Goofy Harbaugh wears stupid hat to B1G Luncheon...

Harbaugh is becoming that kid in the high school that does all the crazy sh*t nobody in their right mind would do. He therefore becomes popular for all of his pranks and "look at me" attention seeking actions. And then, everyone else sort of grows up and matures and all of a sudden the kid kind of seems immature and his shtick becomes old hat. Lets just say, he doesn't keep getting invited to the parties once everyone moves past this one trick pony. Harbaugh seems interesting and fresh for a period of time, then he sort of becomes stale everywhere he goes. And in the world of Big Time football and big time salaries, you get stale pretty fast finishing 3rd in your division year after year. My goodness all the talent they had that went to the NFL this year, he couldn't coach them up to beat Iowa?
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Harbaugh is a complete tool. Not news. Also not news is that Michigan fans think harbaugh dressing like a slob is somehow a brilliant move as 49 other states laugh and shake their heads.
When Harbaugh brought up the Roman Coliseum, and how it had been in use for 600 years, I couldn't help but laugh out loud, at the obvious comparison to the Big Outhouse in Ann Arbor. I'm willing to bet that the Coliseum had bigger seat areas though.
When Harbaugh brought up the Roman Coliseum, and how it had been in use for 600 years, I couldn't help but laugh out loud, at the obvious comparison to the Big Outhouse in Ann Arbor. I'm willing to bet that the Coliseum had bigger seat areas though.
Just to clarify, the Colosseum was completed in 80 AD. Just saving y'all the trouble of checking.
Harbaugh is becoming that kid in the high school that does all the crazy sh*t nobody in their right mind would do
He is one effed up guy. Seriously, he slept at a high school seniors house? Would you let this guy sleep at your house if he was recruiting your son?
