Game of Thrones Prediction Thread (Caution: Spoilers)


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2015
Vegas odds are constantly moving on who will sit on the Iron Throne.

S08E05 is going to further reduce the potential choices. Put your predictions here about who will rule and what else will happen.

BobPSU92 outrage posts are welcome, because they're funny.

Posters complaining about the realistic plot points of a TV show that: (1) has to force its actors and production/CGI personnel to work for a decade on a show without any possible end; (2) many believe has an unlimited budget; (3) has people riding dragons, people surviving falls and jumps from tall buildings, a cult that can wear masks of dead humans and take on their height, weight, and vocal tone, have elite fighters who have encircled major characters attack said major characters one at a time instead of all at once, are respectfully requested to put those complaints in a different thread -- perhaps a "Problems with GOT Plot" Thread - a thread which I would thoroughly enjoy.

My prediction about Dany cutting tail during the Long Night was wrong. But don't read on in case you are worried that reading the below will be right and then ruin the final two episodes for you.

I tried to write with as much certainty as possible. "Likely" "maybe" "possibly" are not predictions. They are hedges. Take a stand.

Here are my predictions:
  1. Varys is going to be burned alive (he helped the Mad King do the same). Varys will be captured for treason even though he never acted on his treasonous thoughts (remember that convo with Tyrion). He'll accept his death, knowing that Tyrion was the one who committed treason, but he will not snitch to save himself because he wants to protect the matter the cost.
  2. Cersei is going to die this episode.
  3. Jaime is going to be captured by Dany on his way to KL. Tyrion will free him but not Cersei.
  4. Arya is not going to kill Dany. The green-eyed prophecy is misinterpreted like many other prophs. The "green eyes" prophecy has to do with the reflection in the eyes of those who are about to be killed by wildfire.
  5. The CleganeBowl is going to happen. Both will die.
  6. Brienne is carrying Jaime's baby...many will posit that their son is the Lightbringer dude.
  7. Dany is going to go full-on Mad Queen. Cersei has brought her people into the Red Keep. Cersei killed Missandei. Cersei let one dragon live to lay waste to the commoners within the castle walls. Cersei let Tyrion live so he can watch the horror-show. Cersei wants the world to see who Dany really is and has become. That is who Cersei is.
  8. There is a good reason I can't think of as to why Jon Snow wasn't the one who killed the Night King.
  9. Dany is going to find out about Tyrion turning on her, and she is going to put him up for execution. There will be a long Tyrion monologue.
  10. Bran will sit atop the Iron Throne but not literally. Sansa will rule the North. Tyrion will rule the rest. Both will pledge fealty to Bran's judgment. There will be a lot of arguments over the semantics of the betting terms.
  11. Sadly, Jon Snow is going to cause Dany's death, and he will return to the Night's Watch to guard the realms of men for some new threat in the north that is created during the final two episodes.
  12. There will be one more Podrick prowess joke.
Vegas odds are constantly moving on who will sit on the Iron Throne.

S08E05 is going to further reduce the potential choices. Put your predictions here about who will rule and what else will happen.

BobPSU92 outrage posts are welcome, because they're funny.

Posters complaining about the realistic plot points of a TV show that: (1) has to force its actors and production/CGI personnel to work for a decade on a show without any possible end; (2) many believe has an unlimited budget; (3) has people riding dragons, people surviving falls and jumps from tall buildings, a cult that can wear masks of dead humans and take on their height, weight, and vocal tone, have elite fighters who have encircled major characters attack said major characters one at a time instead of all at once, are respectfully requested to put those complaints in a different thread -- perhaps a "Problems with GOT Plot" Thread - a thread which I would thoroughly enjoy.

My prediction about Dany cutting tail during the Long Night was wrong. But don't read on in case you are worried that reading the below will be right and then ruin the final two episodes for you.

I tried to write with as much certainty as possible. "Likely" "maybe" "possibly" are not predictions. They are hedges. Take a stand.

