FC/OT: Rider University Dean of Business Administration resigns....over Chick-fil-A...

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I've been listening to the story on local radio. The students voted FOR Chick-fil-A. The Admin objected. The admin sent out a new survey without CFA listed as a choice. As I understand it, nobody had even contacted CFA. to see if they were interested in putting a restaurant there. The school just sent out a survey asking for student preferences.

That this is all hypothetical makes this even more amazing.
Correct for her no. She was exercising her rights. For the students in my view not so much...

Oh, I don't know. How many schools give students input of any kind on vendors allowed on campus? Was any promise made that the highest vote getter would be selected?
Yeah not sure... some of this was either not asked or reported in the story.

Gonna guess not. Any number of unrelated things could have prevented the selected vendor from not opening. Again, not particularly well-handled by Rider's admin.
It’s crap compared to PDQ. PDQ has the best fast food Chicken Sandwich.
This caught my attention. I hadn't heard of them. Website looks good and you gave quite an endorsement. Turns out there's one 15 minutes from Philly in the NJ suburbs. Can't wait to try.
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VERY misleading headline in that article (Does that surprise anyone? :) )

"Dean steps down from position due to religious beliefs"

She stepped down because Rider decided that only certain select demographics qualify for "Inclusion" …..

(People may want to read that again, slowly.
Is it possible for an organization to be any more hypocritical? LOL).

And she said, enough is enough.

There is enough PC-Babble quoted in that article, coming from the likes of Charley Furey (and others), to choke an elephant.
LOL...our inclusion is very selective.
Honestly, what is this school thinking? Sure, Chick-fil-A has their values and are closed Sundays (dammit!) but it's the best chicken sandwich on earth. Wake up kids!

And no issue with Ms. Newman's decision to bail - she's dedicated, I'll give her that.

Cynthia Newman, dean of the College of Business Administration at Rider University in New Jersey, has decided to leave her post over the stupidest of allegedly delicious reasons.

Citing her values as a “very committed Christian,” Newman has decided to resign as dean over the school’s refusal to allow Chick-fil-A on campus.

According to the Washington Times, Rider administrators sent students a survey asking which restaurant they would most like to see on campus. Though Chick-fil-A won handily, the school decided against the Atlanta-based chain due to its history of homophobic sentiment.

Rider, who said Chick-fil-A’s values had yet to align with their own, explained their decision to students in an email this past November.

Kristine Brown, Rider’s associate vice president of marketing and communications, thanked Newman for her contributions.

“While we respect Dr. Newman’s personal decision,,” Brown said Tuesday according to, “we maintain that the decision about choosing an on-campus restaurant franchise was in no way a judgment on religious values. Rather, our intention was to foster a sense of respect and belonging of all members of the campus community, including those who identify as LGBTQ+.”

IIRC , the owner of Chick Filet was quoted in an interview for a magazine as saying, due to his religious convictions he is not supportive of gay marriage. However, he is happy to work with, serve, and employ gays.
IIRC , the owner of Chick Filet was quoted in an interview for a magazine as saying, due to his religious convictions he is not supportive of gay marriage. However, he is happy to work with, serve, and employ gays.
Yep...I don't agree with this stance...but this issue is a difference between religious and legal recognition of "marriage". These are his personal views and not the views of CFA. I mean, its like not using amazon because the CEO cheats on his wife with his friend's wife and sends her pics of his junk. That point of view would end up in a lack of large companies with which you can do business.
IIRC , the owner of Chick Filet was quoted in an interview for a magazine as saying, due to his religious convictions he is not supportive of gay marriage. However, he is happy to work with, serve, and employ gays.
Here is what he said. from July 2 2012, Biblical Recorder

"We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that. ... We want to do anything we possibly can to strengthen families. We are very much committed to that," Cathy emphasized. "We intend to stay the course," he said. "We know that it might not be popular with everyone, but thank the Lord, we live in a country where we can share our values and operate on biblical principles."
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That this is all hypothetical makes this even more amazing.
Fake outrage, just like that toward Joe Paterno. The radio show I listened to was interesting. There were A LOT of LGBT callers saying they love CFA, eat there all the time and had no plans to change that.
For those of you that live in the Charlotte, NC area, I'm pretty sure that PDQ is a spinoff of Tenders which is located in Cornelius, which was started by the guys who own 131 Main.

Tenders is pretty awesome. They have a fried Turkey sandwich that is great. If I'm not mistaken, some bigshots from Outback Steakhouse bought the idea from Tenders and then brought it down to Florida to re-brand as PDQ.
OMG! I had some Zaxby's chicken with my wife for the first time when we were driving home from Florida recently, and we both hated it. I'm SO in love with the Chick-fil-A spicy chicken sandwich, and I actually brought that up as I was unhappily finishing the Zaxby's food. Funny how different people react differently to the same eats.

Hey, just imagine how bad it would be if everybody liked exactly the same stuff.
"Different strokes for different folks"......Robert Kraft
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:p I was confused several times reading the posts.....I thought it was my age & pickled brain. That's a load off of my .....the , a , soft mass in my skull.
Don’t be so easy on yourself, it probably was your age and pickled brain. I have the same problem. Now go take a nap.
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i think what Ryder did was bad. Chick-Fil-A is a major US company with sponsorship everywhere. Saying you don't like them because of homophobia is literally a couple of Ryder executives making a decision based on their own belieffs which should not happen.
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Thanks for the information. Makes her decision a bit more puzzling, but it was her decision. Doesn't seem that the Rider administration was forcing conformity.

Not sure what is so puzzling. Newman held a leadership position at Rider. Rider put out a statement that Chic-Fil-A's values don't align with Rider's. Newman doesn't wish to align herself (as one in a leadership position....not merely an employee) with Rider's "values".

I'm curious know who decides a university's values. Is it the dean? President? Board of Trustees?
Yep...I don't agree with this stance...but this issue is a difference between religious and legal recognition of "marriage". These are his personal views and not the views of CFA. I mean, its like not using amazon because the CEO cheats on his wife with his friend's wife and sends her pics of his junk. That point of view would end up in a lack of large companies with which you can do business.

He uses money he makes from CFA to support organizations that are anti-LGBTQ. Does Bezo financially support groups that promote adultery and sending dic pics?
Some of it, I don't think people would believe it is true. But it surely is.
Yep stormin, surely could. Being very close to my FIL, a 300 pound, tough as nails 542 Operating Engineers labor organizer, l also saw the inside world of
Business Appreciation & Politics 301.

Around a decade or so, JD Thomas VP of The IUOE in Washington, sent Pop a paper back book "Heard You Paint House's", followed by a note "Some good reading about some of your friends".
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An friend of more than 50 years who was a Rider alumnus and who has had an extremely successful career, held a position on the Rider Board of Trustees about 15 years ago. He resigned in protest after three years on the board when it became apparent the school was not interested at all in any discussions about how to save money. Their entire focus was on development and raising more money.

Public and private schools better start thinking about both revenues and expenses. Those who fail to do so will start to drop away in the not distant future.
You’d think that a business professor would understand and respect a private university’s ability to associate freely with the food vendors that open up on campus. Sounds like one of those mythical snowflakes we hear so much about.

Who are the snowflakes? Those wanting to ban Chik-fil-a or this professor?

You would also think others would respect a private individuals ability to choose their association and articulate changes in that association.

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