Heard on Sports radio in Dayton area today (re: Michigan)

interesting, not a peep about this in the media..for those of you who don't know, buckeyescoop is run by former buckeye kirk barton..a guy who ironically was banned from the woody hayes athletic center for stealing practice footage, lol..he also paid a walk on for information about what was going on in practices..basically PNG in addition, he's a scumbag...arrested for assaulting a police officer, and also cheated his subscribers out of money..he's been wrong about most stuff, even buckeye fans don't like him, lol.
So the buckeyes were the only ones dumb enough to have a system that could be hacked?😹
Their password was 1-2-3-4-5

mel brooks password GIF
Why would it start after 2025 Season - two years removed from the cheating that went on for years prior to it being discovered??? That makes zero sense whatsoever and demonstrates yet again what a disgrace CFB and the NCAA are - zero integrity.
You expect the NCAA to make sense.

They may have nothing to do with “college football” by then.
i'm sure if there was something earth shattering it would have leaked friday or saturday....spent 9 months investigating and per the previous draft of the noa, couldn't tie anybody on staff to connor stallions...
Yep, nobody knew. No one asked. He coincidentally was at opposing teams games. He strangely was given a job.

Nothing to see here. Move along .

Mostly peaceful riots.

No American troops in Baghdad.

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i'm sure if there was something earth shattering it would have leaked friday or saturday....spent 9 months investigating and per the previous draft of the noa, couldn't tie anybody on staff to connor stallions...

Other than the fact that he was on the staff!

scUM brought Stalions on as an unpaid "Volunteer Coach" in 2015 (Harbaugh cannot do this by himself - scUM has to sign-off on the move via the Athletic Department). Then Harbaugh liked the work he was doing (that he, Harbaugh, supposedly knew nothing about) so much that he made Stalions a full, paid member of his Staff in 2022 (again, Harbaugh would need full approval from scUM before doing this). Why precisely would Harbaugh promote Stalions to a full-time paid coaching position on his staff if he had no idea what he was doing or didn't find great value in what he was doing???
Why precisely would Harbaugh promote Stalions to a full-time paid coaching position on his staff if he had no idea what he was doing or didn't find great value in what he was doing???
We all know Harbaugh knew but what percentage of "unpaid volunteer coaches" eventually become a permanent member of the coaching staff? Especially that long. Again, Harbaugh knew everything going on and was responsible for knowing so but this promotion thing just is illogical.
i'm sure if there was something earth shattering it would have leaked friday or saturday....spent 9 months investigating and per the previous draft of the noa, couldn't tie anybody on staff to connor stallions...
Nah, they have 6 to 7 people tied into this. It's coming once it gets fully leaked.
i didn't say what i thought happened, i stated what was in the prior noa draft...if there was a smoking gun, it would have been leaked before today...
This is totally separate from previous NOA, and this makes it a repeat offense.
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Just hope someone has the balls to nail these arrogant a holes. Cheat then no consequences. Cannot happen. Freaking Harvard of the midwest, Michigan men better get theirs.
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Just hope someone has the balls to nail these arrogant a holes. Cheat then no consequences. Cannot happen. Freaking Harvard of the midwest, Michigan men better get theirs.
There's also a separate investigation regarding hacking into servers as well. Michigan is going to pay big on all of this.
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Posted by Judge Smails on 24/7, from an OSU poster I presume.

"The best source on this:

Premierdrum 52 MINUTES AGO
What a great morning it is, friends. I'm not one to take laps when I'm right, but these last few weeks have felt good. Also, it was great to see a few of you on Friday! The reach here is crazy.

This is going to be a bit of a long one, but stay with me. I think it's worth it.

