Easy for you to say. You have Flu Pro. What about us regular Joes who can't afford Pro? Elitist!I don't view myself as beholden to rules ...
Easy for you to say. You have Flu Pro. What about us regular Joes who can't afford Pro? Elitist!I don't view myself as beholden to rules ...
College wrestling sure has a lot of Flu bugs doesnt it? Pretty much every poor performance is due to the Flu dontcha know! One thing i love about Brands and his wrestlers are their no excuse mentality. If you lose you own it. You dont shove it off on sickeness, weather, travel, injuries, personal problems ect.
I don't view myself as beholden to rules about the non-discussion on injuries and sickness out of deference to narratives or sports ethos tropes my team (or those of my team's fan base) would prefer to advance. If a guy looks sick or not himself on the mat, observing as much doesn't accordingly mean you're making excuses for him, or denigrating an opponent's performance. I totally get why athletes themselves might want to play reductive mental games ("If I'm well enough to step on the mat...") but as a fan I don't feel the same need to deny observable realities. The sport is something of a zero sum game, but discussion of it isn't.
We'll be talking about Aaron Rogers the same way todayValid point.
But when you win, and you talk flu--that's not whining, and that's not making the other guy feel better because he knows you're a whiner. Rather, winning with the flu actually makes the other guy feel worse. For illustration, when everyone talks about Michael Jordan's "Flu Game", they're not making an excuse for him, they're just, in effect, humble bragging, or some kind of bragging, for MJ.
I heard that when Cael won the press conference over Brands, Cael was battling a hangnail. Cael found a way to win, though. He's one tough dude, that Cael.I'm content to put on a camouflage hat, suit pants, nice shoes, old nationals jacket and .....lean back.
Here is my take. I have seen the vast majority of these kids matches, and of those the vast majority in person. Can anyone that follows closely deny that something seemed off with our guys? There were 6 of us together watching on BTN and not one didn't see something odd. Now, was it travel? Was it over preparation? Was it CHA? Was it nutrition? Was if flu? Who knows, I do know I have never seen Hall look like that. Joseph doesn't die in the third. Zain doesn't struggle to get on his offense. Cutch doesn't hang on at the end. Pick your poison, but something was off...maybe I'm a sore winner.
yeah, when I get attacked through snide, condesending, insider, we make the rule on discussion topics around here remarks it does raise my hackles a bit. AZchief, could I borrow that hippie pic to insert here?I agree but discussion doesn't seem to be an option for many on this site. Many take anyone that disagrees with their position to be a personal attack and they attack back. This thread is a prime example. Not worth my time to pursue this further.
Look. If Cael sees his wrestler wrestling unusually lethargically, he's gonna say to Casey, "I wonder what's wrong with our guy". He'd not be trying to make an excuse. He'd just be observing and talking and trying to learn. He can't say it publicly, though.... These kids don't make exuses so why do adults think they need to? ...
... How can we make excuses, anyhow? Who the heck are we? Who is giving us all this importance?
Who's Aaron Rogers?We'll be talking about Aaron Rogers the same way today![]()
yeah, when I get attacked through snide, condesending, insider, we make the rule on discussion topics around here remarks it does raise my hackles a bit. AZchief, could I borrow that hippie pic to insert here?
I guess I will be running along now. I know "don't let the door hit you in the ass"
or???? will it just mean Brandon is sick???? Devil's advocate.
After about 2 hours of consideration I have decided that the flu bug as a factor in some of the lackluster performances in our middle weights Friday night at Carver. The tipping point for me was Caels post-match comments regarding " Zain is one of the toughest young men I have ever known" not exact but close.
When Zain came out flat footed and slow reaction time the bells started to ring, then Jason didn't seem to be himself, Mark seemed out of it, and maybe, just maybe Bo figured he better get it over with asap while he still had the energy, then Cutch with the deadpan look at the end just seemed to not have the energy and just wanted to get out of there with the win. Oh, I forgot VC. He had a good first period...
You would have to ask spyer who was rolling with who during the week(lots of contact)but it sure seemed like it to me.
Flu bug? Don't these kids get flu shots? Hey it was Iowa's home meet of the year. I bet those kids are tired of reading they aren't good enough any more to be the champs. They brought their heavy handed, under hooking best to the party. Still not enough offense in their lineup but tough kids for sure.
After about 2 hours of consideration I have decided that the flu bug as a factor in some of the lackluster performances in our middle weights Friday night at Carver.
