You are an effin douche. You love to use the words "posting history" as if it's tour's of duty. Freaking board nerd.Your posting history speaks for itself.
You are an effin douche. You love to use the words "posting history" as if it's tour's of duty. Freaking board nerd.Your posting history speaks for itself.
You are an effin douche. You love to use the words "posting history" as if it's tour's of duty. Freaking board nerd.
Certainly they have engendered distain. But before one criticizes Paterno and the previous administration, please help me absolve the Board members, by investigating what they knew and when they knew it. It is hollow to blame Paterno without demonstrating transparency by opening the Freeh Report to all the trustees, engage in investigation of the board and their e-mails, the Erickson administration and any contact between the PSU Board and TSM Board. I have not treated their families cruelly or otherwise, but one has to challenge you on who is ignorant. I assume you are acknowledging that the Board made a bad choice. Be that the case, contrition not continued arrogance seems to have been and continues to be the better and proper approach. The rift between the two factions will not go away by saying "move on".No they don't. And, their families have been cruelly treated in so many ways by the ignorant. Many of whom populate this board. Joe himself said with the benefit of hindsight he would have acted differently, I know that more than a few of these men, also would also have acted differently. Hell was unleashed on them and Penn State by the outside world 4 years ago. They made a bad choice. That is all. With the benefit of hindsight, they would have acted differently.
Certainly they have engendered distain. But before one criticizes Paterno and the previous administration, please help me absolve the Board members, by investigating what they knew and when they knew it. It is hollow to blame Paterno without demonstrating transparency by opening the Freeh Report to all the trustees, engage in investigation of the board and their e-mails, the Erickson administration and any contact between the PSU Board and TSM Board. I have not treated their families cruelly or otherwise, but one has to challenge you on who is ignorant. I assume you are acknowledging that the Board made a bad choice. Be that the case, contrition not continued arrogance seems to have been and continues to be the better and proper approach. The rift between the two factions will not go away by saying "move on".
You are an effin douche. You love to use the words "posting history" as if it's tour's of duty. Freaking board nerd.
Of course, anyone that disagrees with a 10,000 poster must be a troll. Get back to Sheetz, your shift is about to start.Troll alert!!!!!!!!!!!
Reads like the script from "The Paper Chase".Certainly they have engendered distain. But before one criticizes Paterno and the previous administration, please help me absolve the Board members, by investigating what they knew and when they knew it. It is hollow to blame Paterno without demonstrating transparency by opening the Freeh Report to all the trustees, engage in investigation of the board and their e-mails, the Erickson administration and any contact between the PSU Board and TSM Board. I have not treated their families cruelly or otherwise, but one has to challenge you on who is ignorant. I assume you are acknowledging that the Board made a bad choice. Be that the case, contrition not continued arrogance seems to have been and continues to be the better and proper approach. The rift between the two factions will not go away by saying "move on".
Of course, anyone that disagrees with a 10,000 poster must be a troll. Get back to Sheetz, your shift is about to start.
It is undoubtedly criminal conspiracy.Well said. I think "it is reasonable to assume" that the resolve of the OG Trustees to keep the activities of the SITF and other Freeh related documents and communications hidden is evidence of their malfeasance, at a minimum and possible criminal activity.
He tried to outdo his father? That's what you consider a reasonable explanation for his behavior?My conclusion is that Jerry's dad was touchy feely with underprivileged kids. Jerry saw this and tried to outdo his Dad and crossed borders with touchy feely and set up a massive program helping underprivileged kids. One kid told the Principal at his school and the Principal did not believe him, because he was a notorious story teller even swearing that he was abducted by aliens. His poor excuse for a mother saw this as a way to make money and redeem herself. Soon the lawyers caught on and lined up kids; got their stories and then massaged them to fit a story line about a sick person. Detectives bought in and were convinced Jerry was a monster and they persuaded Mike that he had to stop Jerry. Scott then believed Mike. Scott or Mike refreshed Joe's memory and Joe's testimony had tremendous holes in it. The story of the GJ was then leaked. Nothing happened and IMO one of the BOT seeking vengeance on Joe, knew Joe's testimony, and suggested to Ganim that Joe knew. Kaos ensued. At the trial, the jury believed Jerry was already guilty and believed the kids.