It was clear to me on Friday that something was up, and I shared as much here. As it turns out, TCUN got a heads up that the NOA was coming this weekend. Two noteworthy points on that to start:

- The NCAA his historically diplomatic with these matters. Announcements, deliveries, and sanctions come out strictly when ready, with no care or concern for certain timeframes, information cycles, etc. However, as I've been telling you all for several weeks now, the goal has been to get this moving before the start of the season. Once they caught wind of the Stalions piece for Netflix, their plans were galvanized. And, when TCUN promoted Jim's return for the "championship" celebration this Saturday... well, that didn't play well. At all. I told you to memorize the phrase "reckless indifference to NCAA bylaws" to memory, and this was the northstar and guiding principle for the enforcement team. It's like running the same red light in front of the same cop every night, and giving him the double bird as you pass. Seeing the NCAA get this wrapped up in something like a 10 month timeframe is wild, and it shows the severity of the allegations and the amount of resources they committed to it.

- The NOA is worse and contains more serious charge than they expected. There was a believe with many in AA that the draft shared with them on July 25th may have been pumped up a bit to try to encourage a negotiated agreement between the parties. The beatwriters-in-blue had all but "confirmed" that the final NOA would be less severe than the draft, which should have been the first clue for everyone that it would be worse for them. More on the specific charges in a bit.


Their mid-Sunday leak came much earlier than expected, and of course via their sympathetics. That didn't just happen. There is lots of smoke that a copy of the final NOA is already in the hands of one journalist, almost certainly leaked by one of TCUN's attorneys. Once that info started spreading, TCUN panicked and "broke" that the formal notice had been received.

As for what's in it? The NOA was written to present a clear and comprehensive narrative that outlines exactly how the scheme was formed, how it operated, who managed it, who viewed its output, and the competitive advantage it provided. It also details the "reckless indifference to NCAA bylaws" not just in the scheme itself, but in the coverup and top-to-bottom lack of cooperation from TCUN leadership and coaches. There are likely a few nuggets that will surprise just about all of us once it drops. The only major question I haven't been able to answer yet is how much of the funding component is included in the notice. There were some, umm, interesting allegations this past spring.

So what do the next 90 days look like?

Don't rule out a negotiated settlement still. When talks broke down a few weeks ago, a major sticking point was that TCUN's attorneys wanted protection from the other open investigations if exchange for the "minimum acceptable framework" of punishment we've discussed here. Obviously that wasn't going to fly with the NCAA, given the severity of matters that still remain under active investigation.

Now that they have the NOA in hand - and they can scan the charges against the members of the COI - their motivation might have increased. An early season loss could be the tipping point for them to come back to the table to get this negotiated away. Publicly, they'll maintain their bluster and bravado up until the moment they can't, but the sense of those who know is that they are beginning to accept how bad this is for them.

On that "minimum acceptable framework" of punishments I've been discussing here, we should note that was the view of the enforcement staff and the NCAA's reps at the table due to the severity of the charges. In the NCAA's process, though, investigators don't recommend punishments to the COI. Some of the changes to the NOA from draft to final delivery were made to strengthen the outcome-based results of the investigation... setting the table for the COI to come to the "right" conclusion. Leaking the framework to a few of us over the last several weeks will prove beneficial as well, as its now in the collective understanding and awareness around CFB... especially those on the COI.

If this settles before 11/23, we likely won't get the satisfaction of beating Moore in our house. But that's okay.

When this all wraps up, possibly as late as early 2025, I'm confident we'll be satisfied. Their ill-gotten wins and championships will be wiped from the history books, their "iconic" coach's legacy will be forever tainted, and the smoldering remains of their program will be remembers for the biggest cheating scheme in the history of modern athletics.

And the NCAA *still* won't be done with them"
Posted by Judge Smails on 24/7, from an OSU poster I presume.

"The best source on this:

Premierdrum 52 MINUTES AGO
What a great morning it is, friends. I'm not one to take laps when I'm right, but these last few weeks have felt good. Also, it was great to see a few of you on Friday! The reach here is crazy.

This is going to be a bit of a long one, but stay with me. I think it's worth it.

