Jemele Hill goes after Scott Paterno on twitter, avoids his point

So Jive said Joe and Penn State are now responsible for Jeffrey or are you exaggerating again? Can you quote him where he states Joe and PSU are now responsible for Jeffrey Sandusky? That would be great, because I somehow doubt he said that. It sounds more like something you would make up because it's fits what you want to think. In fact I don't think anyone here has blamed Joe for Jeff....but the ratings driven media has mentioned Joe and Jerry.

BTW before you HUFF and PUFF and GO ALL CAPS LOCK ON ME. I disagree with jive about Joe's role and how much he really did know, but I certainly don't make up his opinions for him either.

No he's saying Sandusky is a "serial pedophile" but Pennsylvania's Childcare and Child Services Agencies who licensed and lent their imprimatur to Sandusky's numerous Child-Related philanthropic endeavors couldn't figure it out despite a formal relationship with Sandusky in regards to Adoption, Foster Parenting, Youth Group Homes, Licensed Children's Dedicated Charity, etc... of more than 40 years.....but a football coach that had nothing to do with the Pennsylvania Child Welfare Agencies or Sandusky's philanthropic endeavors that he used to access children victims should have known?!?! Yea, that makes sense - if the Sandusky was a "serial pedophile" and PA's Childcare experts, licensors and regulators couldn't figure it out over the span of a formal relationship with Sandusky pushing a half a century, it sounds like the system is broke, not a case of it being the fault of the football coach! LMFAO!
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No he's saying Sandusky is a "serial pedophile" but Pennsylvania's Childcare and Child Services Agencies who licensed and lent their imprimatur to Sandusky's numerous Child-Related philanthropic endeavors couldn't figure it out despite a formal relationship with Sandusky in regards to Adoption, Foster Parenting, Youth Group Homes, Licensed Children's Dedicated Charity, etc... of more than 40 years.....but a football coach that had nothing to do with the Pennsylvania Child Welfare Agencies or Sandusky's philanthropic endeavors that he used to access children victims should have known?!?! Yea, that makes sense - if the Sandusky was a "serial pedophile" and PA's Childcare experts, licensors and regulators couldn't figure it out over the span of a formal relationship with Sandusky pushing a half a century, it sounds like the system is broke, not a case of it being the fault of the football coach! LMFAO!
So you made it up.
So you made it up.

No, didn't make up that troll-boy said Sandusky is a "Serial Pedophile" or that the State of Pennsylvania's Childcare and Child Welfare Agencies enabled and lent their imprimatur to the "Serial Pedophile" enabling his motus apperandi for accessing children victims for almost 50 years - State Adoption of Children, State Foster Parenting Programs, State Youth Group Homes, State licensed Charity, etc.. Didn't make up that Sandusky adopted Jeff Sandusky via DPW, nor did I make up that troll-boy says it's all the football coach's fault at the local State named Flagship Land-Grant University, not the State Agencies that enabled and lent credibility to Sandusky. Haven't made up any of this - this is all the absurd posted ramblings and opinions of troll-boy himself....
So you're saying the Pennsylvania Childcare and Child Service "EXPERTS", "LICENSORS" and "REGULATORS" didn't know he was a pedophile, let alone a "serial pedophile" despite enabling Sandusky and providing a State imprimatur to his access to children (i.e., supposedly philanthropic work) for over FOUR DECADES??? Is that what you're saying mensa??? Please, enlighten us with whatever wisdom you are trying to claim douche-bag! Let me guess, PA Childcare and Child Services experts, licensors and regulators couldn't figure it out over four decades, but the local football coach who had squat to do with these Pennsylvania Agencies or Sandusky's philanthropic endeavors should have been able to figure it out??? Whatever you say dip$hit - makes perfect sense how you believe Penn State and JVP are now responsible for Sandusky's ADOPTED SON's illegal CSA acts......
Did those people have a witness report suspected CSA like the men at PSU had?
... In fact I don't think anyone here has blamed Joe for Jeff....but the ratings driven media has mentioned Joe and Jerry.

I don't see any way for news media to cover the Jeff Sandusky story without mentioning Jerry, and Joe. They have to make the connection or it wouldn't even be news outside his local town.

I haven't seen any mainstream source blaming Joe for Jeff. Or even blaming Jerry for that matter.

It's not that they are out to get Penn State.

If OJ's 2nd cousin was charged with a murder, they'd mention OJ, and that he was a football player for USC, and the Bills & 49ers, and a corporate spokesman.