You are right Joedidn'tknow that since then, much evidence has been revealed. Most people still think Jerry is guilty, but even the most adamant have to admit Jerry did not get a fair trial. If it was their friend or relative they would insist on a new trial. However, most want to take the easy way out and move on.
My suggestion from about a year ago is that a new trial will uncover the truth. IMO it would crush Towny's assertion that Joe knew and it would annihilate PSUNormal's belief that the BOT weren't fiscally responsible. A new trial would cost peanuts to what has been spent previously and people can understand that PSU is not filled with pedophile enablers who looked the other way as not to hurt the football program. I think I have made a rational stand, but PSUNormal is 100% correct. There are not enough PSU alumni with the backbone to stand up and fight for the right thing. If just half of the alumni would demand a new trial, Jerry would get it. Maybe an objective jury will still find Jerry guilty, but the stigma that PSU knew would be gone. My prediction is the jury will fins Jerry did not have sex with anyone, but he did cross boundaries and he should be sentenced to six month, so he will be freed with time served.
The question is how many have the backbone to fight for the right thing?
You are an effin douche. You love to use the words "posting history" as if it's tour's of duty. Freaking board nerd.
Okay "Towny" - I'll play.
So there was never any "rape" "anal intercourse" "sodomy" or "penetration". Thank you for determining that.
We know now this particular anchoring image as set in the national psyche November 2011 courtesy of Linda Kelly's OAG is a LIE. A lie that persists today across web forums, in sports columns and in the media.
To this day, 10's of thousands of us "out here" are called child rape enablers on social media and in social settings due to this lie. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent battling this particular lie. The NCAA inserted themselves and attempted to rain down destruction on the football program around this lie. Our Penn State sons and daughters have lived their college experience under the cloud of a lie. Livelihoods have been affected by this lie. A regional economy has been harmed over a lie. Families have been thrown in upheaval and torn apart over a lie. Personal friendships and professional relationships have soured and fallen away over a lie.
Joe asked to find the truth.
It's time to put an end to the biggest lie on the internet. How do we do this, I ask you?
Well whatever cruel treatment they have experienced, I'd like to suggest they earned it. These misanthropes didn't make a mistake. They entered into a conspiracy with one of the most corrupt government machines in the nation. They didn't make a mistake, they acted out of self interest and in some cases to cover their malfeasance. They didn't make A mistake, they made $$$ millions of mistakes and continue to spend Penn State money to cover their asses. If they made a simple mistake under the glare of national attention, simply release the Freeh Documents so everyone can see that it was all just a MISTAKE. We all know that won't happen cause we know they are crooks. Make no MISTAKE about it, these are despicable human beings who deserve to be treated like lepers. Remember, the trustee who led the SITF, earned his reputation screwing the families of Vioxx victims. The only MISTAKE was placing these arrogant, soulless individuals in leadership positions at PSU.
Like Hart I didn't lose my soul. I'm not a first year law student but a retired urologic surgeon. I've been around long enough to know right from wrong and believe there was injustice in the management that was suffered by many in the Board's handling of the entire affair. I believe that I am correct in my assessment which is far better articulated by a few others who wrote before me. If there is a new TV show on this melodrama,"The Board and I", has a nice ring to it. Perhaps the "Lion Snores" would also do, I hope they will consider my screenplays. I think I could write for four or five years, using the drama, twists and turns and multiple plot lines provided over the past four years. I won't even have to work on character development.Reads like the script from "The Paper Chase".
Who did they call?Convenient of you to leave the part out that I said starting in 2009 when Jerry was indicated a child sex abuser.
