Joe, Penn State Lies.

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Wow - That razor wit is amazing - Mensa is calling your name or more likely the guy's with the straight jacket to take you back to your cell.
That's all he's got because he's weak on facts. Like Franco lied 12 years ago because he had CTE. Or that victims didn't change stories after repressed memory therapy (victim 7 said he didn't get hypnotized but counseling helped him remember).
I think he's evil. You think he is a god.
You know what I think?

Then you know that I think you should get a life.

You have your theory. If it makes you sleep better at night, keep believing it.

I have mine and I sleep just fine.

Why don’t you go pester the Michigan, Ohio State, or Michigan State boards? Stakes are much higher there.
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Be careful or he'll accuse you of lying about your degrees, your profession, where you've traveled etc. LOL. So happy I have that loser blocked.
Well, I'll wait for him to submit photoshopped docs like you did DrBigBeef 🤣 I graciously accept your surrender gaming man in mommies basement! 🤣 But you did meet your match indeed. I'm glad to see I'm still in your head. Let the healing begin!
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That's all he's got because he's weak on facts.
I know more abut this case than you I think.
Like Franco lied 12 years ago because he had CTE.
Franco has never said anything of importance other than he supported Joe. Just like Jerry's old teammates support him.
Or that victims didn't change stories after repressed memory therapy (victim 7 said he didn't get hypnotized but counseling helped him remember).
You are a day late and a dollar short. Read the rejection of Sandusky's appeal for a new trial. Didn't happen. Made up by Ziegler and Pendergrast (who himself was accused of CSA)
You know what I think?
I don't care what you think
Then you know that I think you should get a life.
Take your own advice. You are posting here as well.
You have your theory.
It's the truth as proven in courts of law.
If it makes you sleep better at night, keep believing it.
What helps me sleep is publicly refuting your delusion and conspiracy theories. I am doing you a service by telling you the truth and helping keep the crazy narrative at bay. I'm a silo buster
I have mine and I sleep just fine.
Doubtful as you must come on here and defend a lie.
Why don’t you go pester the Michigan, Ohio State, or Michigan State boards? Stakes are much higher there.
Higher stakes than child abuse? I don't think so. You JoeBots need to be fed the truth and I am the zookeeper. If you don't like what I post surrender and put me on ignore like @PSU2UNC did. If you post the false narrative I will refute it every time.
I know more abut this case than you I think.

Franco has never said anything of importance other than he supported Joe. Just like Jerry's old teammates support him.

You are a day late and a dollar short. Read the rejection of Sandusky's appeal for a new trial. Didn't happen. Made up by Ziegler and Pendergrast (who himself was accused of CSA)
You obviously know a lot about this case. Unfortunately you embellish the facts with your own opinions and lies.
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I don't care what you think

Take your own advice. You are posting here as well.

It's the truth as proven in courts of law.

What helps me sleep is publicly refuting your delusion and conspiracy theories. I am doing you a service by telling you the truth and helping keep the crazy narrative at bay. I'm a silo buster

Doubtful as you must come on here and defend a lie.

Higher stakes than child abuse? I don't think so. You JoeBots need to be fed the truth and I am the zookeeper. If you don't like what I post surrender and put me on ignore like @PSU2UNC did. If you post the false narrative I will refute it every time.
Awesome that you don’t care what we think.

Carry on with your daily typing practice of nonsense.
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I don't care what you think

Take your own advice. You are posting here as well.

It's the truth as proven in courts of law.

What helps me sleep is publicly refuting your delusion and conspiracy theories. I am doing you a service by telling you the truth and helping keep the crazy narrative at bay. I'm a silo buster

Doubtful as you must come on here and defend a lie.

Higher stakes than child abuse? I don't think so. You JoeBots need to be fed the truth and I am the zookeeper. If you don't like what I post surrender and put me on ignore like @PSU2UNC did. If you post the false narrative I will refute it every time.
And refute away. Ignorance is bliss…you are the most blissful chap I know.
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That’s because you lack understanding which I am giving you. You just blame McCreary for bringing Joe down. If he’d just shut up like other assistants before him then precious JoePa would have kept his skirt clean. Curley took a bullet for Joppa and went to jail for him. Can’t blame MM for not doing so. He didn’t get the benefit’s Curley did.

