Free or Folk?

The second worst thing in wrestling is the leg lace tech fall.
The first is Iowa?
“Dumbass exposure points” as opposed to… almost-pinning someone for an arbitrary amount of time, counted by a human with human mistakes. There’s so many “counts” in folk now that I can’t even count ‘em. OT system offers gamesmanship and incentivizes negative wrestling.

Ya’ll know I appreciate a good schtick, but that is not what’s happening here, folks. I actually believe it’s a better product and line of logic. It highlights what is most indicative of quality wrestling and creates the best viewing product in my opinion. I appreciate the opposing opinions. It takes a village. The elitist snark is definitely schtick.
I appreciate the arguments from you. Especially since you seem to have given up trying to convince us Greco is fun to watch.

I have grown to appreciate the positives and negatives of both Free and Folk.