It was clear to me on Friday that something was up, and I shared as much here. As it turns out, TCUN got a heads up that the NOA was coming this weekend. Two noteworthy points on that to start:

- The NCAA his historically diplomatic with these matters. Announcements, deliveries, and sanctions come out strictly when ready, with no care or concern for certain timeframes, information cycles, etc. However, as I've been telling you all for several weeks now, the goal has been to get this moving before the start of the season. Once they caught wind of the Stalions piece for Netflix, their plans were galvanized. And, when TCUN promoted Jim's return for the "championship" celebration this Saturday... well, that didn't play well. At all. I told you to memorize the phrase "reckless indifference to NCAA bylaws" to memory, and this was the northstar and guiding principle for the enforcement team. It's like running the same red light in front of the same cop every night, and giving him the double bird as you pass. Seeing the NCAA get this wrapped up in something like a 10 month timeframe is wild, and it shows the severity of the allegations and the amount of resources they committed to it.

- The NOA is worse and contains more serious charge than they expected. There was a believe with many in AA that the draft shared with them on July 25th may have been pumped up a bit to try to encourage a negotiated agreement between the parties. The beatwriters-in-blue had all but "confirmed" that the final NOA would be less severe than the draft, which should have been the first clue for everyone that it would be worse for them. More on the specific charges in a bit.


Their mid-Sunday leak came much earlier than expected, and of course via their sympathetics. That didn't just happen. There is lots of smoke that a copy of the final NOA is already in the hands of one journalist, almost certainly leaked by one of TCUN's attorneys. Once that info started spreading, TCUN panicked and "broke" that the formal notice had been received.

As for what's in it? The NOA was written to present a clear and comprehensive narrative that outlines exactly how the scheme was formed, how it operated, who managed it, who viewed its output, and the competitive advantage it provided. It also details the "reckless indifference to NCAA bylaws" not just in the scheme itself, but in the coverup and top-to-bottom lack of cooperation from TCUN leadership and coaches. There are likely a few nuggets that will surprise just about all of us once it drops. The only major question I haven't been able to answer yet is how much of the funding component is included in the notice. There were some, umm, interesting allegations this past spring.

So what do the next 90 days look like?

Don't rule out a negotiated settlement still. When talks broke down a few weeks ago, a major sticking point was that TCUN's attorneys wanted protection from the other open investigations if exchange for the "minimum acceptable framework" of punishment we've discussed here. Obviously that wasn't going to fly with the NCAA, given the severity of matters that still remain under active investigation.

Now that they have the NOA in hand - and they can scan the charges against the members of the COI - their motivation might have increased. An early season loss could be the tipping point for them to come back to the table to get this negotiated away. Publicly, they'll maintain their bluster and bravado up until the moment they can't, but the sense of those who know is that they are beginning to accept how bad this is for them.

On that "minimum acceptable framework" of punishments I've been discussing here, we should note that was the view of the enforcement staff and the NCAA's reps at the table due to the severity of the charges. In the NCAA's process, though, investigators don't recommend punishments to the COI. Some of the changes to the NOA from draft to final delivery were made to strengthen the outcome-based results of the investigation... setting the table for the COI to come to the "right" conclusion. Leaking the framework to a few of us over the last several weeks will prove beneficial as well, as its now in the collective understanding and awareness around CFB... especially those on the COI.

If this settles before 11/23, we likely won't get the satisfaction of beating Moore in our house. But that's okay.

When this all wraps up, possibly as late as early 2025, I'm confident we'll be satisfied. Their ill-gotten wins and championships will be wiped from the history books, their "iconic" coach's legacy will be forever tainted, and the smoldering remains of their program will be remembers for the biggest cheating scheme in the history of modern athletics.