Here are my predictions:
  1. Varys is going to be burned alive (he helped the Mad King do the same). Varys will be captured for treason even though he never acted on his treasonous thoughts (remember that convo with Tyrion). He'll accept his death, knowing that Tyrion was the one who committed treason, but he will not snitch to save himself because he wants to protect the matter the cost.
  2. Cersei is going to die this episode.
  3. Jaime is going to be captured by Dany on his way to KL. Tyrion will free him but not Cersei.
  4. Arya is not going to kill Dany. The green-eyed prophecy is misinterpreted like many other prophs. The "green eyes" prophecy has to do with the reflection in the eyes of those who are about to be killed by wildfire.
  5. The CleganeBowl is going to happen. Both will die.
  6. Brienne is carrying Jaime's baby...many will posit that their son is the Lightbringer dude.
  7. Dany is going to go full-on Mad Queen. Cersei has brought her people into the Red Keep. Cersei killed Missandei. Cersei let one dragon live to lay waste to the commoners within the castle walls. Cersei let Tyrion live so he can watch the horror-show. Cersei wants the world to see who Dany really is and has become. That is who Cersei is.
  8. There is a good reason I can't think of as to why Jon Snow wasn't the one who killed the Night King.
  9. Dany is going to find out about Tyrion turning on her, and she is going to put him up for execution. There will be a long Tyrion monologue.
  10. Bran will sit atop the Iron Throne but not literally. Sansa will rule the North. Tyrion will rule the rest. Both will pledge fealty to Bran's judgment. There will be a lot of arguments over the semantics of the betting terms.
  11. Sadly, Jon Snow is going to cause Dany's death, and he will return to the Night's Watch to guard the realms of men for some new threat in the north that is created during the final two episodes.
  12. There will be one more Podrick prowess joke.

Hotpie opens a chain of successful restaurants.

Loads of dragons show up. So many that dragons become a major food source

Arya & Sansa have killed 3 major antagonists, Littlefinger, Ramsey, NK. They will combine & kill two more.
If cersei doesn't win then this story has strayed far from it's roots. She's the only one with the qualities to win. All her transgressions have been paid in children.
^any rationale for Sansa/Arya having 5 kills?

I’m open to the theory that Littlefinger is still alive.

Well a lot of people predict CleganeBowl & Jamie vs Cersei. I wouldn't be surprised to see Arya face changing and in one or both of them.

Sansa's path to a kill is harder to see, but at the same time, she's not likely to just live life as an old maid as lady of Winterfell. However events play out in Kings Landing, she'll be presented with yet another forced marriage that will end poorly for the guy if not well received.
2 episodes left means there just is not enough time for some of these predicted story lines. Figure this episode has to pretty much lay out the way this battle will go between "The good" vs. "Cersei and the bad". Then the last episode has to wrap up that battle, wrap up the show, and anoint who wins the throne. Just not enough time to develop a story line such as another forced marriage for Sansa.

Along those lines I predict a few major surprises this week that totally shift power to the "Dany side" .... Jaara Greyjoy arrives with a super armada? Dany shows up with multiple dragons? The Golden Co has Targ ties and switches sides not being able to go against a Targ Queen? .... but Sunday night has to actually be fairly quick on the battle so the can dedicate the last episode for 8 years worth of wrap up.
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1) if Jon doesn’t rule the seven kingdoms at this point, then D&d have completely botched his story. He could have been the one to beat the night king, but nope. Could have been the one to win in the end, we’ll see. If it’s not then they just wasted all of our time with the intrigue about his parentage and his leading the fight against the white walkers. I’m pretty sure he will finish off the white walkers in the books, and I think D&D just tried too hard to outdo themselves on that one.

2) Cersei is going out at the hands of Jaime. That’s probably why they gave Arya the night king, because she’s not going to get Cersei or the mountain.

3) this conflicts with the previous one, but there’s going to be a 2 v 1 of Arya and the hound vs the mountain. Mountain loses. I can see the hound taking the blow from the mountain to save Arya while she finishes off the mountain.

4) brienne makes her way down to kings landing for Jaime to die in her arms.

5) Tyrion will betray Dany. No idea how, but it’s coming.

6) yara shows up Deus ex machina to take out Euron.

7) Dany is going to burn down the red keep. But she’s not going to sit the throne. Everyone will support Jon’s claim, even though he doesn’t want it. Which means something with Tyrion and Varys is going to prevent him from abdicating to her by killing her.

8) Varys is donezo.

