FC/OT: Game of Thrones S8E2 - 'A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms' - Discussion Thread.....

So they didn’t show the night king in the trailer for this coming episode. Any chance he doesn’t even show up? Maybe he heads south with the dragon and lights up kings landing. Would explain the destroyed throne room covered in snow during Dannys vision or dream

I mean it is odd that they didn't show him.
At 20 seconds into the trailer there is a dragon, and I can't tell which one it is. Kind of looks like undead Viserion
Thanks I never would have seen that. I paused it and took a screen shot then tried to lighten it up in Lightroom. I think it’s drogon but it’s really hard to tell still. At least to me it doesn’t look like any holes in the wings and it doesn’t have blue eyes.
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Thanks I never would have seen that. I paused it and took a screen shot then tried to lighten it up in Lightroom. I think it’s drogon but it’s really hard to tell still. At least to me it doesn’t look like any holes in the wings and it doesn’t have blue eyes.
I'm guessing that Viserion is gonna consistently be depicted with bright blue eyes, in large part to distinguish him from Drogon and Rhaegal. But I don't think that any of the human wights continue to sport bright blue eyes very long after first being raised. Only the White Walkers seem to have permanent bright blue eyes. Maybe there's a different rule for animal wights? Or just dragon wights?
This will blow your mind. The Golden Army is going to side with Dany. The Iron Bank will have its due.

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Whose role, the Golden Army or the Iron Bank And I do wonder why the Iron Bank would lend any money to Cersei.
I meant the Golden Company. Tycho Nestoris told Cersei that the Iron Bank would miss her interest payments and asked if she needed to borrow money for anything else.
I meant the Golden Company. Tycho Nestoris told Cersei that the Iron Bank would miss her interest payments and asked if she needed to borrow money for anything else.

Cersei does not look like a good risk right now. She is holed up in King's Landing and has lost the Lannister lands. The conversation on the interest payments was when she had some collateral.
Cersei does not look like a good risk right now. She is holed up in King's Landing and has lost the Lannister lands. The conversation on the interest payments was when she had some collateral.
She paid off the iron bank with the Tyrell gold. It’s how she bought the Golden Company.
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Good luck to all the Starks this weekend!

I just realized the E2 has the same title as the novella (three "short stories") written by George R.R. Martin in 2015 about the hedge knight Dunk and his sidekick Egg set 90 years before the Game of Thrones. Absolutely loved two of the stories, but all three were great and I recommend the book.
Cersei does not look like a good risk right now. She is holed up in King's Landing and has lost the Lannister lands. The conversation on the interest payments was when she had some collateral.
Another interesting question, which in some ways parallels US foreign debt (huge debt, strongest military, so who can collect?). I wrote about this before. Cersei doubled down after paying the debt by (presumably) borrowing more to “buy” the gold company. Note: I say presumably because I don’t remember her borrowing the money for the GC, only floating the idea. And who knows what it really means to buy mercenaries. They are free agents after all.

Anyway, using the iron bank’s funds to buy the mercenaries the Iron Bank would likely use to collect the debt (if defaulted) gets her an immediate army she needs and reduces the iron banks choices if things don’t work out for her. If Dany or the Whites win then she’s dead anyway. So what does she care? The game continues.

But I agree with you about Cersei as a credit risk. Not a good one, unless they’ve (edit: the bank) already made their own deal with the gold company. The question is where the Gold Company’s allegiance truly rests. Cersei already paid them so the iron bank seemingly has more to offer.

What still puzzles me though is why not use the dragons to nuke the iron bank? If dany runs the show, could they lend to her? Could they collect? So maybe Cersei is the only potential debtor. What does dany need them for, except maybe to rebuild after winning? And before they’d lend more, I assume they’d address the then-current debt.
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Am I the only one anticipating tonight's episode like it's an NFL playoff game?

Not at all. We are all amped up and anxious and expect heads to roll. Just a matter of whose and what’s left to play out after this. The speculation online is nuts, with every possible theory and scenario being proffered.
I created my own dead pool, with character, sworn house, last location, and a sub location for Winterfell including crypt, frontline and Godswood. Covered all locations in case Kings Landing sees any action. Just over 40 characters if you include dragons and dire wolves.

In building the sheet I found that the little girl with the burned face has a name, Teela. If she has a name, likely she has a role to play. Most extras wouldn't be given names i would think.

So yeah, I've gotten into this episode a bit, lol.
After Endgame I’m bracing for the worst. Have been traveling all day but looking forward to unwinding tonight and chatting here after.
Followed your advice for the kiddos after captain marvel. What say you re endgame?

Sorry to go OT. thumbs up or down would suffice. Don’t want to derail GOT thread.
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Followed your advice for the kiddos after captain marvel. What say you re endgame?

Sorry to go OT. thumbs up or down would suffice. Don’t want to derail GOT thread.

ENDGAME = THUMBS WAY THE F*** UP. There is one really shocking scene of violence in the beginning of the film that I don't want to spoil, but if they can make it past that they'll be fine. It's funny and action packed and sad; but it's an amazing ride.
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