We now see the blue print on how to take down PSU. Take away all big plays in the passing game. Force PSU to nickel and dime their way down field. Bring pressure on most downs, press receivers and keep Mcsorley from getting comfortable as they do not have any type of screen plays to allievate pressure. Force PSU to take safe options on offense. Keep PSU defense on field as much as possible through repetitive swing passes to tailback in space or 5 yard slant passes or 5 yard out patterns for first downs. Know that you can take chances weather it be flea flicker pass, onsides kick, fake field goal or fake punt as they do not expect or are prepared for such. Know that at the end of the game you do not need timeouts as fake player injuries will suffice. Also know you can take advantage of single coverage on the outside and take a shot downfield with a high percentage of hitting a home run. Am I missing anything?