the end of religion, And, that will only be achieved through dialogue. Look at how many people despise me, here, now, b/c I point out the ineffective use of prayer or that a deity never rescued anyone since film/video was invented.
Future generations will loathe your kind and revere mine. You can bank on that. You want a hero, look to those that stood up to the Church during the Renaissance or the Age of Enlightenment.
How many gods do you think are workshipped?It starts with "We would like to pray before a game" and then morph into "We only will pray to the correct God". And that is where the trouble starts. Considering the heterogeneity of college students and their beliefs, and the microcosm of college athletics reflecting that heterogeneity, one can safely assume that not all college athletes are going to be of the same religion, or even the same sect of the same religion. And, considering the volatile nature of religion (in direct conflict with the peace it is to bring), best to not have that in a confined space like a locker room.
Good point. In the 3 major religions, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, there is only 1 god. If you add Buddhism and Hinduism, they don't believe in a deity in as personal a sense that these 3 do.How many gods do you think are workshipped?
And yet, the greatest mass murderers were secularist...It's quite simple, really. World peace begins with the end of religion, And, that will only be achieved through dialogue. Look at how many people despise me, here, now, b/c I point out the ineffective use of prayer or that a deity never rescued anyone since film/video was invented.
Future generations will loathe your kind and revere mine. You can bank on that. You want a hero, look to those that stood up to the Church during the Renaissance or the Age of Enlightenment.
Actually Michael, if future generations are as rational and logical as you expect they will be, they will no doubt believe in the existence of god. I recommend reading "Who Designed the Designer" by Michael Augros. Recently published and replete with logic.It's quite simple, really. World peace begins with the end of religion, And, that will only be achieved through dialogue. Look at how many people despise me, here, now, b/c I point out the ineffective use of prayer or that a deity never rescued anyone since film/video was invented.
Future generations will loathe your kind and revere mine. You can bank on that. You want a hero, look to those that stood up to the Church during the Renaissance or the Age of Enlightenment.
Newsflash: Teams are composed of individuals who are each unique in their own way. You don't have to totally lose that to be on a team. That's not what being selfless means. Players, coaches, waterboys, etc. who want to pray ARE doing the "religion thing anyway they like" to quote Op2 above. Those who don't want to pray can simply observe a moment of silence or watch the grass grow. Let me ask you this. Coaches want to win, right? If team prayers were so divisive, they wouldn't do them. I'd say they are likely more unifying then divisive. Hence you have team prayers.
on this we agree“And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others."
Matthew 6:5
Unfortunately, your line of reasoning doesn't hold a drop of water. Monotheism didn't "evolve." Monotheism came about largely due to the Jewish people's experience of God. Later the Greeks proved WITH LOGIC that there cannot be many gods. They deduced USING LOGIC that there is and only can be one god. I'll also add that God's existence is entirely independent of how many people believe it or not. So if 99% of the population would come to think that belief in a deity is "silly," then that simply means that 99% of the people might end up with egg on their face.Once, the world was POLY theists. It was quite normal and common. Then, came the MONO theists. Actually, not too long ago.
For some reason, the MONO theists declared the POLY theists as wrong. So, instead of having MANY Gods do different things, we now have ONE God that can do ALL things. Society "evolved" into that mindset.
Yet, for some odd reason, even the idea that MONO theism will lead to A-theism, will cause the world to end. Society evolves. It's the simple order of things.
It's happening as we speak. You cant point a gun at people's head and force them to believe anymore.
The Internet is in a primitive form. Education and dialogue/debate will elevate humanity to another level. And, people will just realize, belief in a deity is just silly.
POLY theism....MONO theism....A-theism. It's happening as we speak.
BTW, studies have shown that in sporting events, only half (or 50%) of prayers are answered.
You know that when Jesus spoke these words, he had in mind the Pharisees of the time who sought the approval of men rather than God, don't you? He was not speaking against a public communal prayer as such. He was saying not to pray ostentatiously just to gain people's approval. I don't think that's the motivation behind a team prayer.“And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others."
Matthew 6:5
+100Personally, I'd like to think that the fact that we can embrace and respect the fact that Americans practice a wide variety of religions is what makes us superior to a $hithole like Afghanistan, but what do I know?
You know that when Jesus spoke these words, he had in mind the Pharisees of the time who sought the approval of men rather than God, don't you? He was not speaking against a public communal prayer as such. He was saying not to pray ostentatiously just to gain people's approval. I don't think that's the motivation behind a team prayer.
The term "Atheist's Prayer" is an oxymoron. He's praying to no one. As such, the coach would look like a complete fool and probably get laughed at.So if your son's high school coach was an atheist, and before every game he asked everyone to gather around and said this
....you and the other Christian parents would have zero problem with that, right? The Christian kids can sit quietly and reflect or watch the grass or something, right?
The term "Atheist's Prayer" is an oxymoron. He's praying to no one. As such, the coach would look like a complete fool and probably get laughed at.
Not avoiding the question in the least. I'm telling you the premise to the question is ridiculous. There's no such thing as an atheist's prayer that has any sense to it. As I said, it's an oxymoron. And since you now changed the question from atheist prayer to the coach talking about the wonders of atheism to the team before the game, yeah, I would have a problem with that. But in no way is that analogous to a team prayer. We're not talking about coaches giving speeches about the virtues of God or Christianity 3 minutes before the game. I'd be against that too. You've totally changed the subject.Don't avoid the question. If your son had to sit down and listen to the Atheist coach talk about atheism for 3 minutes before every game, you'd be totally down with that, right?
Not avoiding the question in the least. I'm telling you the premise to the question is ridiculous. There's no such thing as an atheist's prayer that has any sense to it. As I said, it's an oxymoron. And since you now changed the question from atheist prayer to the coach talking about the wonders of atheism to the team before the game, yeah, I would have a problem with that. But in no way is that analogous to a team prayer. We're not talking about coaches giving speeches about the virtues of God or Christianity 3 minutes before the game. I'd be against that too. You've totally changed the subject.
Does that mean the NCAA should use the bible as a supplemental rule book?“And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others."
Matthew 6:5
Hmmm. I don't think that's the issue. The real question is why you are offended? No reason to be, whether you are a believer or not. IMO, underlying discussions like these is a culprit that rarely comes out of them. And that's that people who are vociferous against things like a simple team prayer, really would like to see Christianity or religion just go away, ala Michael Felli. Frankly, nobody's rights are being trampled upon, so I just don't see the fear that boils up over things like this.Pray on your own time. No reason to inflict it on everyone.
no on is inflicting anything on you with their prayingPray on your own time. No reason to inflict it on everyone.