I spotted a shoutout to Penn State's 2006 Orange Bowl Team on a news report for OJ...


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Laporte, PA
I was watching a CNBC video from August of 2018 this morning, regarding Orange Juice. (don't know how I ended up on that) Anyways, it made my Penn State soul warm-up when I saw a subtle PSU shoutout not even 10 seconds into the video gave a shout out to the 2006 Orange Bowl Team. That was my Freshman year at State so that year will always be one of my favorites.

Of course, I hadda stop the clip, and give it a double take.. because what any college football fan would do if they saw their team hoisting a trophy in an OJ spot on CNBC... and, after a second look, I also noticed the Orange Bowl photo Penn Staters (At least myself) are accustomed to seeing from the 2006 Orange Bowl wasn't the photo chosen by the staff at CNBC. (The pic with Joe & Mrob cmon you've all seen it)

Here's a screenshot of the photo in the vid: And it got me thinking...


I thought, damn here's a situation where Joepa would have probably enjoyed the free press. One of his teams was remembered subtly during a short spot on CNBC that had nothing to do with football. Orange Juice lovers would have been given a glimpse of our former legend... a legacy that remains not just because of success on the football field, but because the Nittany Lions come to mind during a CNBC spot for OJ.

I think Joepa would have liked that his legacy and success was remembered not just during highlight videos, but also in everyday life... Here's the photo that I always think of when I think of the 2005 Big Ten Championship year. (Not Co-Champions... we beat Ohio State that season, there's no "Co" about it)


Call me crazy, but in a way Joe got exactly what he always wanted and I think everyone deep down we as fans, thought he was a broken record for saying it all the time...


I guess in a way, that's how he'll be remembered. His downfall lead to sweeping changes through our athletic program, and also through the administration of Penn State University. He did make Penn State a better place, just not in the way many of us had imagined he'd be remembered for doing it.

It's now 7 years after his death It's the little things in life like OJ that end up making me think about him. Anyways, here's the video in reference.

Any random things take place during your everyday life that make you think of Joe?
It’s strange but occasionally when I look in a mirror I’m jealous of him and others with a full head of hair at advanced stages of life. Being a walking light reflector is depressing.