Like in the 1950’s…It just sucks we have to teach our kids to jump under desks.
Like in the 1950’s…It just sucks we have to teach our kids to jump under desks.
yeah...I was pretty anti-gun at least that I was all for well thought out gun control. Then we decided to "defund the police". Well, after what I saw, I just purchased a gun."Dad"?
"Dad"... oh yeah, ok. A principled man who loved you and disciplined you if you got out o' line.
I wonder if that has anythi - nevermind.
That’s part of it. I have a theory on more but people here wouldn’t appreciate my thoughts here.Prescription drugs is what changed. If this shooter isn’t on some mood altering drug, he’ll be the first.
Still don’t fire themselves. .22s and shotguns can kill too.Guns did change, at least the types of guns. Shotguns and 22's are very different than Glocks and AR's.
Mini-14's and AR-15 in their true form shoot .22 caliber rounds (.223/5.56). It is a small projectile but at high velocity. An M-14 (completely different gun) does shoot a .30 caliber round (.308/30-06/7.62mm). I understand that you believe that a semi-auto rifle is unnecessary but they have been available to the general public for a very long time.Says same capacity, but not shown, which is a deliberate attempt to influence/mislead someone. Sure - one looks more like a hunting rifle but they look a lot similar when they have the same sized clips in them. Any weapon you can fire as fast as you can pull a trigger is too fast for personal use - especially at that caliber (which is the same standard for the US military issued SAW - and bigger than the M4). Want to play with guns join the Army. I loved it.
I guess not because we had fire drills not active shooter drills....was this WWII?Ever hear of duck and cover? You must not be old enough.
Same here. Hunted my way back home!Used to take guns to school. I refinished an old 22 rifle. Brother did same with his old deer rifle. Have a picture of me and friend with a shotgun in my old yearbook. Friends had shotguns in their trucks and went hunting with a couple teachers after school. Never had a problem.
Guns didn’t change much. People sure did..
Like in the 1950’s…
I'm not Limegrover but I'll end this chase, it's fruitless. I reread the OP and missed the meaning, he wanted Limegrover to answer, got it. Have a great day.It’s Limegrover.
Last joke not so accurate this time....
To answer both questions, the AR was in reference to an AR-15 or similar rifle also often referred to as assault rifles.What is a Limestoner?
Colombia has some of the strictest gun laws. Very, very expensive to buy one. Only from the army. About 5 or 6 times the average monthly salary for a license. It doesn't stop the black market. I know because I live in Colombia.Welcome to the Land of Gun Violence, second only to Brazil in firearm related deaths. Just part of American exceptionalism.
Gun Deaths by Country 2024
What's an assault rifle?To answer both questions, the AR was in reference to an AR-15 or similar rifle also often referred to as assault rifles.
No. Most of the posts have nothing to do with college football, especially during the Penn State off season.isnt this a college football message board
Ding ding ding ding……Are most of you actually listening to yourselves? Good lord, I haven't seen this many excuses since we lost by 1 in back to back years to the Suckeyes.
Here is the deal.....Parents need to be parents. stop doing Tick Tocks with your kids, stop allowing them to run wild and go wherever they want to go so you can have your me time. Go in to their rooms and ask to look at their phones. Check their damn bags and drawers and cars. START DOING YOUR DAMN JOB AS A PARENT. Have a family dinner where you talk to your kids. Stop with your own THC Gummies and anxiety medicines and hold what you created to the fire.
I still can't believe I just read the same old, 1st person shooter games shit that we had for years and years and years.
It’s a slang term used to describe a general type of gun, typically a light auto or semi auto gun. You’ve never heard the term used?What's an assault rifle?
"Run. Hide. Fight" is the current training for schools by the policeWe really dont anymore. We teach our kids to fight back if they need to as well as other things. Going under desks and hiding was started to be fazed out after Columbine and the videos that were taken from there. Not saying that its not a shame that we have to teach any of this but its what the world is now.
It isn't. Why does it get dragged out for so long? Lawyers. The best deterrent is swift and sure punishment. That does not happen any more.This seems to be getting more and more prevalent. Seems some lunatics think this is their 15min of fame.
My family went through the 2018 MSD shooting. Thank G-d neither of my kids were victims that day. I saw on the news this morning that Nikolas Cruz is first being charged for assault on a prison guard. WTF??? He admitted to the shootings, seems the assault charge is a moot point. Would love for someone in the legal profession to explain what the h-ll is dragging this case out like this and why they'd bother to hear a case about assault given the pending murder trial.
Maybe our legal system isn't a sufficient deterrent for such lunatics.
Only amongst the uneducated.It’s a slang term used to describe a general type of gun, typically a light auto or semi auto gun. You’ve never heard the term used?
Don't ya just love simplistic "explanations"? Take a step back at look at the root cause of the "welfare state": poverty and hopelessness, the real cancers of this country. Less than two thirds of WHITE children born into poverty escape it. The odds of Hispanic and Black children getting out are far worse. I'm dying to hear your Draconian nostrum for ending poverty and the "welfare state". Sink or swim, kids; no abortions and no aid for young children, right? Maybe I should just consult a Donald Trump, Jr tweet....Welfare state creates fatherless underclass…it really is not all that complicated.
Don't ya just love simplistic "explanations"? Take a step back at look at the root cause of the "welfare state": poverty and hopelessness, the real cancers of this country. Less than two thirds of WHITE children born into poverty escape it. The odds of Hispanic and Black children getting out are far worse. I'm dying to hear your Draconian nostrum for ending poverty and the "welfare state". Sink or swim, kids; no abortions and no aid for young children, right? Maybe I should just consult a Donald Trump, Jr tweet....
It’s a slang term used to describe a general type of gun, typically a light auto or semi auto gun. You’ve never heard the term used?
If politicians would try to help people as opposed to creating dependent voters, we’d be much better off.Don't ya just love simplistic "explanations"? Take a step back at look at the root cause of the "welfare state": poverty and hopelessness, the real cancers of this country. Less than two thirds of WHITE children born into poverty escape it. The odds of Hispanic and Black children getting out are far worse. I'm dying to hear your Draconian nostrum for ending poverty and the "welfare state". Sink or swim, kids; no abortions and no aid for young children, right? Maybe I should just consult a Donald Trump, Jr tweet....
Here in Howard County MD, we have received 2 emails in the past week about students posing with guns on social media and comments towards my daughter's high school. The police have gone to both houses and deemed both a non-threat, still makes you worry.
EAT SHIT.I would call the Democratic Party the root cause - slavery, Jim Crow, you name it, they'll **** you over with it.
Correct, we teach ALICE, same as run hide fight"Run. Hide. Fight" is the current training for schools by the police
Ah, so the solutions are these? Bootstraps, baby! And cutting the voting rolls so we get back to a whiter electorate! And guns! Lots more guns! Do I see American neofascists blithely waving goodbye to democracy?
Don't tell me--let me guess your favorite "truth": "The only way I can lose this election is if it's stolen from me. Unless I win, the opposition has cheated their way to victory." From the pages of Mein Kampf? Nah, much more recent than that.