FC/OT: Rider University Dean of Business Administration resigns....over Chick-fil-A...

  • Thread starter anon_xdc8rmuek44eq
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Do they have spicy options? We’re getting a Zaxby’s soon and I’ve never been.

Yes, they have several sauce choices. Their specialty is wings and fingers, and they are excellent. I haven't had them in years since I moved to the midwest, the nearest franchise is about a 100 miles away. All this talk about chicken makes me want to jump in the truck and go get some of their wings.
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i think what Ryder did was bad. Chick-Fil-A is a major US company with sponsorship everywhere. Saying you don't like them because of homophobia is literally a couple of Ryder executives making a decision based on their own belieffs which should not happen.

Academia at its finest.
i think what Ryder did was bad. Chick-Fil-A is a major US company with sponsorship everywhere. Saying you don't like them because of homophobia is literally a couple of Ryder executives making a decision based on their own belieffs which should not happen.
Agreed. In the end, CFA isn't really hurt by this. They could take the opportunity to build a franchise as close to campus as possible and reap the rewards of all of those students who made it clear to the school that they WANT CFA.
This is all around one of the dumbest stories I have ever heard. Getting principled over a chicken sandwich restaurant on one side, leaving your job over it on the other.

Was it ever explained why Rider put CFA on the ballot in the first place? I mean, if you're not going to consider them, why bother? They're probably the top fast food franchise in America. I almost crashed my car when I saw one was going to be within five miles of my house.
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Was it ever explained why Rider put CFA on the ballot in the first place? I mean, if you're not going to consider them, why bother? They're probably the top fast food franchise in America. I almost crashed my car when I saw one was going to be within five miles of my house.
No, but here is the bail out notice from the college.

My interpretation, the group conducting the survey didn't know CFA's history.
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She resigned (as Dean) because her employers wanted her to regurgitate the Administration’s Party Line of bullshit.

Good for her.

If we only had more people with 1/2 as much of an ethical core - we would be a lot better off.

It is truly heartbreaking to me that many in our society view being righteous as a negative characteristic..... though it surely doesn’t surprise me anymore.

Can I ask why her standing up for her beliefs is considered righteous but the school's decision to not affiliate itself with CFA is considered BS? I mean, I love CFA and think they do a lot of things the right way, but they're on record as not supporting equal rights for gays/LGBTQ - why can't a school say 'thanks, but no thanks?'
She resigned (as Dean) because her employers wanted her to regurgitate the Administration’s Party Line of bullshit.
Although I don't really care much about this incident (FairfaxLion's take on it, at the top of this page, is the best I have seen here),,do you really believe it was necessary for this professor to resign in order to avoid "regurgitating the Administration's Party Line?" Couldn't she simply have issued a statement expressing her disagreement with the Administration? Even if she said or did nothing, I think it is a bit of a stretch to assume that she is regurgitating the party line. IMHO, the most you could infer is tacit support.,
You’d think that a business professor would understand and respect a private university’s ability to associate freely with the food vendors that open up on campus. Sounds like one of those mythical snowflakes we hear so much about.
Unlike you, she does not agree with discrimination against Christians. Nothing about the opinion that God’s definition of marriage is best is homophobic. God bless.
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If you are CFA, the move is to put a franchise directly across the street from the campus.

I really do not understand entities that continue to pander to the vocal minority.

A shame this person felt compelled to leave their position over a dispute like this.

Pander to vocal minorities, with the assistance of the elites and their media, is what we do.
Identity politics is a form of tribalism that they claim to abhor.
Unlike you, she does not agree with discrimination against Christians. Nothing about the opinion that God’s definition of marriage is best is homophobic. God bless.

I think their opinion isn’t that ‘it’s best’ but rather it’s ‘the only.’ May be not homophobic, but certainly discriminatory. Namaste.
Although I don't really care much about this incident (FairfaxLion's take on it, at the top of this page, is the best I have seen here),,do you really believe it was necessary for this professor to resign in order to avoid "regurgitating the Administration's Party Line?" Couldn't she simply have issued a statement expressing her disagreement with the Administration? Even if she said or did nothing, I think it is a bit of a stretch to assume that she is regurgitating the party line. IMHO, the most you could infer is tacit support.,
What does “necessary” have to do with anything? She wanted to resign, could resign, and did resign.
Can I ask why her standing up for her beliefs is considered righteous but the school's decision to not affiliate itself with CFA is considered BS? I mean, I love CFA and think they do a lot of things the right way, but they're on record as not supporting equal rights for gays/LGBTQ - why can't a school say 'thanks, but no thanks?'
When you say “a school”, do you mean “a couple of snowflake administrators”?
You think it’s “righteous” to preach from the Ivory Tower - until everyone’s ears bleed - about “inclusivity”.......