PS If you were in McCreary’s shoes you would have done the same damn thing. As a lowly GA neither you nor the other keyboard commandos here would have taken on Sandusky without cover!
Thanks for giving me your understanding , oh all wise one. You must realize that to many your wisdom isn't worth a crap. You remind me of that old saying "never argue with a fool. He'll drag you down to his level and beat you with experience! ( his understanding)
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Thanks for giving me your understanding , oh all wise one. You must realize that to many your wisdom isn't worth a crap. You remind me of that old saying "never argue with a fool. He'll drag you down to his level and beat you with experience! ( his understanding)
Well somebody has to do it. You JoeBots are quite daft. Instead of just calling me names while looking like a child, debate me on the facts. I know them and you should learn them.
You seem to care a lot about what was ruled in court.
But you guys don't seem to care at all about what was proven in court.
Well, Joe was never found guilty of anything. Never even charged.
True, however he died before the emails came out that showed 1) He knew about 1998(he said he had no idea) and 2) He was part of the decision not to report Sandusky. Since he had passed the buck to Curley in 2001 he was safe but might not have been had the emails been available before he died.
In fact, he was PRAISED by the AG for how he handled everything.
Because he truthfully admitted that MM told him what he saw with Sandusky was CSA. Not horseplay, as many of you think he was told.
Very telling that Joe is telling the truth when it fits your narrative, and lying when it fits your narrative.
Some wisdom for you. No one is honest all the time and no one lies all the time. People are complicated. Joe was no different and this is why you should not worship him. In Joe's case this saying applies "Whether fair or not, you are often remembered by the last bad thing you do." So it is with Joe and PSU.
Joe said that IF the allegations against Sandusky were true, then he and everyone else was fooled. I guess that part was a lie?

I bet you even believe the absurd 1970s allegations.
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Joe said that IF the allegations against Sandusky were true,
Well we know that the allegations were true.
then he and everyone else was fooled.
We now know at least CSS were not fooled as their jail time attests
I guess that part was a lie?
Not completely. The evidence shows (by Joe's own testimony) that he was told of a crime by McCreary (sexual behavior between child and adult) but as Tom Corbett said later, it's not sure Joe got his head completely wrapped around that idea. Nevertheless, he was bound to report it and make sure it stopped. He short circuited that (as the emails show) so he is disgraced.
I bet you even believe the absurd 1970s allegations.
I believe others in SC knew about Sandusky for years. Yes.
Nevertheless, he was bound to report it and make sure it stopped. He short circuited that (as the emails show) so he is disgraced.
When I look at those emails, I'd say the only reasonable interpretation is that Curley was going to report Sandusky to CWS, but after talking to Joe decided he would take the extra step and go to Sandusky first. Seems reasonable and not at all inappropriate. Not sure how you read those emails, but apparently your comprehension of them is not very good.
The whackoffnole/wastecoast24 theme...

"Post all night, sleep all day...

Eat and shi-t whenever I may....

Back of my head is flat as can be....

Only wake up to take a pee".

Apologies to the Beverly Hillbillies theme.
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When I look at those emails, I'd say the only reasonable interpretation is that Curley was going to report Sandusky to CWS, but after talking to Joe decided he would take the extra step and go to Sandusky first. Seems reasonable and not at all inappropriate. Not sure how you read those emails, but apparently your comprehension of them is not very good.

Nole likes to ASSUME and DRAW CONCLUSIONS from VERY FEW FACTS to pass off his opinion as fact.

No one knows what Joe told Curley that caused Curley to change course, my best educated guess was along the lines:

- McQueary really didn’t tell me anything other than Jerry was in the shower with a youth (McQueary alluded to this under oath!)

I see it that McQueary was consistent in his story to everyone in 2001 - he saw Jerry in the shower with a youth, thought it was creepy, but didn’t SEE anything illegal. Nole sees it this way:

- McQueary watered down the story to his dad and Dranov because he was afraid to lose his job
- McQueary was a little more graphic to Joe ( not supported by his testimony)
- McQueary went into Porn Hub level detail with Curley and Schultz
- Joe told Curley not to report it or he would lose his job
The whackoffnole/wastecoast24 theme...

