FC/OT: Game of Thrones S8E2 - 'A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms' - Discussion Thread.....

Not sure why everyone seems to be turning on Dany. She's no more of a bitch than Sansa or Arya, although Arya is the coolest bitch. If she does turn bad it will be after the battle. She knows what's coming and knows there will be nothing to rule over if the dead win. My guess is that she may lure the whites into the crypts and torch them, walking out after they are dead. Her and John will then go south after the real bitch, Cersei and one of them will die in the battle therefore solving the dilemma of which Targarian will rule. Or, the potential "little bird" could get her in the crypts, but not with fire of course.

Dany is no more of a "bitch" or arrogant than any of the male kings. People are pointing out the bad moves she has made, but wtf in power in this series hasn't made bad moves? Misogyny is never directly stated.

Both of this! They said 5 times “the crypt where it’s safest” which pretty much means it’s the worst place. Plus I don’t get how they don’t understand that. I’m betting Lyanna is raised for sure and in the process or aftermath they find the proof in her crypt.

On next weeks preview Danny even mentions “they’re already here”. I think they show Arya in the crypt so I guess she and Sam go all badass on the wights
It could the the worst considering all the dead remains down there.
Some interesting thoughts and predictions and a few things I'd like to respond to:

1. Dany being generally awful/villainous: I think the characterization that she's selfish and a poor decision maker is unfair. From the start, she was thrust into being 'queen' (traded as a sex slave for an army) and with few exceptions, is where she is and how she is because of bad advice. She didn't kill Khal Drogo - he was wounded in battle and near death after attacking Khal Ogo (and was probably going to die) when Dany bartered his horse in exchange for magic to cure him. Remember, at this time she's a teenager who's lived in exile most of her life. Unfortunately, we know what happened to Khal as a result of the 'magic' - it was a curse, he died, and their unborn child died too. Dany was ready to give it all up and kill herself (by laying on Khal's burning body) when it was revealed that fire couldn't hurt her. Since then, her piddling around Mereen was mostly at the advice of Jorah, and re-opening the gladiator pits was at the advice of either Tyrion or Varys (two really smart people who have made astronomically dumb decisions with Dany). Tyrion also suggested she negotiate with the slavers (who then attacked them), and whoever told her to split her army to attack King's Landing, Casterly Rock, and the Iron Fleet were idiots. Dany takes good advice when she gets it (see last night's episode with Jorah). And holding Jon Snow hostage makes sense - she has no reason to trust him (and has grown up believing nearly anyone from any respectable House would rather see her dead - especially the bastard son of Ned Stark, who helped overthrow her father, and who also approved a hit on her life when he learned where she was) but in the end, she does.

Disagree. Khal Drogo only fought Ogo because she arrogantly tried to take his collection of slaves away from him. She commandeered them from him and then pulled the I'm the Khaleesi card. Drogo took her side, Ogo challenged him and cut him. Cut got infected and he was done before the black magic. Had she been more diplomatic and less arrogant, Drogo lives. Tyrion made the decision to negotiate with the slavers by himself, after she rode away on her dragon. She had no reason to hold Snow, he came alone asking only for help. Tyrion advised her that he trusted John Snow. She demanded fealty and held him, giving in when he showed her the cave drawings and dragon glass. Certainly agree on spitting the army. It does seem as though all too often she follows the bad advice she's given and mostly ignores the good advice.

To me she says the right things in discussions with her council but otherwise her actions and words betray her and come across as arrogant and power hungry. At least with Cersei her treachery is out in the open. Dany's character is well written though and I do love to despise her, which is what I think they're trying to push the viewer towards.
I think "they're already here" is a response to Jon/Aegon attempting to explain that he has no desire to be king. As in, "we have more important shit to deal with now!". I don't think it has anything to do with the crypt.

Very possible. I didnt think of that actually and seems the most reasonable
Death predictions for E3:

Good list, but I think Jaime might survive a tad longer, and that Gray (Grey?) Worm might belong on this list. His parting kiss with Missandei suggested that possibility to me. Who knows?

It might be pretty amusing to see the development of some kind of love triangle between Jaime, Brienne and Tormund.

