Looking forward to discussing everything here after the episode! Please be mindful of SPOILERS in early posts.

Cocksucker!Trailer for Deadwood to start off with, hell yeah. May 31st.
San Francisco Cocksucker!Cocksucker!
If they survive this, things about to get real interesting. Apparently love doesn't last.
So it was little Tully put on display by the Night King in the last episode.
That is right, my bad. Serves the kid right.No. It was little Umber
I don't trust that little girl that Gilly and the Onion Knight were talking to. Something ain't right there.
Either way, next Sunday can't get here soon enough.
Jon couldn't you have waited until afterward? Seriously, some of these characters are just stoopid.Does Dany hold back the dragons in the upcoming battle knowing now she is not the first heir to the iron throne? Seems like the equation changed tonight.
Beric and his firesword have to be a piece to this. Perhaps related to the legend of Azor Ahai who defeated The Others in the past. But will it be Beric, Jon, or maybe Jamie? Or even Jorah? Azor Ahai stabbed his wife with the sword that eventually became the fire sword.
What was surprising was how funny this episode was. I literally was laughing throughout the whole episode. So many good and funny lines. Great writing.Aside from all the 'this is why we love these guys!' stuff from Jorah, Jaime, Brienne, Podrick, Davos, Tyrion, and Tormund, the whole, 'This is the end of the world as we know it, and I'm gonna do me,' vibe was really fun and nostalgic to watch. We got the Lannister brothers reunited, the last of the Night's Watch (and FU*CKING GHOST!), Arya with Hound and Beric, Arya banging Gendry, BRIENNE GETTING KNIGHTED, and Jon telling Dany what's what. I too will lose my sh*t if Dany can't handle being second in line for the throne. The whole politics of 'post end of the world' Westeros is really a drag.
Other highlights:
- Sansa and Dany getting chummy, then not.
- Mormont reunion! Okay - they're cousins, good to know.
- Finally, Bran decides to tell everyone what the F is up with him. It seems more and more than Bran is the memory of the world, and he hinted a few times that he's not sure about the future 'Are you sure there will be one?' and 'I don't know - no one's ever tried.'
- Sansa and Theon.....swoon!
- I won't even get into all the awesome that was Tormund tonight. He had the best story, the best drinking 'glass', and was not shy about wanting to shag the big girl. Makes me sad we lost Ygritte so soon - she would have been awesome to have around.
So, mostly this was the calm before the storm. What did everyone think? No Cersei, no Euron, and no dragons. Guess sh*t hits the fan next week.
What was surprising was how funny this episode was. I literally was laughing throughout the whole episode. So many good and funny lines. Great writing.
Perhaps she is a little bird?
I thought Lightbringer (Jon's sword) was the mythical sword, not the fire sword Beric uses?
Reminded Davos of Shireen, that's all.Makes way more sense than what I was thinking. Reminded me of the little assassin girl that rolled the ball to Dany, which unfurled into a scorpion and tried to kill her, which Baristan Selmy killed. Season 2, I think.
Speaking of Dany, I like her even less than last week. She sucks and isn't fit to rule. I hope she dies first, gets turned and is immediately stabbed with dragon glass and shatters.
That is possible. It is also possible that the writers are trying to make her memorable. Remember that Cersei “has plans” for the dragon queen.Reminded Davos of Shireen, that's all.
The only other time we’ve seen “all” of them is below. There were quite a few of them at the end of the clip.Is it just me or did there seem to be a lot more White Walkers?
did that little girl have the scaly disease on her rt cheek.
I think there is definitely something sneaky up with her.
Someone remind me again..exactly how did Tyrion get this reputation as a great intellect...sheesh.
Seems like they are definitely setting up Dany to turn bitch. Maybe not completely "bad" or "villain", but seems like her character is definitely leaning towards "the bitch is crazy to be queen" (along the lines of power crazy Cersei). Seems like every scene now has her doing some sort of bitchy move or bitchy comments about "her rightful spot on the throne".
It's almost too obvious to predict Dany to be doing something real dastardly or downright creepy. Does she take her dragons and bail? Does she turn a dragon and fire on Jon Snow to eliminate him from her beloved throne?
Seems like they are definitely setting up Dany to turn bitch. Maybe not completely "bad" or "villain", but seems like her character is definitely leaning towards "the bitch is crazy to be queen" (along the lines of power crazy Cersei). Seems like every scene now has her doing some sort of bitchy move or bitchy comments about "her rightful spot on the throne".
It's almost too obvious to predict Dany to be doing something real dastardly or downright creepy. Does she take her dragons and bail? Does she turn a dragon and fire on Jon Snow to eliminate him from her beloved throne?