I don't think Sandusky is innocent, but I'll concede there were some screwy things happening during his trial, including an incredibly inept performance by Amendola.
As to the other conspiracy theories promoted by several posters to this thread, I'd simply ask, Where's your hard evidence? It's too easy and irresponsible to string together chains of inferences with confirmation bias and motivated reasoning then declare that everyone is a crook. That's the same kind of logic leaps and carelessness about facts in evidence that we attribute to Penn State's critics.
I'm no fan of the Old Guard board members, but I'll stop short of imputing all sorts of nefarious and criminal intentions to their decisions until I see actual evidence or legal charges filed. Maybe their motivations are guided by self-interest, and maybe their decisions have been guided by a perceived fiduciary duty to save Penn State from further devastating public revelations of malfeasance or gross misfeasance on the part of Penn State leaders in 2001. I don't know and neither do you.
Inasmuch as this is a fight to salvage Penn State's reputation among the general public, I'd ask those in the fight to remember this: The public doesn't care about the decisions made by Penn State leadership in 2011 and 2012. That's for alums and Paterno acolytes to sort out. It's internal. The public at large cares about the decisions made by Penn State leadership in 2001.