From the HR Board

Laughable on so many levels. Wtf are you even talking about? HR mods don't ban PSU folks for discussion? When I take issue with shit on HR.. I do as you say and I take it up there. The end result? Your sensitive type there begs and pleads to the mods to throw down the banhammer. And how do we know all that? Because the mod himself created a thread calling you all out as a bunch of whiners and asked that you some how, some way find a backbone and grow a set of balls when someone says something you don't particularly agree with instead of bombarding him with pm's like a bunch of 5 year olds.

You have me confused now. I'm told when I post there that I really shouldn't take issue or be defensive and to keep quiet because it's your house. Now you're telling me we should take it up there (not here) when we disagree with what's being said. So which is it?

Share the comment that got you banned from HR.
Share the comment that got you banned from HR.
I gladly would if I knew what comment got me banned. Hell, a few admitted I didn't say anything that warranted a ban. Chief and I don't particularly see eye to eye and even he said I shouldn't have been banned. It's clear why I was though. Your Mod made it clear to me why PSU folks are banned there. He gets tired of his inbox being flooded with whiny pms begging him to ban certain people so he does it to appease them. He pretty much admitted it.
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Share the comment that got you banned from HR.
So... should I still take things up there? If so, I gladly will. In fact, how about you starting a thread inviting and welcoming us there to discuss the things we don't agree with. And while you're at it, ask them to release my ban because it's a real pain in the ass having to log out of this username everytime I want to pop in over there. :)
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I gladly would if I knew what comment got me banned. Hell, a few admitted I didn't say anything that warranted a ban. Chief and I don't particularly see eye to eye and even he said I shouldn't have been banned. It's clear why I was though. Your Mod made it clear to me why PSU folks are banned there. He gets tired of his inbox being flooded with whiny pms begging him to ban certain people so he does it to appease them. He pretty much admitted it.

Loads of PSU posters post on HR without being banned, many of them being obvious trolls. I have a hard time believing you were banned for an unworthy reason, but if Chief agrees, then I'm sorry to hear that. You must have caught the mod on a bad day.
What do you know another BWI thread about HR. You guys are like 12 year old gossip queens. "Look what they said on their forum!". You ever posted on HR? Or do you just repost all of the HR posts on BWI where you can get upvotes from your fanbase?
I post on HR. Never felt welcome, but I still post. Is there a point? Maybe heeeee's staaaaaaling. Or maybe your favorite. Heeeeee's cheeeeeeeatin.
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I honestly don't ever recall reading a thread on HR or even comments on HR about what is discussed on BWI. I imagine it's happened, before but I don't ever recall it and I view the board daily.

You can mock me calling/emailing the compliance departments all you want. I take no offense. The fact is, the compliance departments mission statement explicitly states their job is to ensure programs are complying with the NCAA regulations bylaws and it's also their job to communicate and answer questions from the community. Some of you seem to think it's not their job to talk to and respond to inquires from fans. That's simply not the case. Out of the ~ 10 schools I contacted, the only one I received a response back from was U of Iowa.

Regardless of whether or not any wrestling program is 'cheating', there are some definite vague areas open for manipulation in regards to bypassing the scholarship limitations. College recruiting 'cheating' is not a rare thing. There is a long history of it across many sports.

I've always added the caveat that I have absolutely no insider info and everything I post is pure speculation/skeptical questioning. That doesn't prevent some people from becoming incredibly butthurt and overly defensive.

I respect a good discussion. I just don't get the pettiness that is somewhat prevalent on college wrestling forums - this board, themat (worst of them all), and HR.
Funny thing about the cheating thing. It is a fact Iowa wrestling has cheated. Penn State not so much.
I have posted on your site. If you want to know and understand Penn State and their recruiting - talk to Gable. It's his model, just made to fit today and minus the special math calculations.
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Loads of PSU posters post on HR without being banned, many of them being obvious trolls. I have a hard time believing you were banned for an unworthy reason, but if Chief agrees, then I'm sorry to hear that. You must have caught the mod on a bad day.
I am absolutely uncertain why Jtown has been banned (repeatedly). I always think he spends way too much time trying way too hard being overly polite.
Yep, you just gossip about HR posts on BWI. If you have something to say about the HR comments feel free to say them on HR. I can guarantee our moderator won't moderate you for it. (can't say the same in reverse).

Let me make myself crystal clear. I have no desire or care to go and post in your cesspool full of hate and jeoulosy.