9) I’m guessing Sansas storyline is pretty much done, except they’ll clarify her ending as the lady of winterfell. Either that or Tyrion somehow claims the throne and she ends up as queen. For as much as I haven’t been a Sansa fan over the course of the show, I think she’s actually shown me a lot in season 8. She’s probably the most cunning player left while also having the most support in Westeros.

10) I’ve got no idea what they’re doing with bronn. He’s going to have a crisis of conscience where he ends up doing something not for money. He’s going to forego highgarden in order to do the right thing.
I stopped reading your post when it became clear you’re bitching about posters because of your misunderstanding of the difference between fantasy elements, and lack of logic in characters actions. We bitch about the latter, not the former, you should learn the difference. Or understand that HBO didn’t want the show to end before you start throwing budgetary concerns around to support your point. I guess just don’t be ignorant when you bitch about others, generally.
They all converge at KL. Tyrion declares KL has the best mutton stew in all of Westeros and it fades to black. How’s that for an original ending?

No, Tyrion opens a winery - his dream, right?
I stopped reading your post when it became clear you’re bitching about posters because of your misunderstanding of the difference between fantasy elements, and lack of logic in characters actions. We bitch about the latter, not the former, you should learn the difference. Or understand that HBO didn’t want the show to end before you start throwing budgetary concerns around to support your point. I guess just don’t be ignorant when you bitch about others, generally.

Never attacked those who have issues with character logic (see one of my predictions above). Also did not say that HBO wanted it to end. I don’t know what budget has to do with that. GOT any predictions?
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Never attacked those who have issues with character logic (see one of my predictions above). Also did not say that HBO wanted it to end. I don’t know what budget has to do with that. GOT any predictions?

Eh seemed like a mockery of those with complaints about lack of character logic by equating it to "well there's dragons, so you can't complain about that." I'm probably just being overly sensitive.

As for predictions, I've been saying for a while there's an inevitable "burn them all" line coming from Dany, and Aegon, has to kill her, probably in a self-sacrificing way.

Then, I'm going to say the Iron Throne is destroyed. The regions are left to have their own rulers, with no central leadership anymore. Nobody bends the knee to anyone.

Oh, and the Hound defeats the Mountain, but dies himself, finally happy. And overcomes something involving fire. Just seems like neat and tidy resolutions are the new thing with the showrunners since they left the books.
1. Either Drogon gets armor, or Viserion and Rhaegal had babies. That is what gives Euron pause on his ship.

2. Either Jaime or Tyrion dies, but probably not both.

3. Cersei definitely dies.

4. Euron definitely dies.

5. Sansa lives and stays in Winterfell with Brienne (who may be carrying Jaime's baby).

6. Arya likely dies after taking the face of someone (maybe Cersei and at the hand of Jaime or Tyrion).

7. Yara's fleet swoopes in; she likely kills Euron.

8. If pressed I think Dany ends up on the throne with Jon's son; Jon dies.
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Any Jon or Dany death will occur in the final episode. If either dies in this episode, what intrigue is left for E6 (outside of Cersei winning)?
As for predictions, I've been saying for a while there's an inevitable "burn them all" line coming from Dany, and Aegon, has to kill her, probably in a self-sacrificing way.

Then, I'm going to say the Iron Throne is destroyed. The regions are left to have their own rulers, with no central leadership anymore. Nobody bends the knee to anyone.

Oh, and the Hound defeats the Mountain, but dies himself, finally happy. And overcomes something involving fire.

I didn't do too bad here. I expected her to threaten to kill everyone and be stopped though, not actually do it. Hound/Mountain went essentially exactly like I thought. I still think there's a chance there's no ruler of the 7 kingdoms anymore. The capital is essentially gone, so that helps lends credence to that.
Not ready to get too predictive for the finale, but how about Bran warging into Drogon and making him kill himself? Not sure if dragons are immune to warging since they're supposed to be magical creatures, but there aren't too many other ways to deal with Drogon at this point.
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Not ready to get too predictive for the finale, but how about Bran warging into Drogon and making him kill himself? Not sure if dragons are immune to warging since they're supposed to be magical creatures, but there aren't too many other ways to deal with Drogon at this point.

