It's starting to look a lot like Christmas !!

The "investigators" made Inspector Gadget look like Joe Friday. They found very little that they didn't trip over. It is also apparent that they had an OAG issued road map and they didn't travel except on the "highlighted" major highways. The investigation, much like the trial, was a sham.
Then, there is the matter of that shredder at TSM.
I think every citizen in Pa. should be angry and terrified about the condition of its legal system.
People want this to be near and tidy, tied up and tossed in the trash. But it's not that simple. Yes, pedophiles tend to associate with other pedophiles. I doubt that Dandusky was the only pedophile at TSM.

I don't know if pedophiles associate with other pedophiles but considering that JS was there first (he started TSM) I doubt he'd want other pedophiles around since the more there are the more likely someone would get caught. And how exactly is he going to broach the subject of whether a potential new hire is a pedophile anyway? This isn't a NAMBLA meeting where everyone going in know what everyone else is about. I suspect JS wanted no other pedophiles anywhere near TSM.
What makes people think TSM hasn't been investigated? Do people think that somehow JS was the only person law enforcement focused on? Dontcha think the cops thought of the idea of looking into if whether JS was the only one, like maybe asking these victims if they knew or heard about any other predators? Maybe the truth is that JS was just the only one and that the rest of the people in TSM were there to carry out the mission of TSM.

What makes me think that? Something called a brain & reading comprehension. When the SWIGJ story was broken by the HP-N on March 30, 2011, The Second Mile (including IN a LTE in response to the article from TSM's CEO) told the world that they knew nothing about this story, that it was likely an unfounded rumor and that TSM was never the subject of any investigation regarding CSA Reports to DPW - all of which we now know to be lies given what Gerald Rosamilia, Director of Clinton County CYS, says he reported to DPW and the subsequent formal investigation by DPW which ended with a judiciary hearing sanctioning TSM and "Indicating" Sandusky. Ask any cop, liars lie for a reason and the motivations for lying are always "self-serving".
What makes me think that? Something called a brain & reading comprehension. When the SWIGJ story was broken by the HP-N on March 30, 2011, The Second Mile (including IN a LTE in response to the article from TSM's CEO) told the world that they knew nothing about this story, that it was likely an unfounded rumor and that TSM was never the subject of any investigation regarding CSA Reports to DPW - all of which we now know to be lies given what Gerald Rosamilia, Director of Clinton County CYS, says he reported to DPW and the subsequent formal investigation by DPW which ended with a judiciary hearing sanctioning TSM and "Indicating" Sandusky. Ask any cop, liars lie for a reason and the motivations for lying are always "self-serving".

That's what TSM is saying. That's not my point. I'm talking about the police. The police investigated JS and JS only re. all this? They found out that one guy with access to kids was doing bad stuff but they didn't think to look into whether other guys with access to kids were also doing bad stuff? Really? Wouldn't it make sense to snoop around further since you're already snooping around re. JS?

Maybe they tracked down a bunch of TSM kids in this process and asked if they'd been abused and got no positive answers other than for JS. That doesn't sound far fetched, does it?
Okay, I'm just going to ask. I've wondered this for a long time and have never really said anything.

What if....and I'm just asking, I have no inside information....what if there were/are other powerful/wealthy pedos associated with TSM or in/around State College. When sh*t hit the fan in 2011, they made sure JS took the fall for all of them.

JS was their 'carrot' for fundraising and he had the local 'fame' to attract the kids to TSM. These others used the organization as their source for kids and when it all started to implode in 2011, they made sure JS was the focus.

I know, it's f'ing crazy talk but I can't shake the possibility.
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That's what TSM is saying. That's not my point. I'm talking about the police. The police investigated JS and JS only re. all this? They found out that one guy with access to kids was doing bad stuff but they didn't think to look into whether other guys with access to kids were also doing bad stuff? Really? Wouldn't it make sense to snoop around further since you're already snooping around re. JS?

Maybe they tracked down a bunch of TSM kids in this process and asked if they'd been abused and got no positive answers other than for JS. That doesn't sound far fetched, does it?