And then say: “Unless - of course - you have ideas and beliefs that we don’t like”?

Perhaps I missed the SARCASM font, because that certainly isn’t your take - is it?

Ah - so it’s okay for her to have values that support discrimination, but not the school. She’s righteous, but they’re preaching. Or am I missing the IRONY font?
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Although I don't really care much about this incident (FairfaxLion's take on it, at the top of this page, is the best I have seen here),,do you really believe it was necessary for this professor to resign in order to avoid "regurgitating the Administration's Party Line?" Couldn't she simply have issued a statement expressing her disagreement with the Administration? Even if she said or did nothing, I think it is a bit of a stretch to assume that she is regurgitating the party line. IMHO, the most you could infer is tacit support.,

As a tenured faculty member she could have said whatever she wanted.
Can I ask why her standing up for her beliefs is considered righteous but the school's decision to not affiliate itself with CFA is considered BS? I mean, I love CFA and think they do a lot of things the right way, but they're on record as not supporting equal rights for gays/LGBTQ - why can't a school say 'thanks, but no thanks?'

This is right from the school's statement:

"Although it was included in previous surveys, Chick-fil-A was removed as one of the options based on the company's record widely perceived to be in opposition to the LGBTQ+ community."
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Rights and the right way to do things are not the same thing. Including Chik Fil A as an option was a bad move if they were not going to allow it on campus.
It’s like when I tell my kids, “You have two choices. Either set the table and get dinner or don’t set the table and no dinner.” When they say, “Well, I’m not hungry anyway” I will always respond with, “I don’t care. Set the table so we can eat.”
^^^^^^^^^^THIS GUY IS FUC#ING PARENT OF THE FU@KING YEAR ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Oh, I don't know. How many schools give students input of any kind on vendors allowed on campus? Was any promise made that the highest vote getter would be selected?

Why don't they just let the market decide?
Can I ask why her standing up for her beliefs is considered righteous but the school's decision to not affiliate itself with CFA is considered BS? I mean, I love CFA and think they do a lot of things the right way, but they're on record as not supporting equal rights for gays/LGBTQ - why can't a school say 'thanks, but no thanks?'

Show me anything in the company by laws, or stated in any official capacity that supports your argument. I'm not talking about the owners' personal beliefs. I'm talking about the corporate entity.
Not if the school takes federal dollars.

Really? So if I want to sell sweatshirts from a storefront in a building that the school owns the school has to accommodate me because it takes Federal dollars? I don't think so.
Really? So if I want to sell sweatshirts from a storefront in a building that the school owns the school has to accommodate me because it takes Federal dollars? I don't think so.
That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that if the school takes federal dollars, the federal government will have the last word on any issue it chooses. In this case, identity politics being what it is, the administration has nothing to fear.
Show me anything in the company by laws, or stated in any official capacity that supports your argument. I'm not talking about the owners' personal beliefs. I'm talking about the corporate entity.

None. But, what the owners say carry weight. They run their business based on their personal points of view, and there is nothing wrong with that. I think their 'pro-traditional family values' stance is often misinterpreted as 'anti-LGBTQ'; I think you'll find several examples of times when the company has 'done the right thing' in the face of adversity. Like others have noted, they employ LGBTQ+ members, serve them, and have provided comfort/food in times of crises to all. They've taken several steps to distance their personal views from their business since 2012, including not allowing politicians to officially use their brand in advertisements/promotions/etc.

My point is that if a school, as misguided as it may be, chooses to not associate with a business for whatever reason, that is their choice. Just like it is the former dean's to resign over said stance. Just like it is Chic fil A's to close on Sunday (dammit!). We can debate like adults if we agree or disagree, and those who are averse to that kind of conversation can kindly see their way out ;).
That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that if the school takes federal dollars, the federal government will have the last word on any issue it chooses. In this case, identity politics being what it is, the administration has nothing to fear.

Horseshit. Federal government can't interfere in a business transaction unless one of the parties is a protected class. Last time I checked, corporations are not a protected class.
What does “necessary” have to do with anything? She wanted to resign, could resign, and did resign.
?? I merely suggested, in response to Barry's post, the it was not necessary for this professor to resign in order to avoid "regurgitating the party line," and that she could have done so by sending a letter to the University President and/or the local newspaper noting her opposition. She opted to resign, as was her choice. Maybe she had a new job already lined up. If not, her resignation will presumably entail a financial cost.
Unlike you, she does not agree with discrimination against Christians. Nothing about the opinion that God’s definition of marriage is best is homophobic. God bless.
Did “God” tell us about this definition? Or was it humans deciding what they wanted and pinning it on God?
You’d think that a business professor would understand and respect a private university’s ability to associate freely with the food vendors that open up on campus. Sounds like one of those mythical snowflakes we hear so much about.

You are ignorant of how college & university foodservice works.
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