I didn't notice your response initially because it's buried in the quote. That said, I disagree about holding Jon. She has zero reason to believe or trust him (and when he provides proof, she does) no matter what Tyrion says. As for ignoring good advice, I don't recall any instances where anyone gave her any really good advice...such as, 'Hey - take King's Landing with your army, conquer Westeros (should take about a day or two), and then we'll deal with whatever is North (at a minimum they'll have to travel a lot further).' I'll have to go back and watch S1 again to refresh my memory concerning Drogo's death. I do not recall Dany being that arrogant then (but could be mistaken); my recollection is she (and Drogo) are furious about the attempt on her life and he sacks towns looking for an army. She also saved the maegi (and others being attacked/raped) who ended up cursing Drogo.
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Seems like they are definitely setting up Dany to turn bitch. Maybe not completely "bad" or "villain", but seems like her character is definitely leaning towards "the bitch is crazy to be queen" (along the lines of power crazy Cersei). Seems like every scene now has her doing some sort of bitchy move or bitchy comments about "her rightful spot on the throne".

It's almost too obvious to predict Dany to be doing something real dastardly or downright creepy. Does she take her dragons and bail? Does she turn a dragon and fire on Jon Snow to eliminate him from her beloved throne?
It's hard to predict what will happen when it comes to GOT, but I think interpreting Dany's removing her hand from atop Sansa's (and her brief exchanges with Jon Snow) as "setting her up to turn bitch" is a bit of a stretch. Could be, but I'm not at all convinced of it.

The earlier part of Dany's convo with Sansa was pretty warm, and Sansa appeared to regard Dany in a new light (she clearly loves Jon, is there fighting "Jon's war," etc.). Seems like Dany could, if she chose, defuse the whole thing by suggesting that, if they survived the battle with the Night King, she and Jon would rule together. But she likely needs to have Jon confirm his intentions, now that Jon has revealed his heritage to her. Are they still gonna be a couple now that they are aunt and nephew? Does Jon intend to press his claim for the Iron Throne, or is he still loyal to Dany as would be Queen?

I might add that the determined (some might say grim) nods that Dany and Jon exchanged atop the battlement at the very end of Episode 2 could be interpreted either as "We've got some serious issues to work out," or, as I perceived it, a mutual acknowledgement that it was time for them to go get the dragons and unleash some D&D (death and destruction) on the Night King's army.
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It's hard to predict what will happen when it comes to GOT, but I think interpreting Dany's removing her hand from atop Sansa's (and her brief exchanges with Jon Snow) as "setting her up to turn bitch" is a bit of a stretch. Could be, but I'm not at all convinced of it.

The earlier part of Dany's convo with Sansa was pretty warm, and Sansa appeared to regard Dany in a new light (she clearly loves Jon, is there fighting "Jon's war," etc.). Seems like Dany could, if she chose, defuse the whole thing by suggesting that, if they survived the battle with the Night King, she and Jon would rule together. But she likely needs to have Jon confirm his intentions, now that Jon has revealed his heritage to her. Are they still gonna be a couple now that they are aunt and nephew? Does Jon intend to press his claim for the Iron Throne, or is he still loyal to Dany as would be Queen?

One thing not entirely clear is what Jon thinks about finding out who he is. His entire life he's been lied to (yes, to be protected, but still...); he knows humility and honor in large part because he felt he had so much to prove to everyone and was willing to do anything (including joining the Night's Watch) because of it. Now that I think of it, what a turd Ned was for allowing Jon to do something so permanent. I get the politics of keeping his identity secret, but there has to be a better option than taking the black as it were.
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My prediction is that Dany bails with the dragons and heads to King's Landing to take out Cersei and her army. She's therefore figuring that the wights will kill everybody. She can use her dragons to oust Cersei and worry about the Night King later. This plays in line with Sansa telling her that the North would never bend the knee again.
If Dany does that, she is just helping the Night King, no?. The Night King likely cannot be defeated without Dany and her two dragons getting into the thick of things and, given his ability to make wights out of everyone who gets killed, the Night King would just get stronger if Dany delayed.
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Has the Night King in previous incarnations ever made it to the other continent? Couldn't the surviving humans amscray there?
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The weapon Gendry for Arya is the "Waif's" weapon. I'm a bit intrigued by that
My recollection is a little fuzzy with respect to Arya's weapons training. Ned would not let her train with the sword. But didn't she train, using Needle, with a sword master in King's Landing? She's obviously adept with throwing knives and shooting arrows as well. She must have picked some of that up from her time with the Faceless people (or whatever they are called)..

But I don't recall seeing her using a staff in prior episodes. Perhaps I just missed or forgot about it?
It's hard to predict what will happen when it comes to GOT, but I think interpreting Dany's removing her hand from atop Sansa's (and her brief exchanges with Jon Snow) as "setting her up to turn bitch" is a bit of a stretch. Could be, but I'm not at all convinced of it.

