Hamilton opted out of the 40 at the combine...

Ranger Dan

Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Aug 31, 2003
York PA
he did get lots of positive comments from Mayock and Steve Smith, however. I’m hoping that he participates in the drills and other events.
I thought he was sitting out everything today. If he does run other drills I'll be glad to watch but I think he's making a very smart decision to sit this out given his performance in the "all-star" games
I didn't think he was doing any running or drills. Apparently too worn out from all star games over a month ago?
he's getting a lot of props for route running but he isn't competing today...instead, looking to perform at PSU pro day.
Gauntlet wasn't great. He wasn't running at full speed. Double caught two passes. Won't matter though--he's highly thought of because of his route running/ability to block
A couple of these guys are really struggling. Lacy & Henderson. Martin Jr ran a 4.8 and has dropped multiple passes--really a rough day for him.