What if stadium renovations are completed that include winterizing, improved restrooms, better concessions, etc.? If area lodging can accommodate 100,000 for PS football, given thousands can make day trips, why not for a hockey game, too? I have no response for parking, unless there are area commercial paved lots that could be used with shuttle buses. For one game several years ago when snow closed the stadium lots, the shuttle procedure turned to chaos after the game, so better planning would be required.I don't believe much of what Bettman says. Yeah it's a possibility......but it's also possible Penn State or New Mexico State win the NCAA title in basketball in 2 years (I just won't hold my breath.).
The logistical aspects of winterizing the stadium, parking issues with winter bad weather, lack of hotels, etc haven't changed. Maybe the stadium issues improve after any renovation plans (if they ever get released).
After watching the game in Heinz field last night I can only imaging how bad the seats in the Beav would be for hockey (given the much larger size).
What he didn't say was that the game would be played in Pegula.![]()