And the NCAA *still* won't be done with them"
Michigan is going to get hammered. It's one thing to push back against the NCAA, it's another to be a repeat offender, lie, and then throw sh&t in their face publicly. Inviting Harbaugh to the stadium after the show cause was as dumb as it gets.
Come on man. No way other than a few years bowl ban. Big deal. They got their Natty and if the NCAA had any balls they’d strip them of wins and the Natty. But forget about that.
Get back to us in 90 days.
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Posted by Judge Smails on 24/7, from an OSU poster I presume.

"The best source on this:

Premierdrum 52 MINUTES AGO
What a great morning it is, friends. I'm not one to take laps when I'm right, but these last few weeks have felt good. Also, it was great to see a few of you on Friday! The reach here is crazy.

This is going to be a bit of a long one, but stay with me. I think it's worth it.

It was clear to me on Friday that something was up, and I shared as much here. As it turns out, TCUN got a heads up that the NOA was coming this weekend. Two noteworthy points on that to start:

- The NCAA his historically diplomatic with these matters. Announcements, deliveries, and sanctions come out strictly when ready, with no care or concern for certain timeframes, information cycles, etc. However, as I've been telling you all for several weeks now, the goal has been to get this moving before the start of the season. Once they caught wind of the Stalions piece for Netflix, their plans were galvanized. And, when TCUN promoted Jim's return for the "championship" celebration this Saturday... well, that didn't play well. At all. I told you to memorize the phrase "reckless indifference to NCAA bylaws" to memory, and this was the northstar and guiding principle for the enforcement team. It's like running the same red light in front of the same cop every night, and giving him the double bird as you pass. Seeing the NCAA get this wrapped up in something like a 10 month timeframe is wild, and it shows the severity of the allegations and the amount of resources they committed to it.

- The NOA is worse and contains more serious charge than they expected. There was a believe with many in AA that the draft shared with them on July 25th may have been pumped up a bit to try to encourage a negotiated agreement between the parties. The beatwriters-in-blue had all but "confirmed" that the final NOA would be less severe than the draft, which should have been the first clue for everyone that it would be worse for them. More on the specific charges in a bit.


Their mid-Sunday leak came much earlier than expected, and of course via their sympathetics. That didn't just happen. There is lots of smoke that a copy of the final NOA is already in the hands of one journalist, almost certainly leaked by one of TCUN's attorneys. Once that info started spreading, TCUN panicked and "broke" that the formal notice had been received.

As for what's in it? The NOA was written to present a clear and comprehensive narrative that outlines exactly how the scheme was formed, how it operated, who managed it, who viewed its output, and the competitive advantage it provided. It also details the "reckless indifference to NCAA bylaws" not just in the scheme itself, but in the coverup and top-to-bottom lack of cooperation from TCUN leadership and coaches. There are likely a few nuggets that will surprise just about all of us once it drops. The only major question I haven't been able to answer yet is how much of the funding component is included in the notice. There were some, umm, interesting allegations this past spring.

So what do the next 90 days look like?

Don't rule out a negotiated settlement still. When talks broke down a few weeks ago, a major sticking point was that TCUN's attorneys wanted protection from the other open investigations if exchange for the "minimum acceptable framework" of punishment we've discussed here. Obviously that wasn't going to fly with the NCAA, given the severity of matters that still remain under active investigation.

Now that they have the NOA in hand - and they can scan the charges against the members of the COI - their motivation might have increased. An early season loss could be the tipping point for them to come back to the table to get this negotiated away. Publicly, they'll maintain their bluster and bravado up until the moment they can't, but the sense of those who know is that they are beginning to accept how bad this is for them.

On that "minimum acceptable framework" of punishments I've been discussing here, we should note that was the view of the enforcement staff and the NCAA's reps at the table due to the severity of the charges. In the NCAA's process, though, investigators don't recommend punishments to the COI. Some of the changes to the NOA from draft to final delivery were made to strengthen the outcome-based results of the investigation... setting the table for the COI to come to the "right" conclusion. Leaking the framework to a few of us over the last several weeks will prove beneficial as well, as its now in the collective understanding and awareness around CFB... especially those on the COI.