The reason people don’t bring this board to HR is because we are proud of our team. We are winning. We don’t spend our time being jeoulous, making excuses, living in the past, etc.

Many here including myself respect Coach Brands. It’s the hate spewing, jeoulous, excuse making fans I can do without.

This board spends 99% of its time talking about wrestling and the team we love. 80% of HR threads are about cheating, Cael bashing, jeoulosy, conspiracy theories, etc.

You’re not relevant. I had a chance to go to Iowa match but don’t want to drive 2 hours to watch a shut out.

The top teams are PSU, tOSU Okie State and I even like what Michigan is doing. Iowa is an afterthought in my mind.

So go back, live in past, talk about all the great Gable teams, whatever floats your boat.

We are in the midst of a dynasty and some of the most exciting wrestlers ever. Do you really think we concerned with Iowa?

It’s the Cael is scum, Cael is a cheater comments that get my goat and that’s why I don’t go there to read it. Unfortunately it was brought here and I read it. Keep the negative talk over on HR
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The reason people don’t bring this board to HR is because we are proud of our team.

80% of HR threads are about cheating, Cael bashing, jeoulosy, conspiracy theories, etc.

That’s why I don’t go there to read it. Unfortunately it was brought here and I read it. Keep the negative talk over on HR

"Go check out the thread if you think people here are being ridiculous. Instead of knocking people here for standing up for our team some here would rather put there head in the sand."

You realize you've contradicted yourself multiple times within that single post and additional times in this thread right? You tell Roar to go read the comments on HR, and then you later say you don't read HR. Which is it?

Nice little pep talk to yourself. I'm glad you're enjoying your experience as a PSU wrestling fan.
How did I contradict myself? It was brought here. Then I went to see was being said. My comments you quoted above I stand by. Not sure where I condradixted myself. Please enlighten me

The reason I told Roar to read the comments is because I think he thought all the hate was towards Brands interview. I didn’t have a big problem with his interview (though I think if he thinks someone is cheating then say who). The hate was from the HR posters spewing hate and conspiracy theories
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This is a PSU wrestling board. The luckiest wrestling fans in the world use it. That was once true for your team but it is no longer and nothing you can do will change that. Enjoy your season

? cringe
Better recruiting grounds?????? That’s hilarious.

You'll see. I went to a couple camps in Ohio, they are doing well growing wrestling in the inner city and we're going to start see them come up and do good things. That just goes along with the sport even growing more in general in Ohio where it was already healthy. PSU will have had their historic run, but.....
vodka, you can't be serious. The common response to Penn State posters is go back to your own board, why do you care what we say, Sandusky and lately to call us peds and challenge us to a fight. Take a look at the last couple pages of the Teske thread for Exhibit "A". Some of the comments in that thread are complete embarrassment to your fan base.

You say a lot of Penn State fans are trolls but the definition of trolls over there is anyone that interferes with the narrative and alternate reality you guys want to create. There was a recent discussion yet again about how Cael hasn't proved he can develop non blue chip recruits. Post after post without one mention of guys like Brown, Molinaro, Conaway or English. Now I thought about pointing that out and how Sanderson's track record is arguable better then Brands but knew the response would of been the usual get off our board, why do you care what we say, Sandusky or lets drive 500 miles each and get in a fist fight somewhere in Indiana.
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vodka, you can't be serious. The common response to Penn State posters is go back to your own board, why do you care what we say, Sandusky and lately to call us peds and challenge us to a fight. Take a look at the last couple pages of the Teske thread for Exhibit "A". Some of the comments in that thread are complete embarrassment to your fan base.

You say a lot of Penn State fans are trolls but the definition of trolls over there is anyone that interferes with the narrative and alternate reality you guy want to create. There was a recent discussion yet again about how Cael hasn't proved he can develop non blue chip recruits. Post after post without one mention of guys like Brown, Molinaro, Conaway or English. Now I thought about pointing that out and how Sanderson's track record is arguable better then Brands but knew the response would of been the usual get off are board, why do you care what we say, Sandusky or lets drive 500 miles each and get in a fist fight somewhere in Indiana.

I think the preferred location is on a bridge in Waterloo.
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vodka, you can't be serious. The common response to Penn State posters is go back to your own board, why do you care what we say, Sandusky and lately to call us peds and challenge us to a fight. Take a look at the last couple pages of the Teske thread for Exhibit "A". Some of the comments in that thread are complete embarrassment to your fan base.