They'd do the same for somebody who's related to somebody squeaky clean. If Mr. Rodger's grandnephew was charged with shoplifting you can bet the headline would be "A dark day in Mr. Roger's Neighborhood."

It just is what it is. Ranting just makes us look crazy.
No, didn't make up that troll-boy said Sandusky is a "Serial Pedophile" or that the State of Pennsylvania's Childcare and Child Welfare Agencies enabled and lent their imprimatur to the "Serial Pedophile" enabling his motus apperandi for accessing children victims for almost 50 years - State Adoption of Children, State Foster Parenting Programs, State Youth Group Homes, State licensed Charity, etc.. Didn't make up that Sandusky adopted Jeff Sandusky via DPW, nor did I make up that troll-boy says it's all the football coach's fault at the local State named Flagship Land-Grant University, not the State Agencies that enabled and lent credibility to Sandusky. Haven't made up any of this - this is all the absurd posted ramblings and opinions of troll-boy himself....
I never said that it was all Paterno's fault. I have even said that his fault is very low on the totem pole. Time to calm down before you have an aneurysm over nothing.
Did those people have a witness report suspected CSA like the men at PSU had?

Only a moron like you could believe that 2001 comes before 1998 in history, LMFAO! Also amusing how the football coach can be responsible for Matt Sandusky, but not Jeff Sandusky when Jeff Sandusky was adopted via the same State of Pennsylvania Childcare and Child Welfare Agency some 20 years EARLIER than Matt. Again, LMFAO! BTW, PSU and the football coach had nothing whatsoever to do with Arron Fisher who was accessed in the Clinton County Public Schools via an AGENCY RELATIONSHIP Sandusky and his Second Mile had with the DPW in their Clinton County CYS Office, but somehow that is the football coach's fault too. Again LMFAO! You are joke and a moron tool-boy -- yea, it's all the football coach's fault that the State of Pennsylvania's Childcare and Child Welfare Agencies enabled and had an "Agency Relationship" with a "Serial Pedophile" for almost 50 years and allowed him to Adopt, Foster Parent, raise children and otherwise provide access to his victim farm - wow, your brilliance is awe-inspiring!!!
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I don't see any way for news media to cover the Jeff Sandusky story without mentioning Jerry, and Joe. They have to make the connection or it wouldn't even be news outside his local town.

I haven't seen any mainstream source blaming Joe for Jeff. Or even blaming Jerry for that matter.

It's not that they are out to get Penn State.

If OJ's 2nd cousin was charged with a murder, they'd mention OJ, and that he was a football player for USC, and the Bills & 49ers, and a corporate spokesman.

They'd do the same for somebody who's related to somebody squeaky clean. If Mr. Rodger's grandnephew was charged with shoplifting you can bet the headline would be "A dark day in Mr. Roger's Neighborhood."

It just is what it is. Ranting just makes us look crazy.

Really? It isn't the Pennsylvania DPW's fault (a direct Agency of the Pennsylvania Government) that Jerry was able to not only adopt Jeff, but also Matt and 4 other kids now??? Jeff was put under the care of a "Serial Pedophile" under the auspice of a direct State Agency, but it's nobody's fault...... Good one @sshole!
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Only a moron like you could believe that 2001 comes before 1998 in history, LMFAO! Also amusing how the football coach can be responsible for Matt Sandusky, but not Jeff Sandusky when Jeff Sandusky was adopted via the same State of Pennsylvania Childcare and Child Welfare Agency some 20 years EARLIER than Matt. Again, LMFAO! BTW, PSU and the football coach had nothing whatsoever to do with Arron Fisher who was accessed in the Clinton County Public Schools via an AGENCY RELATIONSHIP Sandusky and his Second Mile had with the DPW in their Clinton County CYS Office, but somehow that is the football coach's fault too. Again LMFAO! You are joke and a moron tool-boy -- yea, it's all the football coach's fault that the State of Pennsylvania's Childcare and Child Welfare Agencies enabled and had an "Agency Relationship" with a "Serial Pedophile" for almost 50 years and allowed him to Adopt, Foster Parent, raise children and otherwise provide access to his victim farm - wow, your brilliance is awe-inspiring!!!
I don't think you understand the point, but okay.
Really? It isn't the Pennsylvania DPW's fault (a direct Agency of the Pennsylvania Government) that Jerry was able to not only adopt Jeff, but also Matt and 4 other kids now??? Jeff was put under the care of a "Serial Pedophile" under the auspice of a direct State Agency, but it's nobody's fault...... Good one @sshole!
Who accused Jerry of being a pedo at that time?
Who accused Jerry of being a pedo at that time?