If this settles before 11/23, we likely won't get the satisfaction of beating Moore in our house. But that's okay.

When this all wraps up, possibly as late as early 2025, I'm confident we'll be satisfied. Their ill-gotten wins and championships will be wiped from the history books, their "iconic" coach's legacy will be forever tainted, and the smoldering remains of their program will be remembers for the biggest cheating scheme in the history of modern athletics.

And the NCAA *still* won't be done with them"
If true great...still don't believe the NCAA has any kind of power to accomplish that
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Apparently 11 Warriors (OSU site) is reporting NCAA has told Michigan what their cheating punishment will be.
11 Warriors saying no playoff eligibility for 2 yrs beginning in 2025 season. No mention of vacating Football Championship or wins. If true, slap on the wrist.
ROTFALMAO they are going to get so slammed. They are in major league trouble, and it may take years for them to recover. I'm just loving it to the point that their punishments (plural) will be like Christmas morning for me. LOL
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Not if Michigan was the one doing the leaking....
sure, and the only people saying UM is leaking is buckeye scoop and some dork named justin spiro who is a sparty slappy...pretty sure ncaa would have put it out there that they were not responsible for any leaks as to point the finger at UM, the only other party that could leak...what does UM gain by leaking anything?..nobody that pushes that narrative has ever explained that...
Posted by Judge Smails on 24/7, from an OSU poster I presume.

"The best source on this:

Premierdrum 52 MINUTES AGO
What a great morning it is, friends. I'm not one to take laps when I'm right, but these last few weeks have felt good. Also, it was great to see a few of you on Friday! The reach here is crazy.

This is going to be a bit of a long one, but stay with me. I think it's worth it.

It was clear to me on Friday that something was up, and I shared as much here. As it turns out, TCUN got a heads up that the NOA was coming this weekend. Two noteworthy points on that to start:

- The NCAA his historically diplomatic with these matters. Announcements, deliveries, and sanctions come out strictly when ready, with no care or concern for certain timeframes, information cycles, etc. However, as I've been telling you all for several weeks now, the goal has been to get this moving before the start of the season. Once they caught wind of the Stalions piece for Netflix, their plans were galvanized. And, when TCUN promoted Jim's return for the "championship" celebration this Saturday... well, that didn't play well. At all. I told you to memorize the phrase "reckless indifference to NCAA bylaws" to memory, and this was the northstar and guiding principle for the enforcement team. It's like running the same red light in front of the same cop every night, and giving him the double bird as you pass. Seeing the NCAA get this wrapped up in something like a 10 month timeframe is wild, and it shows the severity of the allegations and the amount of resources they committed to it.

- The NOA is worse and contains more serious charge than they expected. There was a believe with many in AA that the draft shared with them on July 25th may have been pumped up a bit to try to encourage a negotiated agreement between the parties. The beatwriters-in-blue had all but "confirmed" that the final NOA would be less severe than the draft, which should have been the first clue for everyone that it would be worse for them. More on the specific charges in a bit.


Their mid-Sunday leak came much earlier than expected, and of course via their sympathetics. That didn't just happen. There is lots of smoke that a copy of the final NOA is already in the hands of one journalist, almost certainly leaked by one of TCUN's attorneys. Once that info started spreading, TCUN panicked and "broke" that the formal notice had been received.

As for what's in it? The NOA was written to present a clear and comprehensive narrative that outlines exactly how the scheme was formed, how it operated, who managed it, who viewed its output, and the competitive advantage it provided. It also details the "reckless indifference to NCAA bylaws" not just in the scheme itself, but in the coverup and top-to-bottom lack of cooperation from TCUN leadership and coaches. There are likely a few nuggets that will surprise just about all of us once it drops. The only major question I haven't been able to answer yet is how much of the funding component is included in the notice. There were some, umm, interesting allegations this past spring.