The earlier part of Dany's convo with Sansa was pretty warm, and Sansa appeared to regard Dany in a new light (she clearly loves Jon, is there fighting "Jon's war," etc.). Seems like Dany could, if she chose, defuse the whole thing by suggesting that, if they survived the battle with the Night King, she and Jon would rule together. But she likely needs to have Jon confirm his intentions, now that Jon has revealed his heritage to her. Are they still gonna be a couple now that they are aunt and nephew? Does Jon intend to press his claim for the Iron Throne, or is he still loyal to Dany as would be Queen?

I might add that the determined (some might say grim) nods that Dany and Jon exchanged atop the battlement at the very end of Episode 2 could be interpreted either as "We've got some serious issues to work out," or, as I perceived it, as a mutual acknowledgement that it was time for them to go get the dragons and unleash some D&D (death and destruction) on the Night King's army.
Hard to believe that Jon would press a claim on the throne. he bent the knee and is a man of his word. More likely he or she dies somewhere along the way, and the issue is resolved
Now that I think of it, what a turd Ned was for allowing Jon to do something so permanent. I get the politics of keeping his identity secret, but there has to be a better option than taking the black as it were.

At the time, Robert was still king and had been in love with Jon's mother. Robert would have killed Jon if he knew the truth.
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Has the Night King in previous incarnations ever made it to the other continent? Couldn't the surviving humans amscray there?
It would be closer to Kings Landing than the Iron Islands. Kings Landing escaping to the Iron Islands would be like Florida evacuating to Hawaii.

That said, yes, there are similar stories of White Walkers/Others in Essos. In the far away kingdom of Yi-Ti something called the Lion of the Night raised the dead to fight the living. It's likely the Children of the Forest got the spell to create the Night King from something that already existed, likely from Asshai.
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It also detaches in the middle to make two weapons. So, in that sense, it's a bit different than the Waif's weapon.
How do you know this? Are you inferring it from the quick glance we got in Episode 1 at Arya's design of the weapon? It was a bit inconclusive to me, but I wouldn't discount this as a possibility.
How do you know this? Are you inferring it from the quick glance we got in Episode 1 at Arya's design of the weapon? It was a bit inconclusive to me, but I wouldn't discount this as a possibility.

Yeah - it looked like two parts on her drawing.
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At the time, Robert was still king and had been in love with Jon's mother. Robert would have killed Jon if he knew the truth.

I didn’t say he had to tell the truth - just steer Jon towards another less permanent/awful career.
It's likely the Children of the Forest got the spell to create the Night King from something that already existed, likely from Asshai.

I have to laugh every time I see that place name in print. It's far too close to "asshat" for me to take it seriously.
My recollection is a little fuzzy with respect to Arya's weapons training. Ned would not let her train with the sword. But didn't she train, using Needle, with a sword master in King's Landing? She's obviously adept with throwing knives and shooting arrows as well. She must have picked some of that up from her time with the Faceless people (or whatever they are called)..

But I don't recall seeing her using a staff in prior episodes. Perhaps I just missed or forgot about it?

She trained with a wooden sword with the master in Kings Landing. I believe when she sparred with the Waif, she trained with a staff. I recall when she was blind, she was using a staff in her sparring sessions.
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My recollection is a little fuzzy with respect to Arya's weapons training. Ned would not let her train with the sword. But didn't she train, using Needle, with a sword master in King's Landing? She's obviously adept with throwing knives and shooting arrows as well. She must have picked some of that up from her time with the Faceless people (or whatever they are called)..

But I don't recall seeing her using a staff in prior episodes. Perhaps I just missed or forgot about it?

I'm not sure the weapon goes to all of her weapons training. I thought it simply looked like a staff. If you remember when she was being trained by the Faceless people, they mostly used staffs. Remember the scene/episodes when Arya was blind and she was begging on the streets, that one girl who had it in for Arya would beat Arya with a staff. Just seemed like the weapon of choice amongst that group.
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One thing not entirely clear is what Jon thinks about finding out who he is. His entire life he's been lied to (yes, to be protected, but still...); he knows humility and honor in large part because he felt he had so much to prove to everyone and was willing to do anything (including joining the Night's Watch) because of it. Now that I think of it, what a turd Ned was for allowing Jon to do something so permanent. I get the politics of keeping his identity secret, but there has to be a better option than taking the black as it were.

I think taking the black was the only way to place Jon beyond the reach of King Robert if it was ever discovered who Jon was. It was the only fail safe option.
OK, wood sword, not Needle. Thanks, WPB.

