

Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2018
The Big Ten is canceling fall sports. What does this mean for a wrestling season. Not good. This stinks.
The Big Ten is canceling fall sports. What does this mean for a wrestling season. Not good. This stinks.

I don;t see how this has any bearing on whether there is a wrestling season which is months down the road. Not saying there will be a wrestling season just that this decision has NOTHING to do with whether there is a winter sports season, which wont be decided on for many months down the road.
Russia has a vaccine!! You all can take this one....
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I don;t see how this has any bearing on whether there is a wrestling season which is months down the road. Not saying there will be a wrestling season just that this decision has NOTHING to do with whether there is a winter sports season, which wont be decided on for many months down the road.
Wrestling begins its season during the fall semester. I know it doesn’t go full swing until January but it sounds like there will be no wresting in November-December. Am I wrong?
Wrestling begins its season during the fall semester. I know it doesn’t go full swing until January but it sounds like there will be no wresting in November-December. Am I wrong?

I agree with that and starting the season in January has already been discussed many times over.
Guys. Hysteria remains everywhere. Public beaches shut down for crying out loud. Schools virtual. You can't go to your favorite restaraunt ..... In what universe are these same authorities going to let two guys swim in each other's sweat and bad breath for 7 minutes, let alone 30 guys in the same room for several hours every day?

I disagree with almost all of it, but to the realist,
Wrestling has no chance, zero, until there is a very significant mind and behavioral shift in how society is viewing this virus.

I love the passion and typical optimism amongst wrestling fans in general, but our sport is on the tail end of the bell curve of all human activities that will be curtailed by this scourge.

Sadly enough there is just enough reason to be concerned for the summer olympics and wrestling returning in full for the fall of 2021.
Anyone who says they have any idea what the pandemic will be like in November/ December is an idiot! We could be in the middle of a worldwide meltdown or the virus could be almost gone. We also may have a vaccine( not the russian sputnik-9 vaccine, no thanks!) So at least for the next couple months we need to all man up and be positive!!! In Cael I trust( In Barron not so much!)
Guys. Hysteria remains everywhere. Public beaches shut down for crying out loud. Schools virtual. You can't go to your favorite restaraunt ..... In what universe are these same authorities going to let two guys swim in each other's sweat and bad breath for 7 minutes, let alone 30 guys in the same room for several hours every day?

I disagree with almost all of it, but to the realist,
Wrestling has no chance, zero, until there is a very significant mind and behavioral shift in how society is viewing this virus.

I love the passion and typical optimism amongst wrestling fans in general, but our sport is on the tail end of the bell curve of all human activities that will be curtailed by this scourge.

Sadly enough there is just enough reason to be concerned for the summer olympics and wrestling returning in full for the fall of 2021.
As I mentioned before in another thread, eventually I see some decisions about Covid19 being about choice. But as far as some amateur sports,including wrestling I don't think there is anyway that "authorities" will let athletes compete until either a successful treatment medicine is discovered or a vaccine is in place.
"Authorities" will not want blood on their hands.
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What if it's tested on dinosaurs first?
Bwah - someone needs to camp out on TRye’s twitter when the vaccine time comes and have the screenshot ready to go. He’ll blurt something out and be forced to retract it so quickly that only the very well-prepared will see it
Lost in all if this is the fact that the risk to the top 1% physical specimens in the 18-21 year old age bracket is quite small, possibly negligable. Coupled with the fact that risk to exposure still exists everywhere outside of the football feilds & locker rooms. This is a real shame.
Lost in all if this is the fact that the risk to the top 1% physical specimens in the 18-21 year old age bracket is quite small, possibly negligable. Coupled with the fact that risk to exposure still exists everywhere outside of the football feilds & locker rooms. This is a real shame.

lost in all this is the fact that there are other forms of entertainment and we don't need to subject amateurs to additional risk just because it might be "possibly negligable [sic]". it is, in fact, a real shame.
My fear for the sport of football on any level, pro or college is that what happens when one of these 6'3" 330 pound linemen gets put on a ventilator. Football has a much higher number of participants that look like most of the hardest hit by Covid-19. They may not shake it off like the majority of 18-22 year olds. Just sayin'.
lost in all this is the fact that there are other forms of entertainment and we don't need to subject amateurs to additional risk just because it might be "possibly negligable [sic]". it is, in fact, a real shame.