You sound angry, (as best I can tell from a post).got something to say say it
Do you have any inside knowledge that there's a flu bug going around the team? If not, this is the kind of speculation that gives us a bad reputation as fans. First it diminishes the efforts of our opponents which in Zain's case was the story of the match - Sorensen's adjustments and pace. Second evidence doesn't match up. Suriano had no signs of being sick, Carpenter didn't fade at all just over matched, Jimmy poured it on in the 3rd, Zain wrestled an inspired 2/3 ranked wrestler at CHA and gutted out a win, Vincenzo spent alot of energy in the first period and has had similar bouts of inactivity in a couple other matches during year, I think Hall's was more an adrenaline dump he had to know he was wrestling early and between keeping it a secret and knowing it would be big news in wrestling community to premiering on national TV in CHA - I think there was an adernaline rush followed by fatigue. Everyone's thats wrestled knows that feeling - yet much different venues and stakes for us mere mortals, Meyers is the worst kind of guy to get in that situation a Grade A grinder and the worst possible place.....CHA, Bo had zero signs, MM won an OT war against a bigger opponent and NN poured it on. Lets just give the Hawks their due for wrestling as competitively as you'd expect a Iowa team to wrestle
I normally like your posts, but you need to take a chill pill.yeah, when I get attacked through snide, condesending, insider, we make the rule on discussion topics around here remarks it does raise my hackles a bit. AZchief, could I borrow that hippie pic to insert here?
I guess I will be running along now. I know "don't let the door hit you in the ass"
yeah, you are right. If penn state would have lost I probably wouldn't have said anything. But i really didn't do anything that Cael...I normally like your posts, but you need to take a chill pill.
Here is my take. I have seen the vast majority of these kids matches, and of those the vast majority in person. Can anyone that follows closely deny that something seemed off with our guys? There were 6 of us together watching on BTN and not one didn't see something odd. Now, was it travel? Was it over preparation? Was it CHA? Was it nutrition? Was if flu? Who knows, I do know I have never seen Hall look like that. Joseph doesn't die in the third. Zain doesn't struggle to get on his offense. Cutch doesn't hang on at the end. Pick your poison, but something was off...maybe I'm a sore winner.
Gotta disagree with the statement about Cutch, particularly since his move to 197.
And, as noted previously, it's not the first time that Joseph has really slowed down in the last 2-3 minutes.
Inside joke...I think tikk, or GOLDBANGER or El-Jefe were involved, can't remember who else. Dunk maybe? Play on the words Flo Pro.What or who the hell is Flu Pro?
I think it was that super-smart elitist, Tikk.Inside joke...I think GOLDBANGER and El-Jefe were involved, can't remember who else. Dunk maybe? Play on the words Flo Pro.
What or who the hell is Flu Pro?
Inside joke...I think GOLDBANGER and El-Jefe were involved, can't remember who else. Dunk maybe? Play on the words Flo Pro.
I'm with you, Roar. I haven't seen any evidence other than pure speculation that there was flu. Zain's match was at a very fast pace (even when there wasn't scoring) and by the end both wrestlers were exhausted. It did look like Zain hit the exhaustion point a little earlier that Sorenson, but both wrestlers were pushing the pace the whole match and were spent at the end. Give Sorenson all the credit--he was the most aggressive I've seen him. He deserves credit for his effort. Zain deserves credit for gutting it out and doing what he had to do.irresponsible, that's all...after reading the whole thread...
Just out of curiosity? Anybody who thinks anybody was wrestling with the flu bug - have you had the flu recently? I mean the honest to goodness blowing your GI system out both ends, dehydrated, electrolyte imbalance flu.
A kid or two may have had some sort of viral infection going on - tis the season, but there wasn't anybody out there competing with the flu.
Well Gopher matches certainly aren't the cureI got sick just reading this thread.
I'm with you, Roar. I haven't seen any evidence other than pure speculation that there was flu. Zain's match was at a very fast pace (even when there wasn't scoring) and by the end both wrestlers were exhausted. It did look like Zain hit the exhaustion point a little earlier that Sorenson, but both wrestlers were pushing the pace the whole match and were spent at the end. Give Sorenson all the credit--he was the most aggressive I've seen him. He deserves credit for his effort. Zain deserves credit for gutting it out and doing what he had to do.
"Zain is probably the toughest kid I ever met. He wasn't really a......you could tell that he wasn't really feeling great."
Thanks for the health lesson.OTOH, what you describe is only one stage of some viruses. People's immune systems are different and their level of exposure can be different, their recovery times can vary, the level of symptoms can vary from person to person. Plus the symptoms can vary depending upon where the person is in the cycle of their own viral experience, i.e. beginning, middle or ending. Or there could be something like an energy recovery period at the end, after the virus is no longer contagious.
That said, am not supporting a guess about the flu without specific individual evidence.
Some wrestlers did appear to be a bit off of their game, imho. But idle sports board speculation is arms length from any kind of firm understanding, without more info.
At this point it won't change what happened. The individuals and the coaches know much more and will make their best decisions as factors change.
Hope they make whatever adjustments they can, improve through the season and peak at the B1Gs and NCAAs.
BTW - Thought Sorenson wrestled one of his better matches. He gets credit for his aggressive, creative changes, no matter what Zain brought to the mat.
This is a much better guess than a team wide virus.Maybe Cael just trained them through Iowa, keeping their eyes on the prize.
This is a much better guess than a team wide virus.