So what do the next 90 days look like?

Don't rule out a negotiated settlement still. When talks broke down a few weeks ago, a major sticking point was that TCUN's attorneys wanted protection from the other open investigations if exchange for the "minimum acceptable framework" of punishment we've discussed here. Obviously that wasn't going to fly with the NCAA, given the severity of matters that still remain under active investigation.

Now that they have the NOA in hand - and they can scan the charges against the members of the COI - their motivation might have increased. An early season loss could be the tipping point for them to come back to the table to get this negotiated away. Publicly, they'll maintain their bluster and bravado up until the moment they can't, but the sense of those who know is that they are beginning to accept how bad this is for them.

On that "minimum acceptable framework" of punishments I've been discussing here, we should note that was the view of the enforcement staff and the NCAA's reps at the table due to the severity of the charges. In the NCAA's process, though, investigators don't recommend punishments to the COI. Some of the changes to the NOA from draft to final delivery were made to strengthen the outcome-based results of the investigation... setting the table for the COI to come to the "right" conclusion. Leaking the framework to a few of us over the last several weeks will prove beneficial as well, as its now in the collective understanding and awareness around CFB... especially those on the COI.

If this settles before 11/23, we likely won't get the satisfaction of beating Moore in our house. But that's okay.

When this all wraps up, possibly as late as early 2025, I'm confident we'll be satisfied. Their ill-gotten wins and championships will be wiped from the history books, their "iconic" coach's legacy will be forever tainted, and the smoldering remains of their program will be remembers for the biggest cheating scheme in the history of modern athletics.

And the NCAA *still* won't be done with them"
premieredrum says he is a former staffer at a columbus tv station "with connections"...take his "stories" as you will, lol.
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I don't care what the NCAA does to Michigan--they could end their program forever and it has no impact on me whatsoever but I'm a realist here. The Big Ten isn't going to stand for it and the NCAA is happy in its current role pretending they have power. The NCAA is dead--we killed it--intentionally.
i didn't say what i thought happened, i stated what was in the prior noa draft...if there was a smoking gun, it would have been leaked before today...
I think, in this case, there are several "smoking guns" and it is going to be a challenge to sort them out. And that not only goes to various violations but efforts made to keep the NCAA from discovery. I am hearing that several staff members said, and were told to say the party line only to find out that texts and email tell a different story. We already know that several coaches were fired and/or suspended in 2023 for many different reasons. This isn't limited to the sign-stealing issue.
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Actually, they do.

That guy is such an ignorant, moronic asshat, it isn't even funny - the only time I see his postings is when someone responds to him because I have him on ignore. Not only does the NCAA have the power and authority to sanction scUM, but it is scUM themselves as a Member NCAA Institution that grants them power! (The NCAA holds some of the strongest legal authority you can hold being the "Member-Appointed" self-regulatory institution of a Member based organization.). Dimwit keeps confusing PSU forcing the NCAA to retreat with the NCAA having "no authority" over any of its members. The situations are not remotely analogous - PSU contended that the NCAA's powers and authority were limited to the legal contracts signed by Member Institutions (i.e., regulating and governing Athletic Competitions and Athletic Departments especially in the area of Rules of Play, Recruiting Rules, etc... - areas aimed at creating an objectively fair and unbiased field of play including the authority to punish actions [i.e., cheating] aimed at gaining an unfair advantage on the field of play). PSU contended, in their legal actions against the NCAA, that the NCAA was engaging in actions OUTSIDE the powers and authorities granted by Member Institutions (and the NCAA reversed course and removed their actions rather than being proven wrong in Court). The NCAA had no power or authority in regards to PSU and the Second Mile Scandal because it had nothing to do with PSU Athletics or trying to gain a competitive advantage in any NCAA regulated Athletic Event - it was a criminal matter involving "Charity Fraud" (Criminal acts by the Founder of a Children's Charity) who happened to be employed by PSU a decade prior to the criminal charges brought by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (and who was working at - and allegedly abusing kids at - , via his charity, a Pennsylvania Public High School at the time of the Grand Jury and the criminal indictment!). This had zilch to do with PSU attempting to gain an unfair competitive advantage in football or any other NCAA Sport for that matter - absolutely zero to do with the NCAA or it's Jurisdiction which is limited by the Agreements signed by Member Institutions.