You sound desperate for us to buy this load of malarchy, that's what it sounds like to me. Given that the OAG is the mandated REGULATOR of charities in Pennsylvania and has an entire Division and three offices across the Commonwealth dedicated to the task, why exactly would they INTENTIONALLY not investigate, look at the records of or visit in any way TSM's offices in the Spring 2009 despite the Charity & its founder being implicated by DPW in a charitable fraud and CSA (all the clear signs were there according to the OAG's own "Child Predator Special Investgations Unit"!). "Comm,on sense" be damned "move on" is your answer to everything no matter what that's your universal answer to everything..."Jerry's in jail, it doesn't matter who else broke the law and enabled him....we should move on" (despite the fact that not only have some gotten away with breaking the law....others, including Penn State University and its community, have been falsely accused and SEVERELY HARMED BY THIS GROTESQUE TYRANNY), but it's always "move along"....rinse and repeat over and over and over, naseum
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I don't know if pedophiles associate with other pedophiles but considering that JS was there first (he started TSM) I doubt he'd want other pedophiles around since the more there are the more likely someone would get caught. And how exactly is he going to broach the subject of whether a potential new hire is a pedophile anyway? This isn't a NAMBLA meeting where everyone going in know what everyone else is about. I suspect JS wanted no other pedophiles anywhere near TSM.

You sound like an expert ( not ); pray tell, how did you come up with this?

N i t t a n y A m e r i c a
You sound like an expert ( not ); pray tell, how did you come up with this?

N i t t a n y A m e r i c a

I don't know if it's true but I'm using simple reasoning. If JS tried to figure out if a potential hir-ee was a pedophile then the questions would look suspicious, right? If there were more and more pedophiles working at TSM then it would be more and more likely that one was caught, right? And if one was caught then the ones remaining would be less able to do their bad stuff, assuming the TSM would be able to continue at all, right?

I mean, I can't say for sure that it's true, but why would JS want more pedophiles at TSM? It's not like he needed such people around to put him into contact with other kids because the TSM itself did that.
You sound like an expert ( not ); pray tell, how did you come up with this?

N i t t a n y A m e r i c a

Sounds more like "talking points" than a bona fide theory put forth by an expert in CSA and Charitable Fraud..... Gee, now who would be giving talking points & rationalizations that promote the "move on" mantra??? I just can't seem to figure this brain-twister" out.... LMFAO
I don't know if it's true but I'm using simple reasoning. If JS tried to figure out if a potential hir-ee was a pedophile then the questions would look suspicious, right? If there were more and more pedophiles working at TSM then it would be more and more likely that one was caught, right? And if one was caught then the ones remaining would be less able to do their bad stuff, assuming the TSM would be able to continue at all, right?

I mean, I can't say for sure that it's true, but why would JS want more pedophiles at TSM? It's not like he needed such people around to put him into contact with other kids because the TSM itself did that.


Lost ball.
I don't know if pedophiles associate with other pedophiles but considering that JS was there first (he started TSM) I doubt he'd want other pedophiles around since the more there are the more likely someone would get caught. And how exactly is he going to broach the subject of whether a potential new hire is a pedophile anyway? This isn't a NAMBLA meeting where everyone going in know what everyone else is about. I suspect JS wanted no other pedophiles anywhere near TSM.
Jeez, Man, if you don't know, do some research before taking your position!! Many of us didn't know about Peds hanging togerther until this f'n tragedy. While admitting you're ignorant on the topic, you then declare that JS wouldn't have wanted competition. Shiat, where did that wisdom come from? Shame on you for the agenda you're selling.
Jeez, Man, if you don't know, do some research before taking your position!! Many of us didn't know about Peds hanging togerther until this f'n tragedy. While admitting you're ignorant on the topic, you then declare that JS wouldn't have wanted competition. Shiat, where did that wisdom come from? Shame on you for the agenda you're selling.

My "I'm not sure it's true" caveats are what is called "honesty." I'm not trying to just make stuff up. I am offering reasoning and logic. But in the end I'm admitting that that's all I'm offering and I can't say for sure if it's true. That's not a weakness.

And I didn't say that JS wouldn't have wanted competition, I said that the more pedophiles around the more likely one of them gets caught and that ends the game for the rest of them. Again, this is just reasoning. If you disagree then offer some reasoning for the other side of the issue.
My "I'm not sure it's true" caveats are what is called "honesty." I'm not trying to just make stuff up. I am offering reasoning and logic. But in the end I'm admitting that that's all I'm offering and I can't say for sure if it's true. That's not a weakness.

And I didn't say that JS wouldn't have wanted competition, I said that the more pedophiles around the more likely one of them gets caught and that ends the game for the rest of them. Again, this is just reasoning. If you disagree then offer some reasoning for the other side of the issue.

