Hey 'Nighter, ...

Thought you might appreciate this

Cool, thanks for sharing! I saw on Instagram a few days ago NIN was releasing a new EP and a pretty big tour in support (and coming to Washington DC, so I. WILL. BE. THERE.). I haven't seen them since they did the tour with Bowie in the late 90's and I hear they still do a great live show. Interesting how TR's career has gone - I personally think as a writer, he peaked with TDS (that showed in the 5+ years it took for him to release a follow up). Sobriety has really boosted his productivity but it's mostly in the scoring/composing/atmospheric stuff. This sounds cool though; reminds me of Ian Curtis on vocals....
Cool, thanks for sharing! I saw on Instagram a few days ago NIN was releasing a new EP and a pretty big tour in support (and coming to Washington DC, so I. WILL. BE. THERE.). I haven't seen them since they did the tour with Bowie in the late 90's and I hear they still do a great live show. Interesting how TR's career has gone - I personally think as a writer, he peaked with TDS (that showed in the 5+ years it took for him to release a follow up). Sobriety has really boosted his productivity but it's mostly in the scoring/composing/atmospheric stuff. This sounds cool though; reminds me of Ian Curtis on vocals....
Seems quite a bit of effort is being put into making the the upcoming show an experience. More here:

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