Joe, Penn State Lies.

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Lets see....allow a guy to rape/molest kids or put your career at risk (maybe).
The abuse stopped when Sandusky saw McQueary.
Easy choice.
Very hard choice but I know you would have done the same thing.
And suggesting he was putting his career at risk is complete BS.
Not at all. We saw what happened to him later on when it blew up. He got 12 million for it. He wouldn't have then.
JS was retired, not affiliated with the football program, and loosely affiliated to PSU.
Jerry was a Professor Emeritus and a local god. Hell, people in SC today STILL think he was innocent and all the accusers were liars! He's STILL a god there to many! He had an office in Lasch and was joined at the hip to PSU with his Charity.
Regardless, if I have to worry about my career if I turn in a pedophile, I am clearly working at the wrong place.
This is wisdom here. I hope you don't work at PSU because that is EXACTLY the case there. Ask Vicky Triponey about crossing Joppa. It is disgusting how JoeBots try to vilify McQueary who was the low man on the totem pole while excusing the higher ups like Joe and CSS who had the real power and did nothing!
If you have a brain.
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Showed Joe was wrong about the "institution"! At least that idiot McQ witnessed all this was fired face to face... and not disrespected with a note in a pizza box!
Joe's actual firing was disgraceful. They should have called him in and told him to either resign immediately or be fired. I agree they should not have done it over the phone. The "institution" Joe ended his career for was not worth it but he let his ego get in the way.
And tell me what MM valued. Surely not that kid he saw being abused! He might as well have joined in with the evil he saw being committed!
McQueary's actions or inactions do not justify Joe's and CSS criminal negligence.
McQueary's actions or inactions do not justify Joe's and CSS criminal negligence.
Well, if you're going to be consistent and fair, you can lay as much blame on the eyewitness as you do on the man who got the story secondhand! And put blame on the father and next door neighbor who were required reporters! You are so stinking inconsistent!
No, I'm not defending McQueary, but I understand why he did not directly call the police and risk institutional retribution that he indeed suffered later. Rather, he went to Joppa for top cover. Joppa did what you suggest.
That's the difference between you and many on this board. We absolutely cannot understand any of MM's actions. He didn't do anything to show that he was a real man.
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Well, if you're going to be consistent and fair, you can lay as much blame on the eyewitness as you do on the man who got the story secondhand!
I put more blame on the more powerful than on the lowest man on the totem pole. Mike McCreary did not enjoy the public adoration that Joppa did. He didn’t make the big bucks that Joppa did. To whom much is given much more is expected. Joe could have and should have stopped it. He deserves scorn for not doing so. He was a big fish. MM a small fry. You’re making excuses for your idol.
And put blame on the father and next door neighbor who were required reporters! You are so stinking inconsistent!
No, you just don’t understand the case. Dranov and McCreary’s dad were not given actionable information. Joe was. Dranov was not a mandatory reporter by law in that circumstance since the victim was not a patient.
That's the difference between you and many on this board. We absolutely cannot understand any of MM's actions. He didn't do anything to show that he was a real man.
That’s because you lack understanding which I am giving you. You just blame McCreary for bringing Joe down. If he’d just shut up like other assistants before him then precious JoePa would have kept his skirt clean. Curley took a bullet for Joppa and went to jail for him. Can’t blame MM for not doing so. He didn’t get the benefit’s Curley did.

PS If you were in McCreary’s shoes you would have done the same damn thing. As a lowly GA neither you nor the other keyboard commandos here would have taken on Sandusky without cover!
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That’s because you lack understanding which I am giving you. You just blame McCreary for bringing Joe down. If he’d just shut up like other assistants before him then precious JoePa would have kept his skirt clean. Curley took a bullet for Joppa and went to jail for him. Can’t blame MM for not doing so. He didn’t get the benefit’s Curley did.

PS If you were in McCreary’s shoes you would have done the same damn thing. As a lowly GA neither you nor the other keyboard commandos here would have taken on Sandusky without cover!
You, plain and simple, are an idiot. You have no clue of what I would have done by comparing me to what you would have done.
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You, plain and simple, are an idiot. You have no clue of what I would have done by comparing me to what you would have done.
You are no different than anyone else in a vulnerable position who sees a powerful person commit a crime. Hence the Whistleblower laws. You are worse than an idiot, you are a defender of pedophile enablers! Is football THAT important to you? SMFH
I put more blame on the more powerful than on the lowest man on the totem pole. Mike McCreary did not enjoy the public adoration that Joppa did. He didn’t make the big bucks that Joppa did. To whom much is given much more is expected. Joe could have and should have stopped it. He deserves scorn for not doing so. He was a big fish. MM a small fry. You’re making excuses for your idol.