TSM, some BOT, people in the AD office, people in the FB office, local media all new that Jerry was under investigation for CSA, It was known that Jerry was going to be arrested sooner or later. In June 2009 someone from FightOnState called to say Jerry was going to be arrested in the next few weeks be ready for shit to hit fan...... Those few weeks turned into a couple of years because of Corbett but the initial heads up was accurate. One might ask how would someone from fightonstate know to even call..... One might ask who else did they call...... One might ask who did they get their information from. Lots of people aren't willing to answer those questions but its hilarious that people want to scorn me for telling my small part in this and I am just a troll because while being true it offends their delicate sensibilities
I would say the fact that you even think Joe needs defending or that he would even want you to and especially in the manor you do so does make you a chump
Convenient of you to leave the part out that I said starting in 2009 when Jerry was indicated a child sex abuser.
Your desire for a new trial is so that answers can be provided to the questions that remain in your mind.Thank you for your explanation. I have just been trying to figure out why people do not want a new trial. To me, it is either that Jerry was a known pedophile and no one wanted to blow the whistle or Jerry is not. My first impression was that Joe suspected it, gave it to people to follow up and was mortified when people did not. This would put the blame on C/S or S. However, Joe let his grandchild go to Jerry's house, which would never happen if Joe even had a hint Jerry was a molester
I think if Meyers and Matt had testified for Jerry or if the jury did not think before hand that Jerry was a monster that he would be free. Maybe Jerry is guilty, but I want an objective jury to say that not the media trying to incite people to make a buck.
My other point is that a new trial would show the rest of the country that there was serious doubt from the professionals at DPW and 2nd Mile that Jerry was a pedophile and therefore no one around PSU knew. When Mike gave his new testimony, Joe tried his best to support Mike and that plus ten years later is why Joe's GJ testimony had so many holes in it.
So you want a new trial for Jerry so that other people may become more respectful of PSU and you can feel better about yourself. Just stop it. What you're seeking would not come from that trial. What you really need is for the CSS trials to commence. That, in conjunction with the PMA trial may get you what you're looking for.As I have said many times before, when I bring up Joe. The majority of people know him as the man who looked the other way. When I correct them, the nicest replies I get is that Joe was a great man who made one terrible mistake.
IMO, in Texas when you said PSU most people had respect. That is not the case any more.
I think Move On will not change perceptions for many years to come. A new trial would.
So it truly has nothing to do with Jerry's guilt or innocence, it's all about our reputation.Gee, it has been almost 4 years, do you think the trials will happen in my lifetime?
I am an odd duck, I admit it. I stood up for Joe and it had zero to do about myself. Since then I believe Jerry did not have sex with anyone and stood up for him, although this is zero in it for me. A new trial and vindication for Joe and Jerry will do not profit me in the least.
As a matter of fact, in 1970 I defied the KKK and could have been killed. What did I get out of it? Earlier this year some liberal called me a racist.
It is not about feeling better for myself, it is about doing the right thing.
Most people won't do the right thing unless there is something in it for them and that is where PSUNormal is right. I am telling the PSU alumni that a new trial is beneficial for them in the hope of getting them to do something.
Gee, it has been almost 4 years, do you think the trials will happen in my lifetime?
I am an odd duck, I admit it. I stood up for Joe and it had zero to do about myself. Since then I believe Jerry did not have sex with anyone and stood up for him, although this is zero in it for me. A new trial and vindication for Joe and Jerry will do not profit me in the least.
As a matter of fact, in 1970 I defied the KKK and could have been killed. What did I get out of it? Earlier this year some liberal called me a racist.
It is not about feeling better for myself, it is about doing the right thing.
Most people won't do the right thing unless there is something in it for them and that is where PSUNormal is right. I am telling the PSU alumni that a new trial is beneficial for them in the hope of getting them to do something.
I had the opportunity to speak to Clemens at a social function this past homecoming. He is even more upset than I am about how everything went down. If you remember, he resigned from the Board because (as he stated publicly when he resigned) the board was mistaken in the way it handled the whole situation... and specifically Paterno. I learned a lot from listening to him and came away more convinced than ever that the record needs to be cleared up. I would not include his name as part of the infamous group listed above.I'll give Clemens a slight reprieve. Otherwise, there are no words in the English Language to express my disdain, contempt and revulsion for these despicable serpents.