Re Arya, and people speculating who might be next to go, I'm wondering if she might have some kind of plan to don a face that would get her close to the Night King and give her the opportunity to stick him with the point of that dragon glass staff. She likely wouldn't survive something like that, but it would make for great watching, and it would cement her rep as the Numero Uno Badass Female. ("Mounted a dude, lost my cherry, and offed the Night King. All in a day's work.")
I am 50/50 on the crypt thing and the young girl with the burn mark.

Crypt theory - On one hand it does make a good story line that all the women and children, plus some key characters (Sam, Tyrion) are going down to the crypts for "safe keeping" but then end up being trapped inside as those dead are resurrected.... But, on the other hand it does not seem practical. When a body is buried in a crypt, it is placed inside a coffin and then the coffin is encased inside cement or stone. The dead do not have super-human strength. It took a gud-zillion of them to knock down a crappy wooden fence at Hardhome, But now we are to believe they can individually bash their way out of a sealed coffin which is encased in cement/stone????
......... But hey. This show has us believing in flying dragons, burning swords, witches, giants.... so why not this.

Young girl with burn mark - OK. Let's play along and say she is a plant sent by Cersei. The obvious move would be for Cersei to send her up to Winterfell with some of that Green Fire that totally nuked Kings Landing. It seems like a small girl can walk around Winterfell right now totally un-checked from suspicious eyes. Could she not simply walk to a key part of Winterfell and ignite that Green Fire without having to go down into the crypts?? Cersie would not know they plan is to have the women/children go hide in the crypts. IF this were her plant, then would she not have simply instructed this girl to make her way down to the basement area as soon as getting to Winterfell and igniting the Green Fire??
......... Again, some things make no sense. It made no sense for 7 guys to go north of the wall, take on the entire dead army and the white walkers just to kidnap a wight, to try and prove to Cersei they are real.
While possible, this episode was so much about simply taking stock of the main characters and where they came from and how they've developed, prior to next week's battle scene (a lot of that development being redemptive in nature - Theon, Jaime, Jorah, the Hound, etc.). Having a girl that looks a bit like Shireen, in a scene with both Davos and Gilly (both of whom, Shireen played a large role), very succinctly accomplishes that for the viewer with these two characters. While Jaime's story can be summarized with conversations with Brienne and Tyrion, Theon's story with a hug with Sansa and pledging to protect Bran, the Hound with a conversation with Arya and Beric, Arya with that scene as well as the one with Gendry (etc. etc.), there is really no one for Davos here that perfectly sums up his journey. Hence - evoking Shireen with the girl.

Yes, I read that interview with the director or whomever it was.
Why regurgitate it.
Any thoughts of your own?
Young girl with burn mark - OK. Let's play along and say she is a plant sent by Cersei. The obvious move would be for Cersei to send her up to Winterfell with some of that Green Fire that totally nuked Kings Landing. It seems like a small girl can walk around Winterfell right now totally un-checked from suspicious eyes. Could she not simply walk to a key part of Winterfell and ignite that Green Fire without having to go down into the crypts??

All the comments concerning the crypts suggest that SOMETHING is gonna go down there, and Cersei is certainly devious. But blowing up Winterfell and killing Dany and her dragons/army does not seem to me to be in Cersei's interest. At least not while the Night King and his minions are still a threat. Cersei needs Dany and the Night King to fight each other, and hope that a weakened but victorious Dany is the result.. Maybe this little girl has been instructed to wait until after the battle with the Night King is over, and then blow up whomever remains?
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We know Melisandre will return.
Wouldn't the Lord of Light be more interested in the battle of Winterfell, than a dispute between the Lannisters and their adversaries.
Of course we know Melisandre is not really that lovely woman; perhaps she reappears in some other guise.
Yes, I read that interview with the director or whomever it was.
Why regurgitate it.
Any thoughts of your own?

Weird response. First off, I didn't read that interview. And, even if I had, by you suggesting some ulterior motive for the girl, it would appear that you hadn't read it and, thus, I thought I was providing useful information.
All the comments concerning the crypts suggest that SOMETHING is gonna go down there, and Cersei is certainly devious. But blowing up Winterfell and killing Dany and her dragons/army does not seem to me to be in Cersei's interest. At least not while the Night King and his minions are still a threat. Cersei needs Dany and the Night King to fight each other, and hope that a weakened but victorious Dany is the result.. Maybe this little girl has been instructed to wait until after the battle with the Night King is over, and then blow up whoever remains?

The little girl could be a faceless. Sent to town to kill someone specific (Arya, Tyrion, etc).
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OK, wood sword, not Needle. Thanks, WPB.