No, you just don’t understand the case. Dranov and McCreary’s dad were not given actionable information. Joe was. Dranov was not a mandatory reporter by law in that circumstance since the victim was not a patient.
Absolutely right. The start Mike told his dad was not enough to call the authorities. That's the reason his dad and the neighbor never got jail time. And the AG said in an interview that Joe was the one cooperating. So your main man, MM was not honest with his dad. Sorry dude, too many holes in the story.
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That’s because you lack understanding which I am giving you. You just blame McCreary for bringing Joe down. If he’d just shut up like other assistants before him then precious JoePa would have kept his skirt clean. Curley took a bullet for Joppa and went to jail for him. Can’t blame MM for not doing so. He didn’t get the benefit’s Curley did.

PS If you were in McCreary’s shoes you would have done the same damn thing. As a lowly GA neither you nor the other keyboard commandos here would have taken on Sandusky without cover!
I don't blame McCreary for bringing Joe down, but I do blame him for not being a man. He could and should have called the authorities immediately, so I do blame him for not bringing Sandusky down. I bet I could convince you that our southern border is closed.
Absolutely right. The start Mike told his dad was not enough to call the authorities. That's the reason his dad and the neighbor never got jail time. And the AG said in an interview that Joe was the one cooperating. So your main man, MM was not honest with his dad. Sorry dude, too many holes in the story.
Mike told Joe and CSS more than he told his Dad or Dranov plus they were not responsible to report anyway. CSS was and they DID get jail time. MM never told any lies to his Dad either. I don't think you know much about this case. Too many holes? Not that a jury would see. CSS=Jail time
I don't blame McCreary for bringing Joe down, but I do blame him for not being a man.
As I stated before you wouldn't do any different given the same circumstances as MM. Sandusky was too powerful and liked for a Grad Assistant to take him on solo.
He could and should have called the authorities immediately, so I do blame him for not bringing Sandusky down. I bet I could convince you that our southern border is closed.
Blame him all you want but Joe DID know about it too and covered it up.
Whack a Nole stays up all night posting sh$t - a-hole needs to get a life.
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As I stated before you wouldn't do any different given the same circumstances as MM. Sandusky was too powerful and liked for a Grad Assistant to take him on solo.

Blame him all you want but Joe DID know about it too and covered it up.
Your opinions are not facts.
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Whack a Nole stays up all night posting sh$t - a-hole needs to get a life.
You post while at work. What does your boss think. Time to flip some more burgs. I like my life but I bet you hate yours.
Your very existence validates the conspiracy.
His "facts":
  • Joe knew and orchestrated a coverup
  • Curley, Shultz, and Spanier knew and supported Joe's coverup
  • MM was young and easily intimidated so he gets a pass
  • MM spilled his guts to Joe, Curley, and Shultz but not to Dad & Dranov
  • Assistant coaches and players also knew and didn't say anything
  • Franco Harris is a liar who is covering for Joe
  • The fact that MM admitted to using soft language and that he called out the prosecutor for lying in the Grand Jury Presentment is irrelevant hogwash
  • Posnaski's statement that Joe didn't understand the concept of adult sex with a child is also hogwash
  • Thornburgh, an FBI investigator, and an expert in child sexual assault all lied
  • It's makes absolute sense that most victims didn't know they were victims until they underwent repressed memory therapy and collected big settlements
  • Bobby Bowden is entitled to be the real leader in total wins
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You post while at work. What does your boss think. Time to flip some more burgs. I like my life but I bet you hate yours.
Not at work clown - sitting at the beach enjoying the benefits of not being a low IQ individual like yourself slaving away 9 to 5.
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His "facts":
  • Joe knew and orchestrated a coverup
Joe was part of the cover up.
  • Curley, Shultz, and Spanier knew and supported Joe's coverup
It was their cover up for which they all went to jail for. Joe went along with it.
  • MM was young and easily intimidated so he gets a pass
Mostly true. He hardly got a pass as conspiracy loons like you continue to vilify him.
  • MM spilled his guts to Joe, Curley, and Shultz but not to Dad & Dranov
Proven in a court of law and why Dranov and Dad did not go to jail
  • Assistant coaches and players also knew and didn't say anything
Shown in depositions within PSU lawsuit.
  • Franco Harris is a liar who is covering for Joe
Franco had CTE and couldn't help himself
  • The fact that MM admitted to using soft language and that he called out the prosecutor for lying in the Grand Jury Presentment is irrelevant hogwash
Joe admitted under oath that he was told of CSA. The OAG didn't lie as MM told them he thought he saw anal sodomy.
  • Posnaski's statement that Joe didn't understand the concept of adult sex with a child is also hogwash
  • Thornburgh, an FBI investigator, and an expert in child sexual assault all lied
They were paid by the Paterno family. Total whitewash bought and paid for.
  • It's makes absolute sense that most victims didn't know they were victims until they underwent repressed memory therapy and collected big settlements
False. The victims did not go thru that therapy. See Sandusky's latest appeal which failed and alleged such.
  • Bobby Bowden is entitled to be the real leader in total wins
Never mentioned Bowden but since you do. I would say he died without having the guilt of covering for a pedophile. I bet he would rather have that than the wins total which kids paid for.
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