You offer nothing but innuendo and hate.
Corbett was asked directly if TSM was going to be investigated and he flat out said "No". And the press apparently didn't have any problems with that.....smh.

Corbett never should have been involved in the JS investigation in the first place. He should have recused himself due to a HUGE conflict of interest with TSM and all the campaign contributions he was getting from TSM big wigs. And yet, not one in the media seemed to catch on to this or have an issue with the COI.

Then after the Moulton report is released, we find out Corbett waited two YEARS to do basic investigation steps such as: search JS's house, search TSM (no warrent required btw), subpoena CC CYS, ask UPPD if they have any previous reports on JS, and talk to the Clinton County Worker who indicated JS and review her report. Annnnd...the media completely glossed over these facts instead of crucifying Corbett over them....go figure
My "I'm not sure it's true" caveats are what is called "honesty." I'm not trying to just make stuff up. I am offering reasoning and logic. But in the end I'm admitting that that's all I'm offering and I can't say for sure if it's true. That's not a weakness.

And I didn't say that JS wouldn't have wanted competition, I said that the more pedophiles around the more likely one of them gets caught and that ends the game for the rest of them. Again, this is just reasoning. If you disagree then offer some reasoning for the other side of the issue.
BS, "I'm not sure" means you don't have the horsepower to offer reasoning and logic on the topic! If you're not sure, then be quiet until you have confidence on some or all of the related topics. That's just common sense. You do have some of that, don't you?
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Please allow me to take the concept one step farther if I may. Again, I have no inside information....these are just crazy thoughts that I've been having since this nightmare began and I have really never discussed it with anyone. So here goes....

If my post that you responded to is true, I can think of 3 associated scenarios and I would greatly appreciate your thoughts.

Scenario 1: JS was the goofy oaf who was the face/fund raising power/local celebrity of TSM but had no idea that others associated with the organization/people in and around State College were pedos. They set him up to take the fall when all hell broke loose and he was perfect to pin it on precisely because of his goofy/touchy reputation.

Scenario 2: JS was completely aware and fully participating in the pedo activities going on in the area and/or within TSM. If this is the case, why didn't he name any of the others in an attempt to save himself?

Scenario 3: Somewhere in the middle between the two extremes of Scenario 1 and Scenario 2...i.e., JS was indeed a pedo himself but did not know about others in the area.

See....thinking about this sh*t for years is absolutely making me crazy.
Please allow me to take the concept one step farther if I may. Again, I have no inside information....these are just crazy thoughts that I've been having since this nightmare began and I have really never discussed it with anyone. So here goes....

If my post that you responded to is true, I can think of 3 associated scenarios and I would greatly appreciate your thoughts.

Scenario 1: JS was the goofy oaf who was the face/fund raising power/local celebrity of TSM but had no idea that others associated with the organization/people in and around State College were pedos. They set him up to take the fall when all hell broke loose and he was perfect to pin it on precisely because of his goofy/touchy reputation.

Scenario 2: JS was completely aware and fully participating in the pedo activities going on in the area and/or within TSM. If this is the case, why didn't he name any of the others in an attempt to save himself?

Scenario 3: Somewhere in the middle between the two extremes of Scenario 1 and Scenario 2...i.e., JS was indeed a pedo himself but did not know about others in the area.

See....thinking about this sh*t for years is absolutely making me crazy.

Because, take a look at the connections of the Pedo Ring in Lucerne County that included Pedo Pornography, prostitution, etc.... Guess who was involved with in that fraud? You got it, "organized crime" (e.g., 'da mob). In other words, once these parties had the goods on Sandusky, they likely took over his "charity" for the purposes of committing "charitable fraud", laundering money and printing money via potential pedo pornography, prositution, tax-fraud, etc, etc, etc.... When Sandusky wasn't judicious and got busted....they likely let him know, "You are going to take the fall and we're going to transfer operations, etc.... BTW, take the fall like a man or we will kill your family first and then you in prison, etc....". Given the type of criminals and organizations likely involved here, it is no surprise that Sandusky isn't ratting out others - quite the contrary in fact.
Because, take a look at the connections of the Pedo Ring in Lucerne County that included Pedo Pornography, prostitution, etc.... Guess who was involved with in that fraud? You got it, "organized crime" (e.g., 'da mob). In other words, once these parties had the goods on Sandusky, they likely took over his "charity" for the purposes of committing "charitable fraud", laundering money and printing money via potential pedo pornography, prositution, tax-fraud, etc, etc, etc.... When Sandusky wasn't judicious and got busted....they likely let him know, "You are going to take the fall and we're going to transfer operations, etc.... BTW, take the fall like a man or we will kill your family first and then you in prison, etc....". Given the type of criminals and organizations likely involved here, it is no surprise that Sandusky isn't ratting out others - quite the contrary in fact.

