I’m sickened by what I witnessed tonight

Both penn state and iowa have one big ten championship game apperance. Sure, you won yours. But, we know where we sit.
Yea if we sat in the west and you in the east we would have many more appearances and , well you would have none.
This is the point. iowa athletic supporters act like this because they are desperate to be relevant. iowa will win some games, but they will never be top tier. It’s just iowa. iowa is not and never will be a top draw. It is what it is.

They won today, but this win doesn’t elevate their overall standing.
It's true. Iowa is well known for booing injured players every week. It's a tradition that goes way back. Hawkeye fans relish in the pain and suffering of students. Obviously.

Or, this is not something that regularly happens with Iowa fans so there must be something more to it? Something that was so obvious that media all over saw it and commented on it? Idk. Maybe you all should go talk to Tulsa and commiserate.
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It's true. Iowa is well known for booing injured players every week. It's a tradition that goes way back. Hawkeye fans relish in the pain and suffering of students. Obviously.

Or, this is not something that regularly happens with Iowa fans so there must be something more to it? Something that was so obvious that media all over saw it and commented on it? Idk. Maybe you all should go talk to Tulsa and commiserate.
So if this was a plan, how come we’ve never used it before, including against a very high powered offense like Ohio State? Some poster on here said Iowa fans were sensitive to it because Dantonio did it all the time….does that mean everyone does it? Are the fans smart enough to figure out that just because one coach did it years ago doesn’t mean every coach does it? Is it a) Iowa fans are seeing something that’s not there because it’s happened to them before or b) teams that don’t do it against anyone else only do it against Iowa? Geez, I wonder which one it is.
I have never been a Nebraska Fan but at least their fans have class ane always applaud when an injured player makes it off the field. You would never hear them boo. Just shows Iowa for the white trash they are.
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You penn state guys are sore losers
It’s not sore losing, just no respect. We can handle the L, it sucks to lose, but we can handle that. But booing injured players, the F Penn State chant…come on. Respect…Doesn’t seem Iowa has much of it and it’ll bite you in the ass.
And don’t give me, “we wave to the kids in the Childrens Hospital” and how wonderful you are, the Penn State players and fans were too. You SHOULD be waving to those kids! I bet they love the boos towards hurt players/young men/kids.
Iowa is Iowa. Booing injured players. (Pretty much wrong no matter what but maybe if they were running no huddle it would make some sense.) Rushing the field in a game they were favored to win. I guess they were excited to win by the hook or they love being bowl eligible.
So if this was a plan, how come we’ve never used it before, including against a very high powered offense like Ohio State? Some poster on here said Iowa fans were sensitive to it because Dantonio did it all the time….does that mean everyone does it? Are the fans smart enough to figure out that just because one coach did it years ago doesn’t mean every coach does it? Is it a) Iowa fans are seeing something that’s not there because it’s happened to them before or b) teams that don’t do it against anyone else only do it against Iowa? Geez, I wonder which one it is.
I have no idea. But I also know Iowa doesn’t routinely boo injured players.
I have no idea. But I also know Iowa doesn’t routinely boo injured players.
Well that’s a low bar. So you just randomly decide which players aren’t really hurt….got it. Do you randomly decide which kids you wave at?
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Iowa averaged 14.5 yards per play on the play an injury occurred and ~3.6 on plays the rest of the game. We’re they faking, likely not. But to excited fans in the stadium it sure looks fishy
And to complete the ruse, we took our starting quarterback and best run stopper out for the rest of the game. Riiiiiight…. Oh, and ruse means an action intended to deceive someone. Didn’t want you to have to Google it.
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But it’s not used against offenses that huddle up….it’s used to slow down no huddle, high tempo offenses. Maybe you guys should learn about football before you get sensitive about something. PSU has never done it against OSU, why would we implement it against Iowa?
Maybe it should never be used
But Franklin has a track record of doing it
WHO wouldn’t boo a fake injury ??
Seeemss like a lot of 5 star prima donnas
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No, just glad I reside in the Northeast as opposed to a parochial, narrow minded, classless state such as Iowa. One more time: YOU ARE TRASH. Never forget it.
I was sickened too- by watching a team fake most of it's injuries. Common theme: Most PSU injuries happened after 10 yard+ Iowa gains. 3 times a player went down he was back in 2 plays or less. later. Then the video that best exposes this bullshit all night long happened right in front of the Iowa bench and and Iowa coach called it. I was there last night and witnessed this crap, you weren't. Sickened by a program that resorts to this crap.

Pro-tip - Find some diversity; your stadium looked like a Klan rally but with Steelers fans.
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Why the spaces between quotes? While attempting to make Iowa look illiterate. 🤯

As a native Iowan, genuine injuries are nothing to “boo”. We’re very nice. Klatt (I think) mentioned the boos were attributed to the injuries happening right after Iowa’s (few) chunk plays. Could it have been complete coincidence? Yes. But didn’t seem that way.

