So what is realistic? With our status and the expectation of the Big Ten/SEC getting 6-9 playoff spots a year we should expect to be in the playoff most years and competitive in those games.It's more about being a realist than it is about setting expectations. Do I want championships? Of course. Do I expect them? It would be nice every 10-15 years but I don't expect them because that's just setting myself up for disappointment. I also don't think that we're a non-factor. Paterno won his first championship in year 17 or 18 and Franklin hasn't even been at Penn State that long. Would he win 2 championships if he stayed for 46 years? Who knows.
Pennsylvania was also packed with great HS players back in Joepa's day and now we are way behind all the southern states and California so the pickings are a little slimmer for Franklin. Locking down PA/MD/NJ isn't enough to be elite any more like it was 50 years ago.
Franklin absolutely let a couple big games slip away in the 4th quarter that we should have won. I think a lot of other coaches would have won those games with our teams. But even if we win those it's no guarantee that we win championships those years. It's also pointless to get worked up wishing for something that's not going to happen, and Franklin will be our coach for the foreseeable future so I'm just trying to be positive.
Same expectations for Michigan Ohio State USC Oregon Georgia Bama LSU Oklahoma Texas etc...and if you aren't meeting those expectations coaches won't last long.