Well whatever cruel treatment they have experienced, I'd like to suggest they earned it. These misanthropes didn't make a mistake. They entered into a conspiracy with one of the most corrupt government machines in the nation. They didn't make a mistake, they acted out of self interest and in some cases to cover their malfeasance. They didn't make A mistake, they made $$$ millions of mistakes and continue to spend Penn State money to cover their asses. If they made a simple mistake under the glare of national attention, simply release the Freeh Documents so everyone can see that it was all just a MISTAKE. We all know that won't happen cause we know they are crooks. Make no MISTAKE about it, these are despicable human beings who deserve to be treated like lepers. Remember, the trustee who led the SITF, earned his reputation screwing the families of Vioxx victims. The only MISTAKE was placing these arrogant, soulless individuals in leadership positions at PSU.