But it is beyond patently absurd to claim that the NCAA has no powers, or authority, to sanction scUM in regards to scUM's and their Assitant Coach Stalions' blatant and extensive cheating campaign. Just absurd - it is at the very core of the NCAA's powers and authorities..... couldn't be any more within their legal authorities if you tried to be.....
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Actually, they do.

Hando is such a dipshit - have never seen anyone as consistently dead-wrong as this troll-boy. He keeps bringing up PSU in regards to weather the NCAA has authority and power to sanction scUM's blatant, pervasive and extensive cheating. It's a completely non-analogous strawman argument -- it has been pointed out to him multiple times, yet he keeps repeating the utterly wrong, troll-boy strawman argument.
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I don't care what the NCAA does to Michigan--they could end their program forever and it has no impact on me whatsoever but I'm a realist here. The Big Ten isn't going to stand for it and the NCAA is happy in its current role pretending they have power. The NCAA is dead--we killed it--intentionally.
180° the opposite regarding the B1G. Both the AD"s and Presidents are furious at Michigan. That's who has been pushing this along with the NCAA.
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I think, in this case, there are several "smoking guns" and it is going to be a challenge to sort them out. And that not only goes to various violations but efforts made to keep the NCAA from discovery. I am hearing that several staff members said, and were told to say the party line only to find out that texts and email tell a different story. We already know that several coaches were fired and/or suspended in 2023 for many different reasons. This isn't limited to the sign-stealing issue.
They are going to get slammed with at least three level one violations and are now tabbed as repeat offenders. For those who are supporting them saying it's hearsay or not true or still a nothing burger I say good luck to them LOL.
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They are going to get slammed with at least three level one violations and are now tabbed as repeat offenders. For those who are supporting them saying it's hearsay or not true or still a nothing burger I say good luck to them LOL.
what are the 3 level 1's?...individuals or the institution? sound stupid just spouting off, what's your best guess? current coach will get a level 1, prior noa draft suggested a level 2 for moore which is not much of a charge...
180° the opposite regarding the B1G. Both the AD"s and Presidents are furious at Michigan. That's who has been pushing this along with the NCAA.
the power comes from the networks and corporations that view UM as an asset to generate eyeballs and money..they won't allow the ncaa to harm their asset, pretty simple concept..nobody outside of tony pettite cares about the presidents or ad's
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I think, in this case, there are several "smoking guns" and it is going to be a challenge to sort them out. And that not only goes to various violations but efforts made to keep the NCAA from discovery. I am hearing that several staff members said, and were told to say the party line only to find out that texts and email tell a different story. We already know that several coaches were fired and/or suspended in 2023 for many different reasons. This isn't limited to the sign-stealing issue.
"i am hearing".....what does that even mean?...through media?...on sports boards?...from trusted sources? there were texts and emails to prove anything, that would have been leaked...the 52 emails/texts that moore initially deleted are meaningless, obviously he would have gotten a level 1 not a level 2 in the prior noa draft...moore said he wants the texts made public, guessing he knows there is nothing there..several coaches fired or suspended...who?...partridge got canned for telling players to not speculate, only answer what they know to be a fact...robinson and scruggs got fired for separate dui's....weiss got canned years ago for computer access crimes(no, not gambling or hacking osu server....smh) guys are sounding like bucknut fans, lol, better strap up and worry about the hillbillies in game 1...

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