FC: PSU wants Paternos to return interview notes

The fact is, as per their own investigator(Omar somebody or other), there was NO guarantee of confidentiality. If you spoke the truth, you have nothing to fear. Even those who conspired against JVP and lied about phantom "NCAA violations" practice their professions and walk the streets of SC without being accosted. Besides it would take about 30 seconds to match the testimony with The Fool even without the names being attached.
Sometimes I think folks fail to see the gravity of the offenses committed by these Fools. They paid Freeh to produce a document which sealed the guilt of 3 of their former employees under indictment. While touting the report as "independent", as such an additional finding (other than The Commonwealth) to frame these administrators who then would face a tainted jury pool and little hope of exoneration. In addition they implicated JVP without a scintilla of evidence. Remember this is not only a man who served the university for more than 6 decades but who in this instance 1. followed university policy to a T 2. who was praised for his actions and cooperation by the OAG 3. responded in a manner that later would be used as a model by the NCAA handbook.
These Trustees and former Trustees are the most despicable kind of human beings. They are not, in my opinion deserving of confidentiality in this matter. What they deserve is a speedy trial before a jury of their peers.
I'm not aware of confidentiality even being remotely implied to the "interviewees" and I agree, the forced lack of attorney representation is appalling at a minimum.
Yes, this was shady as hell but I don't see it as a good idea to just release everything to the general public simply to satisfy their hunger.

Which is exactly what their side did using Freeh as the conduit. I say too f'ing bad if everything is released to the public.
That's a fine opinion, but opinions aren't worth a damn once things escalate to this stage. As a psychologist, I respect confidentially more than most people, but when it comes to litigation, court orders, law suits for millions, even signed confidentiality agreements sometimes need to be overlooked. When my patients sign the consent form, we review all the exceptions to confidentiality, which is not a short list and certainly includes "court orders". PSU should have explicitly explained this to all their employees and made it quite clear that there is no guarantee to confidentiality in certain situations.

The REAL tragedy here is the refusal to allow interviewees to have their own counsel present and to forbid them from recording the interviews. Given the gravity of the situation, I would have refused to cooperate without my legal counsel present. During internal investigations, which is what the Freeh report really was, employees ALWAYS have the right to private legal counsel. Not only is this allowed, but it is typically proactively conveyed and encouraged by he company. The way PSU handled this was shady as hell....

"The way PSU handled this was shady as hell...."

The FIX was in......