I had the opportunity to speak to Clemens at a social function this past homecoming. He is even more upset than I am about how everything went down. If you remember, he resigned from the Board because (as he stated publicly when he resigned) the board was mistaken in the way it handled the whole situation... and specifically Paterno. I learned a lot from listening to him and came away more convinced than ever that the record needs to be cleared up. I would not include his name as part of the infamous group listed above.
Unfortunately, as the saying goes, you cannot unring a bell. Clemens name will be forever linked with all the rest because the vote to fire Joe Paterno was unanimous. I accept his regret at what happened, or how it happened, but that does not exonerate him. I would think it would mitigate the contempt shown toward him, as opposed to the others. If he continues to speak out, I would expect his status in the Penn State community to further improve but he will always be remembered as one of those who rushed to judgment and fired an honorable and decent man.I had the opportunity to speak to Clemens at a social function this past homecoming. He is even more upset than I am about how everything went down. If you remember, he resigned from the Board because (as he stated publicly when he resigned) the board was mistaken in the way it handled the whole situation... and specifically Paterno. I learned a lot from listening to him and came away more convinced than ever that the record needs to be cleared up. I would not include his name as part of the infamous group listed above.
Well, I, along with the large majority of the Penn State community you speak of, have moved on.
Dambly, Deviney, DiBerardinis, Eckel, Erickson, Frazier, Greig, Hayes, Hetherington, Hintz, Huber, Jones, Joyner, Khoury, Lubert, Masser, Myers, Peetz, Riley, Shaffer, Silvis, Strumpf, Suhey, and Tomalis. (I apologize for any omissions or inaccuracies). Always remember who they were, and what they did, on November 9, 2011.
Really? Then why are you here lecturing us?
Moving On is a joke. Nobody has Moved On. It's four years later, and we're still talking about it. Barron still hears it. The AD still hears it. The elephant in the room isn't going away: it's just getting bigger. Every single day. That elephant ain't going nowhere.
Of course. WRONGReally? Then why are you here lecturing us?
Moving On is a joke. Nobody has Moved On. It's four years later, and we're still talking about it. Barron still hears it. The AD still hears it. The elephant in the room isn't going away: it's just getting bigger. Every single day. That elephant ain't going nowhere.
Could the last two sentences of 10 Years After's post, "That's why Corman's sellout, which was sold as a "win", was really a big negative. It had legs with Covey presiding," be the reason that Corman was moved to a more powerful position in the PA legislature and Covey was denied a recommendation by the PA Bar Association. Was one of those actions a reward for services rendered and the other a warning to anyone considering an action which would threaten the present narrative?
Unfortunately, as the saying goes, you cannot unring a bell. Clemens name will be forever linked with all the rest because the vote to fire Joe Paterno was unanimous. I accept his regret at what happened, or how it happened, but that does not exonerate him. I would think it would mitigate the contempt shown toward him, as opposed to the others. If he continues to speak out, I would expect his status in the Penn State community to further improve but he will always be remembered as one of those who rushed to judgment and fired an honorable and decent man.
"Of course, WRONG" How articulate?!? Abnormal, I just love the way you support your little "sound bite" responses with facts.
If you've moved on, like you claim, then why don't you just move the F**K on! Just go away and crawl back under your rock!
I hope and would like to think it is getting bigger and won't go away, but I'm not certain that's the case. My gut tells me that the statement about "it will all be forgotten by 2014" was obviously wrong but that the time line on that date was just underestimated. I sense that the pursuit of the truth is loosing steam, just at a much slower pace than the OG BOT and their partners in crime would like. That's why its critical that there needs to be some landmark successes in one of these legal proceedings that will make "the world" take notice about the corruption that is rampant in PA. That's why Corman's sellout, which was sold as a "win", was really a big negative. It had legs with Covey presiding.