You say a lot of Penn State fans are trolls but the definition of trolls over there is anyone that interferes with the narrative and alternate reality you guy want to create. There was a recent discussion yet again about how Cael hasn't proved he can develop non blue chip recruits. Post after post without one mention of guys like Brown, Molinaro, Conaway or English. Now I thought about pointing that out and how Sanderson's track record is arguable better then Brands but knew the response would of been the usual get off are board, why do you care what we say, Sandusky or lets drive 500 miles each and get in a fist fight somewhere in Indiana.

I can attest 100%. And if you have a low post count there they accuse you of having multiple accounts, even if you have posts here. Rivals keeps log in the same but not post count, something they seem to forget. They also think you started your Rival login just to post there.
It is an odd group over there to say the least. You are talking about a group of people who can't believe parents can help pay for a kid's college if it helps chase a dream. You are talking about a group of people who point toward Sandusky as if he has anything to do with PSU wrestling while forgetting Mother Tomresa was suspended from his senior year of post season wrestling for involvement in a potential gang rape. You are talking about a group of people who mock ISU for hiring former Hawkeyes while forgetting Iowa wrestling is nothing without a former Cyclone building a dynasty. You are talking about a group of people who are so stricken with jealousy they can't help themselves. Sorry for the rant!
I'm a big advocate of talking directly with the people you disagree with rather than make a post on another corner of the web to cry about it. It's ironic you mention the HR mod telling posters to stop whining and deal with it, when the mods of this forum are as trigger happy as you can get to any opposition.
1. Your BWI posting history indicates zero posts about wrestling. Every single post is hectoring us about how we should conduct ourselves here.

Conclusion: You are a concern troll.

Recommendation: Start talking about wrestling.

2. You haven't been banned here, despite the facts that you only hector us about our conduct and have yet to discuss any actual wrestling,

Conclusion: The mods are hardly trigger happy.

Recommendation: Perhaps they should be, unless you can bring yourself to actually talk about wrestling.

Summary: Nobody would miss you if they did.
Sorry for the rant!

I absolutely love that the Cyclones are working their back because it makes the sport fun and they deserve their place with the rest of the blue bloods. But more so, because of the internet banter. A good clone team allows their fans to RISE UP against the evil empire!
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I love your rants Whitters3! It will be very interesting watching ISU go after Iowa. The brothers Brands will have to deal with the clones before even thinking about the enemy to their east.
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I honestly don't ever recall reading a thread on HR or even comments on HR about what is discussed on BWI. I imagine it's happened, before but I don't ever recall it and I view the board daily.

I agree with you. But IMO its because we don't have a bunch of threads on here complaining about Iowa's recruiting methods or the like. When we do have spyker/rings/real throw out an inane comment about Tom Brands, it did use to show up on your boards. Not so much much anymore, as he is universally recognized for what he is unless you've been living in a cave.

Most of the threads here are wrestling oriented. (BTW, you noticed that Super32 thread came to an abrupt stop here, lol, do you think it had anything to do with a minor football game being played????) I used to post a bit on the HR and spend some time there. Used to be the same over there - lots of great wrestling posts.

The past year or so it has become increasingly difficult to wade through the murk there. The tin foil guys just have to weigh in on every other thread, every other thread becomes PSU-Iowa back and forth thing - and, yes, there are some PSU trolls that go over there and contribute heavily to that, just love to post one comment and get their desired response, like shooting fish in a barrel. It has become increasingly salty over there, no National Championships in a long time, the hope of 2020 or whenever getting increasingly dim as PSU and tOSU continue to eclipse the recruiting promise that seemed so great for Iowa last year but has suddenly fallen short. I don't post over there that much any more even though I rarely get any sh*t because it pretty much seems pointless now. Your moderator may be great, but the tin-foils are essentially doing the censoring now.

Guys like you are doing your board no favors. The reason Iowa is falling down has nothing to do with how much kids are getting at camps (if you really want to get knowledgeable about this topic you should try putting a call into JRob instead of NCAA compliance offices, he should be free right now) or jobs at the NLWC (anyone who thinks logically about this knows this is a non-perk, with no added value beyond what could already be earned, but that is too much thinking for the tin-foils).

Bottom-line is that although the Brands are great coaches, among the tops in the nation, they are not as good of recruiters as Cael & Co. It's obviously not a natural thing for them although they are trying hard to rectify that. They really need a superstar staff to bolster this up. And right now they have less to sell than both PSU or tOSU in a worse recruiting base. It's a tough spot if you are aiming for #1.