Best of luck to y’all the rest of the way. Respectfully, hope we don’t see you in December.
Period goes inside the quote. As a literate Iowan, you should know that :rolleyes:
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I was sickened too- by watching a team fake most of it's injuries. Common theme: Most PSU injuries happened after 10 yard+ Iowa gains. 3 times a player went down he was back in 2 plays or less. later. Then the video that best exposes this bullshit all night long happened right in front of the Iowa bench and and Iowa coach called it. I was there last night and witnessed this crap, you weren't. Sickened by a program that resorts to this crap.

So you post a Twitter clip that actually does not show what happened to Ebeketie as he trailed the play and was not in the frame. Solid evidence.
meh. Our students would do the same thing. I agree that it is classless but it’s certainly not unique to Iowa nor are we immune to such stuff from our fan base
I have never heard our students doing that and it was from the start of the game onwards - classless scum fans — but they get a pass because they waive to sick kids but boo injured football players.
This you?
Explains a lot
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You sir, are a Moron. Teams dobt fake injuries to slow down an offense that moves ar a snail pace to begin with it's done to slow hugh tempo offenses. Furthermore, you dont do it with your best players.m, which PSU never wants off the field. Just another clueless abd classless Iowa fan
And when does Franklin have his players fake an injury?
no one said 100% of the PSU injuries were fake
The fans were booing not cheering the injuries.
Why shouldn’t fans boo fake injuries ?Moron
I was sickened too- by watching a team fake most of it's injuries. Common theme: Most PSU injuries happened after 10 yard+ Iowa gains. 3 times a player went down he was back in 2 plays or less. later. Then the video that best exposes this bullshit all night long happened right in front of the Iowa bench and and Iowa coach called it. I was there last night and witnessed this crap, you weren't. Sickened by a program that resorts to this crap.

As has been explained but you folks but you're too obtuse to understand, it's pointless to try to slow down an offense which isn't running up tempo. And no, Iowa wasn't given the actions of the RB following the play in the clip. Instead of giving the ball to the ref and running back to the formation, he jumped around and celebrated - obviously in no hurry to get to the next play.

And the Iowa coach mocking the injury of an opposing player? That coach is a dick. But hey, it's Iowa.
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Not sore losers, Just pointing out the reality that Clifford was slicing up your defense like Swiss cheese, and the reason you won is because he got knocked out. Even without Clifford, it took you two and a half quarters to finally beat the points that we had.

This Iowa team is extremely overrated and defense is mediocre. Not even the best defense in-conference
what does that make you?
They only care about children if they have cancer. Sad.
And even at that, the wave isn't really about the sick kids. It's a way for them to congratulate themselves for being so awesome because they wave to people. After they wave, there are one of two things the Iowa folks could think.....
  1. I feel good about myself because I wave to kids in a hospital
  2. I hope my waving brought some happiness to those kids over there
I'd say the vast majority fall into #1. It's all about "Look at us. We're awesome!!"
As has been explained but you folks but you're too obtuse to understand, it's pointless to try to slow down an offense which isn't running up tempo. And no, Iowa wasn't given the actions of the RB following the play in the clip. Instead of giving the ball to the ref and running back to the formation, he jumped around and celebrated - obviously in no hurry to get to the next play.

And the Iowa coach mocking the injury of an opposing player? That coach is a dick. But hey, it's Iowa.
They go hurry up after big plays occasionally. Penn State coaching staff knows this.
Yeah and I should have banged Joan Stevens back in high school. Life works that way sometimes
Your absolutely right that's how life works and you guys won. I really don't think there is not anyone that can't accept that. Where there seems be an issue is when you still buy into this mirage that Iowa is an elite football team with an elite defense. Sorry to.say but your not. I don't think Penn State is either but our defense is better then yours. I also know enough about football to realize that if Clifford did not get hurt none of you would be in this board talking the shit you are. Most people who know a lot about the game and played the game realize and accept the reality of who their team is and if they get lucky they admit that too. PSU was lucky to get out of Madison with a win but they did and that's all that matters. Iowa was lucky to get the win tonight but they did and that's all that matters.
They go hurry up after big plays occasionally. Penn State coaching staff knows this.
But not on that play. The RB was in absolutely no hurry to return to the formation. The play and video are what they are. But go ahead and keep trying to make it something it isn't. And Ebiketie sat out the next several plays. Genius strategy to fake an injury of your best DE and make him sit for awhile. Genius!!!
But not on that play. The RB was in absolutely no hurry to return to the formation. The play and video are what they are. But go ahead and keep trying to make it something it isn't. And Ebiketie sat out the next several plays. Genius strategy to fake an injury of your best DE and make him sit for awhile. Genius!!!
These idiots don’t understand football IQ. They have such a bad football tradition, they had to copy the look of a great NFL winner back in the day hoping it would carry over to their own team.
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