Laughable on so many levels. Wtf are you even talking about? HR mods don't ban PSU folks for discussion? When I take issue with shit on HR.. I do as you say and I take it up there. The end result? Your sensitive type there begs and pleads to the mods to throw down the banhammer. And how do we know all that? Because the mod himself created a thread calling you all out as a bunch of whiners and asked that you some how, some way find a backbone and grow a set of balls when someone says something you don't particularly agree with instead of bombarding him with pm's like a bunch of 5 year olds.
You have me confused now. I'm told when I post there that I really shouldn't take issue or be defensive and to keep quiet because it's your house. Now you're telling me we should take it up there (not here) when we disagree with what's being said. So which is it?
Share the comment that got you banned from HR.