Jon has touched Drogon previously, no? It’s possible Jon could ride him if someone else is the one to kill Dany or Jon does it privately. They’ve mentioned other dragons have had multiple riders over time as their humans died.
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Jon has touched Drogon previously, no? It’s possible Jon could ride him if someone else is the one to kill Dany or Jon does it privately. They’ve mentioned other dragons have had multiple riders over time as their humans died.

Yeah, I could see that. But Drogon is too dangerous to live, right? Either way, I think he somehow has to go (but I'm hoping against it). He also seems to have a special bond with Dany in a way the other two didn't.
Yeah, I could see that. But Drogon is too dangerous to live, right? Either way, I think he somehow has to go (but I'm hoping against it). He also seems to have a special bond with Dany in a way the other two didn't.

Jon could fly him back across the sea. Or maybe they find the spear the night king dropped when he got knocked off viserion.
Last scene is from Bran's PoV. He gets a blank look. The camera pans out & we see this was all someone playing a videogame.

Camera pans out wider and we see it was Bob Newhart playing. He's just pressed pause, and typed "AFK"

Suzanne Pleshette's voice calls out "Come on, Bob!"

He yells "Ok, Honey, I'm coming to bed!"

Yeah, I could see that. But Drogon is too dangerous to live, right? Either way, I think he somehow has to go (but I'm hoping against it). He also seems to have a special bond with Dany in a way the other two didn't.
John Stabs Danny, takes the black again and Bran is elected King. Sits and stares out the window while Tyrion his hand drinks wine and frolics with a new generation of prostitutes wearing long silver haired wigs.

Not any worse an ending than what the writers have been coming up with.
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Last scene is from Bran's PoV. He gets a blank look. The camera pans out & we see this was all someone playing a videogame.

Camera pans out wider and we see it was Bob Newhart playing. He's just pressed pause, and typed "AFK"

Suzanne Pleshette's voice calls out "Come on, Bob!"

He yells "Ok, Honey, I'm coming to bed!"


Jon is sitting at a table at The Crossroads. Dany walks in and sits down with him. Various strangers walk in one by one. Each has an appearance that is similar to a character that Jon has killed.

The scene is set to Journey’s “Don’t stop Believin’ “. One more stranger walks in. Jon looks up and the screen goes black.

The End.
Yeah, I could see that. But Drogon is too dangerous to live, right? Either way, I think he somehow has to go (but I'm hoping against it). He also seems to have a special bond with Dany in a way the other two didn't.
John Stabs Danny, takes the black again and Bran is elected King. Sits and stares out the window while Tyrion his hand drinks wine and frolics with a new generation of prostitutes wearing long silver haired wigs.

Not any worse an ending than what the writers have been coming up with.

Looks like someone read spoilers. If I recall, didn’t they film multiple endings? I thought I read that. Few things with this ending:

Jon taking the black again: the night’s watch is there to protect the 7 kingdoms from the white walkers and wildlings. With the white walkers gone and the wildlings allied, is there a reason for the watch?

Bran elected king: Jon as the rightful king, killing dany is not a big deal really. All he has to do is assert his right and he’s essentially forgiven for killing her. That means that he’d have to give up the throne, which makes sense. However give it up to bran, who has no right to the throne? Bran would have to do some SERIOUS campaigning in the last episode, especially since he’s a relative unknown outside of the north.

Tyrion the hand: I can’t personally see him being a hand again. Especially for someone that he doesn’t really know in bran. And after all the drama that Tyrion has gone through and being the only Lannister left, I see Tyrion “retiring” to a life of boozing and whoring.
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Vegas odds are constantly moving on who will sit on the Iron Throne.

S08E05 is going to further reduce the potential choices. Put your predictions here about who will rule and what else will happen.

BobPSU92 outrage posts are welcome, because they're funny.

Posters complaining about the realistic plot points of a TV show that: (1) has to force its actors and production/CGI personnel to work for a decade on a show without any possible end; (2) many believe has an unlimited budget; (3) has people riding dragons, people surviving falls and jumps from tall buildings, a cult that can wear masks of dead humans and take on their height, weight, and vocal tone, have elite fighters who have encircled major characters attack said major characters one at a time instead of all at once, are respectfully requested to put those complaints in a different thread -- perhaps a "Problems with GOT Plot" Thread - a thread which I would thoroughly enjoy.