"Post all night, sleep all day...

Eat and shi-t whenever I may....

Back of my head is flat as can be....

Only wake up to take a pee".

Apologies to the Beverly Hillbillies theme.
Simon Cowell GIF by America's Got Talent

So gifted with your words pnnylion. Well done. I see you think I’m the Nole guy as well now. Last week I was a PITT guy. What team am I rooting for next?
When I look at those emails, I'd say the only reasonable interpretation is that Curley was going to report Sandusky to CWS, but after talking to Joe decided he would take the extra step and go to Sandusky first.
No extra step, the original plan called for them to talk to Jerry what changed was that he no longer wanted to report it to DPW. This was a crime and coverup. But he never went to DPW which cost him jail time. Joe was part of that decision. Later other boys were abused by Jerry because of their cover up.
Seems reasonable and not at all inappropriate.
It is criminal if you don't go to the police when you've been told of CSA.
Not sure how you read those emails, but apparently your comprehension of them is not very good.
We aren't that much off except you do not recognize the criminality of not reporting Sandusky to the PROPER authorities. That cover up cost them jail time. You are just ignoring what makes Joe and CSS look bad.
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Nole likes to ASSUME and DRAW CONCLUSIONS from VERY FEW FACTS to pass off his opinion as fact.
Like how?
No one knows what Joe told Curley that caused Curley to change course, my best educated guess was along the lines:
Yet Curley mentions he spoke with Joe meaning either 1) Joe changed his mind or 2) Joe was okay with them not reporting Sandusky to DPW. Otherwise Curley wouldn't have mentioned him.
- McQueary really didn’t tell me anything other than Jerry was in the shower with a youth (McQueary alluded to this under oath!)
Joe said it was CSA also under oath.
I see it that McQueary was consistent in his story to everyone in 2001 - he saw Jerry in the shower with a youth, thought it was creepy, but didn’t SEE anything illegal. Nole sees it this way:
No, MM saw what he thought was anal sodomy between Jerry and the boy. Just them being in the shower would not have caused any report or consternation by MM. Just BS to say otherwise. MM was a tough football player and what he saw obviously freaked him out and caused a report to the President of the University. Just seeing two people in the shower would not cause that.
- McQueary watered down the story to his dad and Dranov because he was afraid to lose his job
No, I said he went to Joe to protect his job. He didn't tell his Dad anything because he was in shock seeing a local god molest a boy. Anyway, there was nothing his dad and Dranov could do about it.
- McQueary was a little more graphic to Joe ( not supported by his testimony)
Joe said MM told him it was CSA. Joe did this also under oath. MM just didn't use vulgar terms to describe it.
- McQueary went into Porn Hub level detail with Curley and Schultz
Told them what he told Joe. CSA.
- Joe told Curley not to report it or he would lose his job
Never said that.
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And where do you propose to find the truth? A conspiracy theorist John Ziegler? LOL How delusional! I don't think you even attended school.
You seem to have about a 4th grade education - based upon your reasoning? Relative of one of one of the alleged victims? Penn State grad? If not, why do you care what others think? You feel you know everything - good for you.

And post away Handleman…I am sure everyone will come around to your logic based upon your declarations.
You seem to have about a 4th grade education - based upon your reasoning? Relative of one of one of the alleged victims? Penn State grad? If not, why do you care what others think? You feel you know everything - good for you.

And post away Handleman…I am sure everyone will come around to your logic based upon your declarations.

Flamethrower beats his meat while trolling.

He's like the kid who calls a false alarm into the fire company, and hides behind the curtains jacking off watching them roll up.
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You seem to have about a 4th grade education - based upon your reasoning? Relative of one of one of the alleged victims? Penn State grad? If not, why do you care what others think? You feel you know everything - good for you.
I think you are projecting here middle schooler. You offer nothing more to the discussion but personal insults. Never mind I will continue to teach you grasshopper!
And post away Handleman…I am sure everyone will come around to your logic based upon your declarations.
I shall and you will.
I think you are projecting here middle schooler. You offer nothing more to the discussion but personal insults. Never mind I will continue to teach you grasshopper!

I shall and you will.

Never, I know better.
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