Change the Challenge brick to injury time rule. If challenge brick is thrown and call not changedInteresting topic. The two year cycle for the current Rules and Interpretations ends with the 2025 NCAA Wrestling Championships, so a new two year cycle (2025-26 through 2026-27) begins with a publication of a new rulebook sometime in August, 2025 or so. It was said several times in this thread that changes should not make the referee's job any more difficult that it is, so rules that are way subjective should never see the pages of a rulebook, imo.
Frankly, I can't think of a single significant change to make. Last cycle had the 3-point takedown, and the 3-point nearfall added, and a whole bunch of less-significant changes. Whatever is done (other than for wrestler safety or administrative in nature) should be done with the intent of making wresting more exciting.
EDIT: I looked for minutes to meetings that might give some clue as to what the NCAA Wrestling Committee is considering. Other than clearing up some of the wrestler decent language, there was no mention of possible future changes could be found. I believe there is an April 2025 meeting, and we could hear something out of that meeting.
Choice of position for opponent.
It was quite evedent that the brick was thrown 2 or 3 times for lung/coaching time on Saturday night. It's not basketball.
At bare minimum the wrestlers should be in middle with no coaches .