My prediction about Dany cutting tail during the Long Night was wrong. But don't read on in case you are worried that reading the below will be right and then ruin the final two episodes for you.

I tried to write with as much certainty as possible. "Likely" "maybe" "possibly" are not predictions. They are hedges. Take a stand.

Here are my predictions:
  1. Varys is going to be burned alive (he helped the Mad King do the same). Varys will be captured for treason even though he never acted on his treasonous thoughts (remember that convo with Tyrion). He'll accept his death, knowing that Tyrion was the one who committed treason, but he will not snitch to save himself because he wants to protect the matter the cost.
  2. Cersei is going to die this episode.
  3. Jaime is going to be captured by Dany on his way to KL. Tyrion will free him but not Cersei.
  4. Arya is not going to kill Dany. The green-eyed prophecy is misinterpreted like many other prophs. The "green eyes" prophecy has to do with the reflection in the eyes of those who are about to be killed by wildfire.
  5. The CleganeBowl is going to happen. Both will die.
  6. Brienne is carrying Jaime's baby...many will posit that their son is the Lightbringer dude.
  7. Dany is going to go full-on Mad Queen. Cersei has brought her people into the Red Keep. Cersei killed Missandei. Cersei let one dragon live to lay waste to the commoners within the castle walls. Cersei let Tyrion live so he can watch the horror-show. Cersei wants the world to see who Dany really is and has become. That is who Cersei is.
  8. There is a good reason I can't think of as to why Jon Snow wasn't the one who killed the Night King.
  9. Dany is going to find out about Tyrion turning on her, and she is going to put him up for execution. There will be a long Tyrion monologue.
  10. Bran will sit atop the Iron Throne but not literally. Sansa will rule the North. Tyrion will rule the rest. Both will pledge fealty to Bran's judgment. There will be a lot of arguments over the semantics of the betting terms.
  11. Sadly, Jon Snow is going to cause Dany's death, and he will return to the Night's Watch to guard the realms of men for some new threat in the north that is created during the final two episodes.
  12. There will be one more Podrick prowess joke.
Whoa. Finding absolutely nothing worth reading above, I just stumbled on this. Wish I’d have known before going prediction-crazy in a post in the “bells” thread. Sorry!

But I’m over it. I’ll watch the last GOT episode but I don’t realky care how they ruin the ending of the books in 3 hours or less.
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I go back to ep. 4 when Danny took time out of the post-war victory party to anoint Gendry a Lord. I keep thinking back to that scene and it just seems a little "forced". Like they made a special point to let us know Gendry is officially recognized as a Baratheon and Gendry is therefore a Lord......... which is why I am predicting that scene from ep. 4 was not a random throw-away scene, but will actually come back to be important....

So, my prediction is that Danny dies somehow. I believe Jon lives and he does so in a way that all the masses see him as the rightful King. But, is true to his own word about not wanting it, and Jon relinquishes his throne to retire north with the free folk. .... In this scenario, I believe it would be Gendry who is next in line. I believe Gendry would supersede, Bran or Sansa. Gendry is ruled the King. Arya decides to go and marry Gendry so in an ironic twist it's Arya who is the Stark girl who becomes the Queen. Sansa remains as Lady Of Winterfell.
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I go back to ep. 4 when Danny took time out of the post-war victory party to anoint Gendry a Lord. I keep thinking back to that scene and it just seems a little "forced". Like they made a special point to let us know Gendry is officially recognized as a Baratheon and Gendry is therefore a Lord......... which is why I am predicting that scene from ep. 4 was not a random throw-away scene, but will actually come back to be important....

So, my prediction is that Danny dies somehow. I believe Jon lives and he does so in a way that all the masses see him as the rightful King. But, is true to his own word about not wanting it, and Jon relinquishes his throne to retire north with the free folk. .... In this scenario, I believe it would be Gendry who is next in line. I believe Gendry would supersede, Bran or Sansa. Gendry is ruled the King. Arya decides to go and marry Gendry so in an ironic twist it's Arya who is the Stark girl who becomes the Queen. Sansa remains as Lady Of Winterfell.