Is there any evidence that athletes are at a higher risk to catch/spread the virus while playing/practicing a sport versus "other times"? Considering all of the testing and controls that are being put in place for athletes, it would seem that they may be at a higher risk to catch and especially spread the virus if sports seasons are eliminated. With athletes going through regular testing, if one catches the virus they will almost certainly be identified quicker during a season. Also, considering catching the virus would force an athlete to quarantine, one would think that they may be more conscientious to their symptoms and social activities during a sports season.

Just trying to think through what is better for a student-athlete. To me it would seem that being regularly testing and within the structure of a sports season would decrease an individual's chance of catching and spreading a virus. But, I don't know, maybe not. :)
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Is there any evidence that athletes are at a higher risk to catch/spread the virus while playing/practicing a sport versus "other times"? Considering all of the testing and controls that are being put in place for athletes, it would seem that they may be at a higher risk to catch and especially spread the virus if sports seasons are eliminated. With athletes going through regular testing, if one catches the virus they will almost certainly be identified quicker during a season. Also, considering catching the virus would force an athlete to quarantine, one would think that they may be more conscientious to their symptoms and social activities during a sports season.

Just trying to think through what is better for a student-athlete. To me it would seem that being regularly testing and within the structure of a sports season would decrease an individuals chance of catching and spreading a virus. But, I don't know may be not. :)
I heard that the amount and location of entry of viral load you get is key. Better to rub your hand and maybe get some virus around your mouth than someone cough right into your open mouth and have the virus implant in your lungs before other parts of your body aren’t already fighting it.

It’s a big reason why medical professionals who intubate people for a living are scared shitless.

So tackling someone and being face mask to face mask with them might be way more problematic than a college swimmer competing
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Is there any evidence that athletes are at a higher risk to catch/spread the virus while playing/practicing a sport versus "other times"? Considering all of the testing and controls that are being put in place for athletes, it would seem that they may be at a higher risk to catch and especially spread the virus if sports seasons are eliminated. With athletes going through regular testing, if one catches the virus they will almost certainly be identified quicker during a season. Also, considering catching the virus would force an athlete to quarantine, one would think that they may be more conscientious to their symptoms and social activities during a sports season.

Just trying to think through what is better for a student-athlete. To me it would seem that being regularly testing and within the structure of a sports season would decrease an individual's chance of catching and spreading a virus. But, I don't know, maybe not. :)

that begs the question of why student athletes would be tested more often or get test results quicker than the student non-athletes. the answer would obviously be the revenue that the student athlete generates, but admitting that puts college sports in a precarious position.
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I think Covid19 will not only effect of college revenue lost from the football season but also start to effect the money that the college's bring in from room and board.
My daughter was accepted to Penn State Law School and we went out to check out some housing options. Before she committed to a lease agreement the school started to change their classroom procedure. She has decided to take all online classes. She will be saving probably 1500 a month that will not be going to State College infrastructure.
Landlords will be lowering monthly rents because of a basic economic principal, Supply and Demand.
Covid19 is not just a health issue.
Guys. Hysteria remains everywhere. Public beaches shut down for crying out loud. Schools virtual. You can't go to your favorite restaraunt ..... In what universe are these same authorities going to let two guys swim in each other's sweat and bad breath for 7 minutes, let alone 30 guys in the same room for several hours every day?

I disagree with almost all of it, but to the realist,
Wrestling has no chance, zero, until there is a very significant mind and behavioral shift in how society is viewing this virus.

I love the passion and typical optimism amongst wrestling fans in general, but our sport is on the tail end of the bell curve of all human activities that will be curtailed by this scourge.

Sadly enough there is just enough reason to be concerned for the summer olympics and wrestling returning in full for the fall of 2021.

How many times can one post the same thing in how many threads. U need to see your Doctor. Xanax maybe?
Some tweets are starting to come out saying Big10 will change their decision and announce later this week there will be football, barr8ng any major outbreaks. No clue if it is real or not.

I did read that the vote was 12-2, then read no, it was 8-6, then read that Sandy said there was no actual vote.

who knows....
B10 got a ton of egg on its face for basing its decision on a highly flawed study -- according to University of Michigan cardiologist Venk Murthy, the control group had far too many pre-existing conditions, among other errors.

It's quite telling that the B10 Presidents chose to not run a medical paper past its top medical researchers.