You said he was a "serial pedophile" in an earlier post - LMFAO! It is the State Childcare and Child Welfare Agencies job in regards to Adoption, Schooling, Foster Parenting, Children's Dedicated Charities, etc... to identify child predators, especially "serial pedophiles" dumb@ss. Let me get this straight, 'Ole Jer didn't turn into a "serial pedophile" until he turned 50 according to you now? You truly are pathetic!
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You said he was a "serial pedophile" in an earlier post - LMFAO! It is the State Childcare and Child Welfare Agencies job in regards to Adoption, Schooling, Foster Parenting, Children's Dedicated Charities, etc... to identify child predators, especially "serial pedophiles" dumb@ss. Let me get this straight, 'Ole Jer didn't turn into a "serial pedophile" until he turned 50 according to you now? You truly are pathetic!
Well he is a serial pedophile. Again, how are those agencies supposed to know he is one without a report or witness' account like PSU had in 2001.

You are being illogical.
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Did those people have a witness report suspected CSA like the men at PSU had?

We don't know if the men at PSU had that reported, unless you want to ignore their testimony, which you obviously do. We do know that JR at TSM was notified, as was MM dad and Dr. Dranov... why don't you ever talk about them?
Well he is a serial pedophile. Again, how are those agencies supposed to know he is one without a report or witness' account like PSU had in 2001.

You are being illogical.

Too funny, you simply ignore the fact that these direct State Agencies professionally screen prospective adoptive parents, foster parents, etc.... as the named State Authority and experts. You also don't seem to understand that 1998 is some three years prior to 2001.....and that is likely not the only report/complaint filed to TSM, who had an "Agency Relationship" with DPW and therefore would have been required to pass along all reports as "Mandatory Reporters" - IOW, 2001 was reported to authorities under CPS Law genius! You really are quite the tool.....
We don't know if the men at PSU had that reported, unless you want to ignore their testimony, which you obviously do. We do know that JR at TSM was notified, as was MM dad and Dr. Dranov... why don't you ever talk about them?
Mm and Paterno agree in their testimony. They knew of suspected CSA.
Too funny, you simply ignore the fact that these direct State Agencies professionally screen prospective adoptive parents, foster parents, etc.... as the named State Authority and experts. You also don't seem to understand that 1998 is some three years prior to 2001.....and that is likely not the only report/complaint filed to TSM, who had an "Agency Relationship" with DPW and therefore would have been required to pass along all reports as "Mandatory Reporters" - IOW, 2001 was reported to authorities under CPS Law genius! You really are quite the tool.....
What test do you think there is to determine if someone is a pedo?
Only in your fantasy world.

"I don't know what you would call it"

This from the same tool who thinks DPW is not responsible for identifying "serial pedophiles" before assigning children to them via Adoption, Foster Parenting, Youth Group Homes, etc.... LMFAO, this guy is such a shill who couldn't give a rat's @ss about the State of Pennsylvania habitually failing kids for decades upon decades, it isn't funny!
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This from the same tool who thinks DPW is not responsible for identifying "serial pedophiles" before assigning children to them via Adoption, Foster Parenting, Youth Group Homes, etc.... LMFAO, this guy is such a shill who couldn't give a rat's @ss about the State of Pennsylvania habitually failing kids for decades upon decades, it isn't funny!
What is the test used to determine if someone is a serial pedophile? Outside of the aforementioned tattoo.
Hey brainiac could you enlighten us as to which Government Agency administers and approves adoptive and foster parents in Pennsylvania? This ought to be good....
You didn't answer my question. I would love to see on instance where a serial pedophile was identified because of some kind of test and not from being caught in the act.
You didn't answer my question. I would love to see on instance where a serial pedophile was identified because of some kind of test and not from being caught in the act.

You didn't answer my question @sshole - the PA Government Agency that administers Adoption and Foster Parenting makes the rules...are you attempting to claim that they do not screen prospective Adoptive & Foster Parents and "approve" them prior to any adoption or foster parenting? Answer the question know-it-all.
You didn't answer my question @sshole - the PA Government Agency that administers Adoption and Foster Parenting makes the rules...are you attempting to claim that they do not screen prospective Adoptive & Foster Parents and "approve" them prior to any adoption or foster parenting? Answer the question know-it-all.
How can you screen for pedophilia? You can't, that's the point.
Exactly what a troll does. Takes the part that satisfies his agenda, ignores the "I don't knows" and other exculpatory aspects and then repeatedly states his preferred version as if it's an absolute fact. He's a dope.
You are ignoring the sexual in nature part. I didn't ignore the part you focus on, I explained it. Although I shouldn't have to explain it because it's straight forward.
How can you screen for pedophilia? You can't, that's the point.