Yes, I've heard similar descriptions previously. It's all so fantastic and very difficult to believe. Then again, I fully realize that I am truly naive about such things - I suppose I am fortunate in a way to have lived in a bubble (1st school at idyllic PSU followed by a life of honest work, family, friends and farm). The trappings of being a law abiding citizen I guess.

May I ask a separate but related question? In your opinion, does this all have to do with Gricar or not?
What's really amazing is that the general public is OK with no one from the 2M being questioned. I mean, really? Every kid Sandusky is in the can for came through that place and One Term Tommy tells Louie the Liar to lay off those folks and everyone is cool with it. It really makes me feel that the public really are stupid....

Do you understand that Louis Freeh never had any authority to investigate anyone outside of Penn State? Freeh was hired by the BoT. The Second Mile (and C&YS, DPW) is not an appendage of Penn State, it is completely independent from Penn State, even though PSU and TSM had some board members and donors in common. Freeh was not conducting a criminal investigation, he had no subpoena power, he had no authority to compel anyone outside of Penn State do to anything.

If you wanted an investigation of TSM or the others, it would have to be the FBI, U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, a state law enforcement agency and the PA OAG, or the Centre County district attorney. One Term Tommy didn't need to tell Freeh to lay off TSM. Freeh could not have investigated TSM even were he inclined to do so.

One of the PR mistakes of this entire mess is that the limitations of the Freeh Report, which were known from Day One, were hardly ever talked about by anyone.
If there was this giant ring of pedos and JS was only one of them then why aren't a bunch of victims coming forward and talking about all the other pedos? The logjam was broken and they finally got several to talk about JS, but yet none about any other pedos? Isn't that strange? So we have all these victims of all these pedos but all the victims of pedos other than JS just sit at home and watch JS get put in jail while never reporting to police about their own abuser? Many of the victims of JS talk to police, and some here say most or all of them are lying, and yet the many victims of other pedos that have true stories of abuse never talk to police? Really? Does that make sense?
Now that you have waved your flag of credentials, tell us how you feel about all the money that was spent and no one knows where it went?

That is the topic.

La la la la la in the merry old land of Oz...

N i t t a n y A m e r i c a

Money is your only concern in all this?? INBL
If there was this giant ring of pedos and JS was only one of them then why aren't a bunch of victims coming forward and talking about all the other pedos? The logjam was broken and they finally got several to talk about JS, but yet none about any other pedos? Isn't that strange? So we have all these victims of all these pedos but all the victims of pedos other than JS just sit at home and watch JS get put in jail while never reporting to police about their own abuser? Many of the victims of JS talk to police, and some here say most or all of them are lying, and yet the many victims of other pedos that have true stories of abuse never talk to police? Really? Does that make sense?

Hmmmm, well there is the guy from Philadelphia who alleges abuse by a politically connected person in Philly and The Second Mile (he also alleges mob connections). Then you have the report of a wealthy booster connected to The Second Mile and Jerry Sandusky who allegedly abused children in a private jet along with Jerry Sandusky..... Any of this ringing any bells??? Witnesses tend to report whatever they're told to report when they and their families are threatened by nefarious parties, no? (as in, "if you want the free $$$$ and to stay alive, you will keep your testimony to....."). Tyranny resulting from massive corruption can be quite ugly -- go watch the movie "The Gauntlet", while it is a fictional movie, it is a very interesting movie because it is quite believable as to what can happen when CORRUPTION and the HIGHEST LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT mix -- the result is massive TYRANNY and INJUSTICE.
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Hmmmm, well there is the guy from Philadelphia who alleges abuse by a politically connected person in Philly and The Second Mile (he also alleges mob connections). Then you have the report of a wealthy booster connected to The Second Mile and Jerry Sandusky who allegedly abused children in a private jet along with Jerry Sandusky..... Any of this ringing any bells??? Witnesses tend to report whatever they're told to report when they and their families are threatened by nefarious parties, no? (as in, "if you want the free $$$$ and to stay alive, you will keep your testimony to....."). Tyranny resulting from massive corruption can be quite ugly -- go watch the movie "The Gauntlet", while it is a fictional movie, it is a very interesting movie because it is quite believable as to what can happen when CORRUPTION and the HIGHEST LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT mix -- the result is massive TYRANNY and INJUSTICE.