You could be right, but I didn't see the Gendry scene as a throw-away, but rather Dany attempting to accomplish 2 things: (1) reminder - I'm the queen and I can do whatever I want, and (2) winning favor with the locals.
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.... Gendry would supersede, Bran or Sansa. Gendry is ruled the King. Arya decides to go and marry Gendry so in an ironic twist it's Arya who is the Stark girl who becomes the Queen. Sansa remains as Lady Of Winterfell.

You could be right, but I didn't see the Gendry scene as a throw-away, but rather Dany attempting to accomplish 2 things: (1) reminder - I'm the queen and I can do whatever I want, and (2) winning favor with the locals.

I like that Gendry theory and never thought of it. I put the Gendry scene more in line with wbcincy's view and closer to the network wanting to give fans some character conclusions/moments before all h*ll breaks loose. Gendry's scene much less, but to me the Brienne/Jaime thing wreaked of a Network Executive telling the writers to put the love scene in there for ratings. The whole Bronn showing up in Winterfell with the crossbow also seemed a little too ham-handed. "Hey let's find a way to get Bronn back with the Lannister bros for another scene...the fans will love it."
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Is anyone left on her "list"? That is, does she have other things to do as she said to Gendry earlier?

Apparently, it depends on the locals

I believe in the scene with the Hound, she decided to give up her life of revenge. When Hound told her that if she does this, she will end up like him, and then she decided to walk away and not try to kill Cersei, signified that she was giving up her life of revenge. Thus her list is done.

I think it will be interesting to see what she does this week. Is she so appalled by the site of so much death & destruction that she just wants to go away and live out a life of peace and tranquility??? Or, does seeing all the death & destruction caused by Danny pulled her back into "Ninja Arya" ???
Looks like someone read spoilers...

Varys is going to be burned alive (he helped the Mad King do the same). Varys will be captured for treason even though he never acted on his treasonous thoughts (remember that convo with Tyrion). He'll accept his death, knowing that Tyrion was the one who committed treason, but he will not snitch to save himself because he wants to protect the matter the cost...Cersei is going to die this episode...Jaime is going to be captured by Dany on his way to KL. Tyrion will free him but not Cersei....Arya is not going to kill Dany. The green-eyed prophecy is misinterpreted like many other prophs. The "green eyes" prophecy has to do with the reflection in the eyes of those who are about to be killed by wildfire.The CleganeBowl is going to happen. Both will die...Dany is going to go full-on Mad Queen...

No spoilers for me as of yet. Not sure what I spoiler I predicted about "wildfire" - I guess Arya might conceivably be able to somehow kill Dany with wildfire, but I was actually envisioning a situation where Ary would somehow use wildfire to kill Cersei with wildfire.

I've had the luxury, time and laziness to re-watch every episode over again this past month. (My wife hadn't watched any of them, so I re-watched with her).

If you ever rewatch, the Dany arc is very obvious, even from early in the show. Her lines and motives, right down to her wardrobe. Cersei dying in episode 5 fit the prediction of Dany going mad queen. CleganeBowl was obvious since he was heading there. Although I didn't put it in my post above, I was wrong in the way I thought it would happen. I thought he would've fought Frankenbrother in a trial by combat to save Arya. Jaime being captured by Dany was just a classic showrunner plot line. Again, I was wrong on how it would play out.

I still have no idea what they're going to do with Jon. The Stark-men heading south issue looms (although we now know he's not a Stark), belonging in the North (Ghost) looms (but he's a Targ!), and having to kill Dany (not just allow it to happen or cause it somehow) also seems a little to anti-feminist in this era for the writers to go that route. Jon heading to the real North seems right.
Whoa. Finding absolutely nothing worth reading above, I just stumbled on this. Wish I’d have known before going prediction-crazy in a post in the “bells” thread. Sorry!

But I’m over it. I’ll watch the last GOT episode but I don’t realky care how they ruin the ending of the books in 3 hours or less.

Throw your predictions in this thread please! Or link to them?
Throw your predictions in this thread please! Or link to them?

Not sure how since I can’t show what I wrote while also quoting with the stuff I was responding to. But here’s what I wrote. Took me forever and there wasn’t a single like (which is ok if nobody liked it) or response (which made it seem a huge waste in a chat).

