Final X discussion and results

Green 2-0 over Chamberlain in match 1. Not much action, both points were from the clock.
I keep getting a black final x logo after watching for about 5 seconds. Kicks me out of the live event every time
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think Flo still has some server/bandwidth issues when a high volume of folks are streaming. I'm getting the match but there have been multiple timeouts, etc. I just upgraded my fios internet so I am quite certain it isn't on my end...
Congratulations to Thomas Gilman, and no disrespect to him, but I do not think he will represent USA in 2020.

If Fix and Spencer Lee are competing at that weight, I will take one of those two.

Gilman is a heck of a competitor, but the arrow for Fix, and, of course, Spencer is pointing up.
That Green match was a crime against wrestling

Guess that answers my question. I did not get to watch the match, but the flo update sure made the match sound horrible. First it seemed there was no action & then the description at least made it sound like the ref decided who was going to be the victor. I thought freestyle rules were meant to encourage scoring &/or action?
ummm,,,, no need for the 3rd match... must have been bad for concessions:rolleyes:
not real exciting... Gilman with great D and Fix didn't really come close to a TD. The woman were interesting as they look so much better than in the past. Snyder looked great... just keeps coming and shoots non-stop. He must be really strong as once he has a foot or leg he executes. Green and Chambo was boring but evidence of good D. Imar looked good in both first periods... but was winded in the 2nd period of both matches and Jordan was in control the entire time.
I think next week may be even more lopsided aside from hwt
Wow... that was hard to watch. I sure hope next weeks matchups provide something a little more entertaining.
Yeah, overall, meh. Woulda been a real buzzkill if Snyder had gotten hurt being driven off the raised platform. His finishes are just phenomenal--strong yes, but he does a great job at creating leverage to get guys off balance. Smooth as silk. Tamara is a monster too..
I enjoyed streaming issues here...and I have an old computer and no where near the fastest service. A couple of matches were less than "Score Fests" but the better wrestler won. I thought Fix would get a takedown....glad Snyder didn't get hurt.....thought Imar looked like he wanted to just go home near the end of the first match......and was impressed with the improvement of the ladies. I think the US will have solid teams....especially on the men's side. I thought the production was solid....Well Done. Looking forward to State College.
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Agreed on the positive reviews...I enjoyed the coverage and commentary! The matches were entertaining for the most part and as someone who is too far away to attend any of this live, I think it’s cool to watch a string of events over multiple weekends!
Honestly , I turned it off a few matches in. Maybe because there wasn't anyone wrestling from Penn State or that I had any ties to. It was pretty much a snooze fest. Die hards could certainly appreciate the positioning and defense but a product like that isn't going to "grow the sport". A performance like that from James Green is pathetic. Thats a guy with offensive tools who can put up points. I haven't went back to watch the second match yet (possibly won't) but he took ZERO shots in match 1. Underhook , block out and push. That is considered being the aggressor? Well at least this year , till they comply revamp the rules again next year. Wake me up when Folkstyle season starts.
I have lots of thoughts.

1. It felt really long for the amount of wrestling. Now, it doesn't help that many matches were conservatively-wrestled, but it could also be that we're used to bam-bam-bam match after match at tournaments. I like that it highlighted the matches. I hated the Challenge Tournament in a few ways because there was no way to see all the great wrestling. So, I guess this could be a dumb complaint.

2. I like that we're trying something different that is allowing the Challenge Tournament winner time to recoop before taking on the person sitting until finals. That is what people pissed and moaned about for years. I think that is a huge positive.

3. As someone who hates superhero movies and has no imagination, miss me with the gimmicky superhero shit. I'd rather listen to Gilman talk about making 57kg Great Again for pete's sake. Maybe that got the kids more into it, but it was a turn off for me. I missed the Stone Cold entrance music from World Cup for Snyder.

To be continued...
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4. The abundance of Caution +1's on wrestlers getting driven out of bounds.

Now, I don't necessarily hate it. I understand the logic behind it. I've watched and been to numerous events, and haven't seen it called like that all year. I thought it was unnecessary of officials to interject more... Give them their 1 for step out and I'm content.

However, I also see that guys will continue to use it as a way to give up less. Perhaps this is necessary to increase wrestlers staying inbounds with greater interest, leading to higher scores (2 or 4+) due to wrestling more on the edge to not give up caution.

I retweeted Deron Winn on my club's Twitter account, which lead to a nearby, prominent coach disagreeing. All cordial discussion until Deron and Gerald Harris basically said our opinions don't matter because we don't compete and people like us shouldn't tell them how to wrestle.

I don't know, it left a bad taste in my mouth.
I have lots of thoughts.

1. It felt really long for the amount of wrestling. Now, it doesn't help that many matches were conservatively-wrestled, but it could also be that we're used to bam-bam-bam match after match at tournaments. I like that it highlighted the matches. I hated the Challenge Tournament in a few ways because there was no way to see all the great wrestling. So, I guess this could be a dumb complaint.

What we need is more hoola hooping between bouts, right? Something wouldn't hurt. It was 3 hours, with no rubber matches.

Agree with/ you and Winn, push out pts should be penalty enough.
All cordial discussion until Deron and Gerald Harris basically said our opinions don't matter because we don't compete and people like us shouldn't tell them how to wrestle.
People like that are jackasses.