Re Arya, and people speculating who might be next to go, I'm wondering if she might have some kind of plan to don a face that would get her close to the Night King and give her the opportunity to stick him with the point of that dragon glass staff. She likely wouldn't survive something like that, but it would make for great watching, and it would cement her rep as the Numero Uno Badass Female. ("Mounted a dude, lost my cherry, and offed the Night King. All in a day's work.")

She has never seen a White Walker or someone who could get close to the Night King, so how could she replicate said face? She was just asking what it was like to fight them, and had no clue what they were like.

And IMO, this entire thing about wearing a face to get close to someone in order to kill them just bugs me for some reason. OK, lets say you are Mission Impossible-like ab
All the comments concerning the crypts suggest that SOMETHING is gonna go down there, and Cersei is certainly devious. But blowing up Winterfell and killing Dany and her dragons/army does not seem to me to be in Cersei's interest. At least not while the Night King and his minions are still a threat. Cersei needs Dany and the Night King to fight each other, and hope that a weakened but victorious Dany is the result.. Maybe this little girl has been instructed to wait until after the battle with the Night King is over, and then blow up whoever remains?

Very true. I agree. Cersei's best wish would be for the Dany/Stark forces and the Night King Army to destroy each other down to almost nothing on either side. Then she would be there to clean up what's ever left and rule with no resistance. Would not make sense for her to destroy Winterfell yet.
Dany is no more of a "bitch" or arrogant than any of the male kings. People are pointing out the bad moves she has made, but wtf in power in this series hasn't made bad moves? Misogyny is never directly stated.

Speaking for myself, I've never called her a bitch. Arrogant yep, plenty of times. As I've said before I haven't liked her since her brother got crowned. As for misogyny, I don't think that's fair when we're talking about a TV show. But for the record I'll list the people I thought were good kings/queens and the good ones that challenged for the throne...... Zero. None of them, not Cersei, Dany or her brother, Stannis, Joffrey, Renly, Robert, Rob Stark, Tomlin or Margery Tyrell. I've been consistent on not liking her for a long time, there is no misogyny in my viewpoint.

P.S. Joffrey was indeed a bitch.
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She has never seen a White Walker or someone who could get close to the Night King, so how could she replicate said face? She was just asking what it was like to fight them, and had no clue what they were like.
Yeah, I thought about that. Maybe she finds a wight that has been rendered sufficiently inoperable for her to use its face? Or possibly a White Walker gets killed during the battle, and she uses ITS face? I was just spitballing, but I think she is gonna use her faceless skills at least once more.
The little girl could be a faceless. Sent to town to kill someone specific (Arya, Tyrion, etc).

I sort of have the feeling there is only one Faceless Man - and one woman. Jaquen is Death, the (literal) God of Many Faces; Arya is Death Jr. I mean, how many more of these guys can there be? They're like Sith it seems...
I found the article linked below particularly helpful in terms of clarifying the distinction between White Walkers and Wights. I also found it interesting to read that if you kill a White Walker, you also kill all of the Wights that White Walker raised from the dead. This suggests a clear battle strategy for Dany and Jon. Go after the Night King and the other White Walkers.

What we're in for:

The Battle of Winterfell is on.

Above is HBO’s trailer for Game of Thrones season 8, episode 3, where the Night King and the Army of the Dead attack the Stark stronghold. The episode is the first of two this year directed by Emmy winner Miguel Sapochnik, who famously helmed “The Battle of the Bastards” and “Hardhome.” The episode is also the first super-sized entry of the season as the last four episodes are all nearly 80 minutes long.

The placement of the big battle in episode 3 will no doubt surprise some fans who were expecting it to come later as it’s been long teased as the show’s climax. But none of the previous trailers or photos have shown even a glimpse of the mysterious second half of the final season.
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Yeah, I thought about that. Maybe she finds a wight that has been rendered sufficiently inoperable for her to use its face? Or possibly a White Walker gets killed during the battle, and she uses ITS face? I was just spitballing, but I think she is gonna use her faceless skills at least once more.

She is clearly planning to take Bran's place and try to assassinate the night king should he get close.
Yeah, I thought about that. Maybe she finds a wight that has been rendered sufficiently inoperable for her to use its face? Or possibly a White Walker gets killed during the battle, and she uses ITS face? I was just spitballing, but I think she is gonna use her faceless skills at least once more.

I think it'll be in the second half of the season. If E3 is the battle against the Night King (and it's settled there), we still have three extended episodes left...