Really? Alycia Chambers seemed to be able to see what the DPW (now DHS) refused to see DESPITE Alycia Chambers even calling a report into the DPW's Child Hotline identifying herself as a Mandatory Reporter, why she's a Mandatory Reporter and that the local Centre County DPW CYS Office was conflicted given their Agency Relationship with TSM and the fact the child was participating in a TSM Program at time of incident! Gee, go figure, the non-DPW expert was able to diagnose Sandusky as a pedophile but DPW refused to listen to her and brought in their own un-qualified supposed-expert to throw the result.
You are ignoring the sexual in nature part. I didn't ignore the part you focus on, I explained it. Although I shouldn't have to explain it because it's straight forward.

A bunch of people lumped me in with you, but you are hung up on this. I don't see your point anymore except that you are trolling. I have looked in the mirror.

I imagine a bunch of posters have you on ignore, and me too, but I think at least I have made peace with *some* of those that are still engaging you.

If you see something someone's got wrong, make your point. If it takes pages and pages, take a step back & realize that you have entered trolling territory.

I have come to the realization that there are a lot of lurkers and infrequent posters here that understand what everybody said the first, second, third time and they know well who the trollers are. The frequent and active posters here are a small percentage of people in general, and PSU fans specifically. But a lot of people who look here are smart enough to see BS. Trust me. There are trollers on both sides. Ease off the gas & the ones that you disagree with go away.

Or, you may find you agree in a whole bunch of areas outside of one sentence that you keep parsing over and over again.
He didn't know exactly what it was but knew it was sexual in nature. Pretty simple.

Look, I have no doubt that a man and an unrelated child alone in a shower in a locker room at night would cause me to call social services or the police. No doubt. At best, it's weird and suspicious. But the term "sexual in nature" is an undefined term.
And as closely as you seem to have followed this whole thing, you know that nothing in it is simple.
Jive, I don't think you are a bad person but you def'ly have trolling tendencies. Your anger is misplaced. You say that you think Paterno's fault is a lot lower in the hierarchy.. Why is that? To me, Paterno has no fault what so ever in this entire saga! I am not defending him. He did exactly what he was supposed to do. He was a coach.. not an officer or a judge/honor or detective! As a citizen, its his job to pass on the info to his superiors and move the f*ck outta the way. That's it!

Moral obligation? Wtf does that even mean? How do you know what the circumstances were 15 years back? Its easy to slap someone with the moral obligation card these days even for the most minor stuff. With what little info he had, he did exactly what he should have done. Don't act like if you were in his shoes, that you would have gone above and beyond and done more.. Its easy to say YES I WOULD HAVE without knowing the whole situation and the circumstances related to it. So don't try to act all holier than thou and STOP with all the judgment.

Like I mentioned, you anger is misplaced. You would be well served if you channeled your energy to the right people. You would actually do a lot more good than harm.
Jive, I don't think you are a bad person but you def'ly have trolling tendencies. Your anger is misplaced. You say that you think Paterno's fault is a lot lower in the hierarchy.. Why is that? To me, Paterno has no fault what so ever in this entire saga! I am not defending him. He did exactly what he was supposed to do. He was a coach.. not an officer or a judge/honor or detective! As a citizen, its his job to pass on the info to his superiors and move the f*ck outta the way. That's it!

Moral obligation? Wtf does that even mean? How do you know what the circumstances were 15 years back? Its easy to slap someone with the moral obligation card these days even for the most minor stuff. With what little info he had, he did exactly what he should have done. Don't act like if you were in his shoes, that you would have gone above and beyond and done more.. Its easy to say YES I WOULD HAVE without knowing the whole situation and the circumstances related to it. So don't try to act all holier than thou and STOP with all the judgment.

Like I mentioned, you anger is misplaced. You would be well served if you channeled your energy to the right people. You would actually do a lot more good than harm.
Look, I have no doubt that a man and an unrelated child alone in a shower in a locker room at night would cause me to call social services or the police. No doubt. At best, it's weird and suspicious. But the term "sexual in nature" is an undefined term.
And as closely as you seem to have followed this whole thing, you know that nothing in it is simple.

No troll has ever explained what "sexual in nature" means. The term "gender" is sexual in nature.

They also can't handle that since we've not heard his testimony, we can't be sure it's accurate. Joe could have been easily asking a question "it was a sexual nature? I don't know what you'd call it." Lastly and most importantly, Joe's testimony wasn't cross examined. He was asked leading questions that were not able to be clarified.