Chances are at least once in their lives they have disagreed, or will disagree, with a doctor or lawyer or or engineer or military officer.. But I'm sure that's different because reasons and because shut up.
What we need is more hoola hooping between bouts, right? Something wouldn't hurt. It was 3 hours, with no rubber matches.

Agree with/ you and Winn, push out pts should be penalty enough.

People like that are jackasses.

Chances are at least once in their lives they have disagreed, or will disagree, with a doctor or lawyer or or engineer or military officer.. But I'm sure that's different because reasons and because shut up.

I agreed with Winn, originally. I agree with anything that takes matches out of official's hands. However, his rebuttal pissed me off. As coaches, we deserve a seat at the opinion table on rule sets and interpretations. That's all I'm saying.

The other coach he got all uppity with is the Cadet Greco World Team coach, who I'm sure has no idea what it's like to compete at a high level... He's just in Serbia with Cadets currently lol.
People like that are jackasses.

Chances are at least once in their lives they have disagreed, or will disagree, with a doctor or lawyer or or engineer or military officer.. But I'm sure that's different because reasons and because shut up.
That kind of crap is one of the main reasons for my CJ Magrum Fatwa. Him and Winn and some others were using that argument with Pyles on twitter and unfairly piling on (pardon the pun).

As if CJ Magrum was some wrestling luminary. All I remember from his career is him getting thrown around like a wrestling dummy with a faux hawk by Ed Ruth and Q.
I agreed with Winn, originally. I agree with anything that takes matches out of official's hands. However, his rebuttal pissed me off. As coaches, we deserve a seat at the opinion table on rule sets and interpretations. That's all I'm saying.

The other coach he got all uppity with is the Cadet Greco World Team coach, who I'm sure has no idea what it's like to compete at a high level... He's just in Serbia with Cadets currently lol.
I didn't see the rest of the discussion until now. Yikes. This world suffers from WAY too much "My opinion is right, and you have no grounds to dispute it because "la la la la, I can't hear you."

Winn: "So you’re telling me a wrestler should give up positions and fight to stay in risking to get thrown for 4/5 so the fans can be happier?"

Isn't that pretty much the ENTIRE point of modern freestyle rules? I think the approach presents challenges--rules intended to force action can inadvertently create new ways to be passive, but it is largely why everyone who prefers free prefers it.
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The logistics were dreadful. The event organizers (USA Wrestling?, FLO ?, Final Xers?) made the terrible decision to not let the Devaney staff run the event. So instead of four willcall windows, as at last years 2017 WTT, there was only one. Which may not have been a problem except they then required everyone with floor seating to get a pass at willcall. 45 minutes on queue in 95 degree heat as they funneled ticket buyers and willcall people into one gate left me disgruntled. But I was still happier than the Devaney staff who had to deal with angry customers who had never before seen such a cock-up happen at Devaney.
I was talking last night to a friend of mine who is the head coach of one of the central Pa. high school powerhouses, and the leg lace came up. I told him how I didn't care for the rule, and his response was "LOL, don't get caught in one then". Haha.
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You want points?

I have a funny feeling one guy is gonna score a lotta points at 86kg next weekend.
I was talking last night to a friend of mine who is the head coach of one of the central Pa. high school powerhouses, and the leg lace came up. I told him how I didn't care for the rule, and his response was "LOL, don't get caught in one then". Haha.
There should be a limit to the number turns. Two at most. And allow guys to fight off the bottom rather than force them to open up.
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There should be a limit to the number turns. Two at most. And allow guys to fight off the bottom rather than force them to open up.
The opposing view is "don't get turned". Once a guy gives up a takedown, unlike folk where the bottom guy works to escape, all they have to do is lay there with a solid base and force a whistle. It's not like they can't do anything about it.
3. As someone who hates superhero movies and has no imagination, miss me with the gimmicky superhero shit. I'd rather listen to Gilman talk about making 57kg Great Again for pete's sake. Maybe that got the kids more into it, but it was a turn off for me. I missed the Stone Cold entrance music from World Cup for Snyder.
So, what did you think of the Black Panther Marvel Movie?
3. As someone who hates superhero movies and has no imagination, miss me with the gimmicky superhero shit. I'd rather listen to Gilman talk about making 57kg Great Again for pete's sake. Maybe that got the kids more into it, but it was a turn off for me. I missed the Stone Cold entrance music from World Cup for Snyder.
So, what did you think of the Black Panther Marvel Movie?
I didn't see it. Is it more realistic? I'm not tryna watch something that convinces me that a grown man can fly or grow claws or some dumb shit.
I didn't see it. Is it more realistic? I'm not tryna watch something that convinces me that a grown man can fly or grow claws or some dumb shit.

I thought it made more sense when it was Captain America at BtS, but whatever--when you're watching Kyle Snyder wrestle and you're watching the singlet, I think you're doing it wrong.

I thought it made more sense when it was Captain America at BtS, but whatever--when you're watching Kyle Snyder wrestle and you're watching the singlet, I think you're doing it wrong.
Yes, definitely, but when commentary mentions it and you see it on social media (which was the point), it's hard to miss, no?

This weekend should be interesting. Some great matchups.
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