According to the then Syracuse AD and Tranghese (sp?), Dave Gavett's aid at the time and later Big East Commissioner, Pitt opposed our entry into the Big East. Some say it was because Joe asked for financial concessions, knowing a game at Happy Valley was a bigger payday for our Eastern Independent friends than a visit to their stadiums was for us. There is general consensus that that decision eventually doomed the Big East as an all sports conference.
I think it would have made sense to have the Eastern Independents of my youth approach the ACC for the creation of an all sports conference. It would have looked something like this now-
N Division
Penn State
West Virginia
South Diviision
North Carolina
NC State
GA Tech
Wake Forest
Now that would be one heck of a conference for all sports. You could add Miami and Fla State if you like.
There is a SteveJones podcast from last week, I'm guessing maybe Friday and he had Lou Prato on.
Lou had a ton of information about how and why that series ended and the whole Big East cluster. Really interesting stuff...if your into it.