Then have those people report it to the police. Or are the police in on it too? There is a big ring but 6 or 8 or whatever victims will tell on JS and nobody will tell on anybody else? And the existence of this big ring remains a secret? Nobody anywhere, victims or otherwise, will spill the beans on this big ring? It sounds less likely than one guy doing it that nobody suspected and that got away with it for a long time before finally being caught. The "one guy" scenario sounds plausible, the "giant ring that nobody will talk about" less so.
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Then have those people report it to the police. Or are the police in on it too? There is a big ring but 6 or 8 or whatever victims will tell on JS and nobody will tell on anybody else? And the existence of this big ring remains a secret? Nobody anywhere, victims or otherwise, will spill the beans on this big ring? It sounds less likely than one guy doing it that nobody suspected and that got away with it for a long time before finally being caught. The "one guy" scenario sounds plausible, the "giant ring that nobody will talk about" less so.

Congratulations,'re in the club -

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Do you understand that Louis Freeh never had any authority to investigate anyone outside of Penn State? Freeh was hired by the BoT. The Second Mile (and C&YS, DPW) is not an appendage of Penn State, it is completely independent from Penn State, even though PSU and TSM had some board members and donors in common. Freeh was not conducting a criminal investigation, he had no subpoena power, he had no authority to compel anyone outside of Penn State do to anything.

If you wanted an investigation of TSM or the others, it would have to be the FBI, U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, a state law enforcement agency and the PA OAG, or the Centre County district attorney. One Term Tommy didn't need to tell Freeh to lay off TSM. Freeh could not have investigated TSM even were he inclined to do so.

One of the PR mistakes of this entire mess is that the limitations of the Freeh Report, which were known from Day One, were hardly ever talked about by anyone.

Yeah, right.

Even taking your premise at face value:

I assume you know that individuals WITHIN Penn State......with information on specific acts of malfeasance WITHIN Penn State......went to both the OAG investigators - AND the investigators for Freeh......and were told to get lost.
Folks at Penn State - voluntarily going to these so-called "investigators" (LOL) - with evidence of malfeasance. Willing to hand them this information on a silver platter. Acts that would have clear relevance to the treatment of this "scandal" from Day 1.
But they - the "investigators" - told them they weren't interested in anything but CSS and PSU Football

Now, if you purport to have reasonable awareness of the goings on over the last several years.....If you purport to have reasonable access to goings on within Penn would know this.

You would also know that the "Sandusky Victims" were not the only folks paid off in order to elicit an agreement of silence. You would know that folks WITHIN Penn State where paid off to keep quiet about what they knew regarding malfeasance perpetrated by "Leaders" at Penn State.

So. Either you do know this - and are being intentionally disingenuous. Or, you don't know nearly as much as one might be led to believe.
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Barry, why are you wasting time posting on BWI? You should be telling what you know to the FBI, to CNN, to the New York Times. You can't find a single honest official at any level of government, law enforcement or media anywhere in Pennsylvania or on the East Coast? No hustling young reporter looking to win a Pulitzer with the exposure of this vast conspiracy?

Who are these Centre countians with this new-found wealth from these payoffs? Names, please. Between the B1G football officials Delany is paying off and money going to all these people whose silence had been purchased in the Scandal, there's a whole sub-economy here that Forbes and The Economist should be reporting on. Why is that money trail so hard to document? This is a cover up that would impress the people who really shot Kennedy.

Oh, right, you don't actually have any "evidence." Sorry about that stubborn detail. But you do have a pretty cool obsession.
Barry, why are you wasting time posting on BWI? You should be telling what you know to the FBI, to CNN, to the New York Times. You can't find a single honest official at any level of government, law enforcement or media anywhere in Pennsylvania or on the East Coast? No hustling young reporter looking to win a Pulitzer with the exposure of this vast conspiracy?

Who are these Centre countians with this new-found wealth from these payoffs? Names, please. Between the B1G football officials Delany is paying off and money going to all these people whose silence had been purchased in the Scandal, there's a whole sub-economy here that Forbes and The Economist should be reporting on. Why is that money trail so hard to document? This is a cover up that would impress the people who really shot Kennedy.

Oh, right, you don't actually have any "evidence." Sorry about that stubborn detail. But you do have a pretty cool obsession.

Try just missed by "that much".