Re Jon finally stepping up and pursuing his destiny as king:

His and Arya's experiences will finally convince him it doesn't matter what he wants, just like when he became Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, then quadrupled its power by merging forces with the Free Folk, then was murdered by his own people. Then returned, with a less naiive mind for maintaining control.

Re: the prophecy of the perfumed scenschal still being in play and a poster assuming it was Varys.

Seneschal has several definitions. Perfumed-Seneschal may have been Varys. But I think more likely its Sansa, who's already done more to undermine Dany in Westeros than anyone (except now maybe Dany). Sansa's role may be political only, but there's also a possible opportunity for Faceless Arya since Sansa doesn't know how to use a dagger. ;-)

Some additional thoughts: Jon finally getting that he doesn't have a choice. It's rule or continue to allow the suffering by a usurper, which is what Dany now knows she is (part of her snapping?). The only way she can avoid that was if they'd have ruled together. He didn't reject her as Queen. He rejected her as a lover, so wife and Queen wasn't an option. But he can't become king by killing Dany himself, or by his sister killing Dany (unless she looks like someone else). "The next time Tyrion fails her will be the last" may have been foreshadowing. Dany doesn't know about Jaime escaping. So while he failed her, he's still hand, can get close and returns to being the most dangerous person on the show to underestimate. He's my plan B as the second king/queenslayer after some form of Arya. But Arya can't do it as Tyrion since he's too small.

Whoever referenced Revelations 6:8 may have been onto something. This is the sort of detail that GRRM has loved playing with. The pale horse... she now rides is ridden by Death, which is the many-faced god, the weirwood face of the Old Gods and the Stranger of the New Gods (the Seven). Combine that with the faceless men being based on the ancient Islamic Order of Assassins. And Hell follows. Seems all roads to the end lead through Arya.

The Dothraki will have to go. They're conquerers who rape and pillage, not a ruling army. The Unsullied could make a good ruling army, if now crazed Grey Worm gets it. who knows which way they go. Remember Jorah's point about the Unsullied being the only ones who can beat the Dothraki? Or Drogon could do it. What if Arya as a faceless Dothraki leads an attack v. the Unsullied, or kills Dany publicly leading to a battle where Drogon wipes some or all them out? She has got a pale horse, rises from the ashes and talk about hell following her.

Then there's Bronn, who had no reason to return,except for his handful of scenes: receiving a huge crossbow, stupidly bargaining for Highgarden and reminding the hookers he nearly killed a dragon. Bronn may be a good candidate to kill Drogon, or maybe faceless Arya acting as Dany to get close.

Then there's who Varys could have been writing to. Doubtful he was just spreading the word. If there's another huge battle, maybe he was building an army to support Jon if the fear became reality (which it now has). Maybe Yaara and her ships carry the largest army(ies) outside of the unsullied and Dothraki, headed by a Jon loyalist-Torrmund and/or Brienne/sansa and Northerners fighting for their King, Jon. And all this ties into uniting the 7 kingdoms, all uniting to topple the new mad tyrant and/or her armies. Varys also seemed to be plotting an assasination by poison on Dany (who wasn't eating) when discussing with the little girl from the kitchen. But she might be dead by now.

Some or none of this might work, but there are a lot of loose ends to tie up. Just thinking how they might come together, other than through silly "where they are now" snippets at the end.

Re: the prophecy of the perfumed scenschal still being in play and a poster assuming it was Varys.

Seneschal has several definitions. Perfumed-Seneschal may have been Varys. But I think more likely its Sansa, who's already done more to undermine Dany in Westeros than anyone (except now maybe Dany). Sansa's role may be political only, but there's also a possible opportunity for Faceless Arya since Sansa doesn't know how to use a dagger. ;-)...

Thanks. Can you explain the seneschal thing?
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Is Sam never to be heard from again and not going to factor into anything more?
All depends on how much they pack into the last episode. Unless there’s a huge convergence upon KL in connection with toppling Dany and/or rebuilding after Dany’s conquest, I don’t see Sam playing a role except in a “where are they now” flash forward.

I regret I’m more and more expecting simplicity in completing the KL/Dany plot line, with those flash forward sound bites showing how most other situations played out. Would be a real shame given the detail and years-long buildup. But i don’t see them having time/capacity for more at this point.